Jordan Exerts Pressure to Obstruct Israeli Annexation Plan

Jordan Exerts Pressure to Obstruct Israeli Annexation Plan

Jordan Exerts Pressure to Obstruct Israeli Annexation Plan

Jordan Exerts Pressure to Obstruct Israeli Annexation Plan

The Jordanian Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi, conveyed a message from Jordan’s King Abdullah II to President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday.

This came during his unannounced visit to Ramallah, as part of the ongoing coordination and consultation process against Israel’s plan to annex large parts of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Following his meeting with Abbas, Safadi and his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki held a joint press conference, in which the latter said talks focused on coordinating joint efforts and preventing Israel from implementing its annexation plan.

“Our Jordanian brothers are making strong and brave efforts all over the world to prevent Israel from going ahead with its plans,” Maliki noted.

He pointed to King Abdullah’s contacts with the US Congress and various committees, as well as Safadi’s actions at various levels, stressing that these helped mobilize an international stance against this plan.

The Minister further explained that discussions between Abbas and Safadi were important.

“Parties affirmed the State of Palestine’s readiness, under Jordan’s support, to negotiate based on the international legitimacy and UN references.”

“I conveyed Jordan’s permanent historic position to stand with our Palestinian brothers and their right to freedom and to establish their Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” Safadi stressed.

“We have said in the past that annexation means that Israel had chosen conflict over peace and it alone bears the responsibility of its decisions,” he added, describing the annexation issue as “an unprecedented danger to the peace process.”

“Consequences [of the annexation] are not only on the Israeli-Jordanian ties but also on the entire peace regional efforts,” Safadi said.

“Annexation would kill the two-state solution and destroy all the foundations on which the peace process was based. It will deprive the residents of the region of their right to live in peace and stability.”

The Kingdom will move forward in supporting Palestinians and “protecting the region from the consequences of a long and violent conflict if Israel annexes one-third of the occupied West Bank.”

“The Palestinian cause remains our central concern, and Jordan was and shall remain committed to every possible effort and everything it can to support our Palestinian brothers,” he added.

The Foreign Minister affirmed that his country is “now concentrated on preventing annexation and creating the possibility of returning to serious and effective negotiations.”

Sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that Amman’s has expressed full support for the Palestinian Authority’s positions against the annexation, but it also demanded that the PA waits and gives more time before making irreversible decisions.

Jordan wants “more time for diplomatic efforts to prevent annexation and to resume the political process,” sources said.

Family of Murdered Libyan Calls for Retrial of Saadi Gaddafi

File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)
File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)

Family of Murdered Libyan Calls for Retrial of Saadi Gaddafi

File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)
File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)

The family of the murdered Libyan footballer Bashir Al-Riani has vowed not to “forfeit his blood” after the country’s Supreme Court overturned the acquittal of Saadi Gaddafi in the case.

The Tripoli Court of Appeals in April 2018 had acquitted the son of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi of charges related to Al-Riani’s torture and murder in 2005. Despite the acquittal, Saadi remained imprisoned until his release on Sept. 6 2021, after which he reportedly left for Turkiye.

In a video statement, Al-Riani’s son announced that the Supreme Court had overturned Saadi’s acquittal and accepted an appeal against it, returning the case to the Tripoli Court of Appeals. He asserted this decision as proof of Saadi’s guilt and vowed to pursue justice until the trial is completed.

While no comment was issued by Saadi’s supporters regarding the Supreme Court’s decision, Ahmed Nashad, a Libyan lawyer and head of the defense team for Abdullah Senussi, former intelligence chief under Gaddafi, explained that overturning Saadi’s acquittal requires a new trial before the Tripoli Court of Appeals.

Al-Riani was found dead in 2005 near Saadi’s seaside residence. Saadi was accused of torturing and killing him, though accounts of the incident vary widely.

In June 2014, former Attorney General Abdelkader Jumaa Radwan referred Saadi’s case to the indictment chamber of the North Tripoli Primary Court after concluding the investigation.

Saadi, 50, was a former football player. He tried in vain to establish a football career in the Italian League, before leading an elite military unit.

Some Libyans, who oppose the Gaddafi regime, say that Saadi heard Al-Riani saying that the man was not talented at football. Meanwhile, another unreliable story states that Al-Riani was drunk and refused to obey Saadi’s guards, so they shot him. This story is denied by the victim’s family.

A former political official close to the Government of National Unity said that Saadi’s release was likely politically motivated, part of broader efforts to free several former regime figures. He noted that many Gaddafi loyalists remain imprisoned despite court orders for their release.