Lebanon: Government Formation Talks Focus on Names, Portfolios

Lebanon's President Michel Aoun (C) meets with Prime Minister Saad Hariri (R) and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri at the presidential palace in Baabda, Lebanon June 1, 2017. Dalati Nohra/Handout via Reuters
Lebanon's President Michel Aoun (C) meets with Prime Minister Saad Hariri (R) and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri at the presidential palace in Baabda, Lebanon June 1, 2017. Dalati Nohra/Handout via Reuters

Lebanon: Government Formation Talks Focus on Names, Portfolios

Lebanon's President Michel Aoun (C) meets with Prime Minister Saad Hariri (R) and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri at the presidential palace in Baabda, Lebanon June 1, 2017. Dalati Nohra/Handout via Reuters
Lebanon's President Michel Aoun (C) meets with Prime Minister Saad Hariri (R) and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri at the presidential palace in Baabda, Lebanon June 1, 2017. Dalati Nohra/Handout via Reuters

A recent meeting between President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri on Monday has ended with an agreement over the formation of an 18-minister cabinet, while talks are now focusing on the names of the new ministers and the distribution of portfolios.

Political sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that Aoun and Hariri could meet anytime soon to continue the discussions over the distribution of ministries by confession and agree on the names of the ministers.

According to the sources, a recent statement issued by the Lebanese Presidency - which stressed that government talks were now limited to the president and the prime minister-designate – constituted “a presidential attempt to protect the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil, from accusations that he was directly interfering with the formation process.

Aoun is also is in dire need to save the last third of his presidential term, after he failed to fulfill the oath speech he delivered before Parliament upon his election in October 2016, the sources underlined.

The political sources attributed Aoun’s agreement to resume contact with Hariri to a set of considerations, including the refusal of Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rai to be dragged into political campaigns that tried to distort the ongoing efforts to form a new government. Former Minister Ghattas Khoury conveyed to the Patriarch a message from Hariri, saying that the latter understands his concerns and would not turn his back on the Christians.

Another factor is the call by the Synod, at the end of its meeting chaired by al-Rai, to end the pressures on Hariri that were impeding the formation of the government.

The sources also pointed to foreign pressure, particularly from Paris, to revive the initiative launched by French President Emmanuel Macron to save Lebanon and stop its economic and financial collapse.

Another point, according to the sources, is Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri’s approval of Hariri’s demand to form a government of 18 ministers.

Yemen Urges Aid Funds Transfer via Aden’s Central Bank

Beneficiaries of the World Food Program gather outside a food distribution center in Sanaa before the program’s activities were halted (Reuters)
Beneficiaries of the World Food Program gather outside a food distribution center in Sanaa before the program’s activities were halted (Reuters)

Yemen Urges Aid Funds Transfer via Aden’s Central Bank

Beneficiaries of the World Food Program gather outside a food distribution center in Sanaa before the program’s activities were halted (Reuters)
Beneficiaries of the World Food Program gather outside a food distribution center in Sanaa before the program’s activities were halted (Reuters)

Food insecurity in Yemen has worsened in recent months, with half of all families not getting enough to eat, according to United Nations reports.
The Yemeni government is calling for a review of the aid approach and criticizing relief organizations, urging that aid funds be routed through the Central Bank in Aden.
Aid distribution is expected to resume in about four months due to disruptions in the humanitarian food supply chain.
Military conflicts and economic tensions between the Yemeni government and the Houthi insurgency are making the situation even more difficult for the Yemenis.
Jamal Belfaqih, head of Yemen’s Supreme Relief Committee, urges international aid funds to be channeled through Aden's Central Bank. This move is supported by international organizations and the US Federal Reserve.
Belfaqih stresses that financial transactions involving Sanaa must receive approval from this recognized banking authority.
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Belfaqih emphasized the need for international organizations to relocate to liberated areas, adjust humanitarian efforts to meet actual needs, and rebuild trust.
He believes this approach will secure funding, government support, and foster genuine partnerships with the private sector, based on decentralized humanitarian practices.
Belfaqih, also an advisor to Yemen’s Minister of Local Administration, encourages using sea, air, and land routes, including Saudi Arabia’s Jazan port, as unified channels to prioritize and meet regional needs effectively.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) revealed that food insecurity in Yemen remained high through the end of May, reflecting varying levels across economic crisis zones. In regions under Yemeni government control, the rate of food insecurity rose by 54%, compared to 41% in Houthi-controlled areas.
According to a recent FAO report, food insecurity continued to worsen until last May, maintaining a similar level compared to the previous month but marking an 11% increase from the same period last year.