Kifah Zboun
Features A presumed image of Mohammed Deif released by Israel last year

Mohammed Deif: Al-Qassam Brigades Leader, Phantom who Survived Multiple Close Calls

Before the current war in Gaza, Mohammed Deif, leader of Hamas’ military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, was known only to his family and a few within Hamas. …

Kifah Zboun (Ramallah)
Features The body of 13-year-old Ghassan Gharib is carried on shoulders after he was shot dead by Israeli forces near Ramallah this July (AFP)

West Bank Palestinians Rely on Israel for Essentials, Fear Collective Punishment

Palestinians in the West Bank, unlike those in Gaza, do not want an open war between Israel and Hezbollah. They know from past experiences that such a conflict…

Kifah Zboun (Ramallah)
Arab World Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei meets with a Hamas delegation led by its politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh. (IRNA)

Palestinian Presidency to Khamenei: Iran Is Sacrificing the Blood of Our People

The Palestinian presidency slammed on Monday recent comments by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei about Hamas’ al-Aqsa Flood operation that sparked Israel’s…

Kifah Zboun (Ramallah)
Arab World Warm applause from members of the Spanish government for Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez after he announced recognition of the State of Palestine (AFP)

Palestinian Official to Asharq Al-Awsat: European Recognitions a First Step towards Statehood

Leader in the Fatah movement, Mounir Al-Jaghoub, said that the strong Saudi pressure and Arab diplomacy in the past few months had a major role in influencing…

Kifah Zboun (Ramallah) Shawki al-Rayyes (Brussels)
Arab World Egyptian army soldiers at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza at the beginning of May (German News Agency)

Egyptian Military Officials Cancel Meetings with Israeli Counterparts

Egyptian military officials canceled scheduled meetings with their Israeli counterparts, without previous notice, an Israeli source told the Israeli i24…

Kifah Zboun (Ramallah)
World An Israeli Air Force fighter at an unidentified airport on Sunday (AFP)

Israel Wants to 'Hurt' Iran without Causing All-out War

The Israeli war cabinet decided to respond to Iran “without causing an all-out war,” after Benjamin Netanyahu’s government discussed “a wide range of options,…

Kifah Zboun (Ramallah)
Arab World The daily life in Tel Aviv on the day following Iran's launch of drones and missiles towards Israel (Reuters)

How Did Coordination with Allies Benefit Tel Aviv?

Before many drones reached Israel, US, UK, French, and Jordanian troops dealt with a big chunk, aiding Israel in halting the Iranian drone attack. Israeli…

Kifah Zboun (Ramallah)
Features Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei receives Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and a delegation from the movement. (IRNA)

Fatah Criticizes Iran... Why Now?

Scathing criticism by the Fatah movement, led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, against Iran has raised local and regional questions about its…

Kifah Zboun (Ramallah)