Pharaohs' Mummies in Museums: Forever in the Spotlight

A mummy displayed at a hall at an Egyptian Museum. Asharq Al-Awsat
A mummy displayed at a hall at an Egyptian Museum. Asharq Al-Awsat

Pharaohs' Mummies in Museums: Forever in the Spotlight

A mummy displayed at a hall at an Egyptian Museum. Asharq Al-Awsat
A mummy displayed at a hall at an Egyptian Museum. Asharq Al-Awsat

It is not easy to ignore the mystery and magic that is induced by the pharaonic mummies and the magnificent fictional worlds that they have inspired filmmakers from all over the world to create.

However, the mummies’ daily lives in Egyptian museums seem even more charming and exciting than those fictional worlds, despite the regulations and meticulously maintained standards required to ensure their preservation.
It seems that the most mysterious thing about the world of the mummies inside the walls of museums is that they can die again, sometimes as a result of sudden problems such as power cuts, and often due to problems with the mummification process and the materials used in it, as the standards determined by the mummy's status and social class.

The mummy exhibit halls are designed according to requirements particular to them, including the maintenance of temperatures and humidity levels at particular ranges.

The display cabinets were recently replaced with more advanced hermetically sealed cabinets fitted with nitrogen, according to Dr. Samia Al-Mirghani, the former General Director of the Antiquities Research and Conservation Center at the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.

“The temperature in the mummy's exhibition halls should range between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius, with an allowable increase and drop of two degrees, meaning it can reach a maximum of 24 degrees Celsius, and humidity must remain between 45 to 50 percent,” she told Asharq Al-Awsat. “The air conditioner runs 24 hours a day.”

She goes on to explain that a curtain for the air conditioner is placed at the hall’s entrance to ensure that the temperature is not changed by the entry of the visitors, and the hall is equipped with sensors that measure and record changes in temperature, humidity and lighting level every five minutes. The data is then sent to a computer that has software to analyze the data connected to the surveillance cameras. “Egyptian museums have finally installed modern display cabinets, where the mummy is stored in hermetically sealed space, preventing the entry of oxygen and other elements from the surrounding environment.

It also prevents insects and microorganisms that cause biological damage from entering. The mummies are exposed to many other threats, including power outages. Thus, the exhibition halls are connected to an emergency backup supply of electricity”. Besides interventions during emergencies, the mummies are comprehensively and periodically maintained twice a year.

Some mummies become completely damaged and die again, according to Dr. Dalia Meligy, the current General Director of the Center for Research and Preservation of Antiquities at the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.

She told Asharq Al-Awsat that “complete damage to the mummy could occur from any kind of deficiency in its maintenance, like problems with temperature or humidity, which lead it to burn due to microbiological or biological infection.”

Problems with the quality of the mummification are the most common reason and the mummification process clearly reflects a class distinction. According to Meligy, “kings, pharaohs and their families are at the top of the social ladder, followed by priests, then the general public. All ancient Egyptians used to mummify their dead in accordance with their financial capabilities, as it is linked to a belief in the idea of resurrection and another life, and we make use of the bones of burnt mummies for scientific research at the ministry and universities."

Italy Oyster Farmers Dream of Pearls from Warming Mediterranean 

A pearl oyster called Pinctada radiata is shown next to a farming site in the gulf of poets at La Spezia, Italy, August 29, 2024. (Paolo Varrella/Handout via Reuters) 
A pearl oyster called Pinctada radiata is shown next to a farming site in the gulf of poets at La Spezia, Italy, August 29, 2024. (Paolo Varrella/Handout via Reuters) 

Italy Oyster Farmers Dream of Pearls from Warming Mediterranean 

A pearl oyster called Pinctada radiata is shown next to a farming site in the gulf of poets at La Spezia, Italy, August 29, 2024. (Paolo Varrella/Handout via Reuters) 
A pearl oyster called Pinctada radiata is shown next to a farming site in the gulf of poets at La Spezia, Italy, August 29, 2024. (Paolo Varrella/Handout via Reuters) 

Pearls may soon be cultivated in European seas for the first time ever, as Italian oyster farmers seek to exploit an unexpected opportunity offered by the rapidly warming Mediterranean.

In late 2023, the first specimens of Pinctada radiata, a pearl oyster native to the Red Sea, were spotted in the Gulf of Poets, a popular tourist area around 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Genoa on Italy's north-western coast.

Less than a year later, they are proliferating in what have always been some of the Mediterranean's coldest waters, more normally associated with other types of oyster used for food rather than jewellery.

"We are looking into the possibility of producing cultivated pearls here," said Paolo Varrella, the head of a cooperative that has been breeding food oysters in the area since 2011.

The group has already made contact with pearl oyster farmers in Mexico to get tips on production techniques, Varrella said.

"The Pinctada radiata has been reported in the Ionian Sea around the island of Sicily since the 1970s, but only in the last decade has it moved north" to the cooler Tyrrhenian and Ligurian seas that lap the western Italian mainland, said Salvatore Giacobbe, professor of ecology at the University of Messina.

It is the latest in a succession of alien warm-water species to enter the Mediterranean as it heats up due to climate change.

Manuela Falautano, a scientist at the Italian environmental research and protection institute ISPRA, said this trend had seen "an exponential increase" in the last decade.

Some of these species are aggressive and disrupt delicate ecosystems. In a few cases, such the spotted puffer fish and the scorpion fish, they are also dangerous to humans.

The 2.5 million square kilometer (970,000 square mile) expanse of water that separates southern Europe from Africa and the Middle East is heating up faster than the average of the world's seas, Falautano said.


Pearl production, more readily associated with Polynesian atolls than the northern Mediterranean, has an annual global turnover of 11 billion dollars, and Italian oyster farmers are keen to cash in.

Adriano Genisi, a pearl importer for more than 30 years, said the Radiata may produce gems similar to Japan's renowned "Akoya" pearls which have a diameter of 5-9 millimeters and a white color with shades of grey, pink and green.

If all goes well the first pearls could be harvested in about a year, he said.

The rising temperature of the Mediterranean is also blamed for an increase in violent storms such as the one that sank the luxury yacht of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch off Sicily last month, killing six passengers and the boat's cook.

Franco Reseghetti, a researcher at Italy's National Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology, said measurements taken in the Tyrrhenian in December at depths of between 300 and 800 meters showed the highest temperatures since 2013, and he expected to see a further increase this year.

"The huge amount of energy behind this heating can act as a fuel for devastating atmospheric phenomena" such as the violent storm which appeared to have sunk the yacht off Sicily, Reseghetti said.