Reports of Int’l Coalition Strike Killing ISIS Oil Commander in East Syria

US military vehicle near an oil facility in northeastern Syria (AFP)
US military vehicle near an oil facility in northeastern Syria (AFP)

Reports of Int’l Coalition Strike Killing ISIS Oil Commander in East Syria

US military vehicle near an oil facility in northeastern Syria (AFP)
US military vehicle near an oil facility in northeastern Syria (AFP)

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Saturday the targeting of ISIS commander Abu Yassin al-Iraqi by a drone strike staged by the US-led International Coalition in the countryside of Syria’s northeastern province of Deir Ezzor.

According to sources reporting to the UK-based war monitor, al-Iraqi was the successor of Abu Ward al-Iraqi, who was assassinated early on in 2020.

Al-Iraqi is believed to be the head of the terror group’s oil network in the area.

“Abu Al-Ward al-Iraqi was an ISIS official who was in charge of oil wells in Fulayteh, Al-Azraq and Al-Melh,” the Observatory reported.

“Even after the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), backed by the US-led International Coalition) had captured the area, al-Iraqi remained a coordinator and mediator between SDF and ISIS to facilitate the passage of oil trucks to areas under the control of SDF and regime forces,” it added.

“Al-Iraqi was also the “Emir of Al-Badia” (the commander of Al-Badia sector) and he was in charge of forming and supporting ISIS cells.”

This follows a US defense official announcing that US forces in Syria are focused on fighting the remnants of the ISIS group and are not guarding oil fields as previously ordered by ex-president Donald Trump.

Since a US firm contracted last year with the Kurds in northern Syria to help exploit northeastern Syria oil reserves, US troops are not involved, said Pentagon spokesman John Kirby.

The 900 US military personnel and contractors in the region "are not authorized to provide assistance to any other private company, including its employees or agents, seeking to develop oil resources in Syria," said Kirby.

The only exception is when US troops in Syria are operating under existing authorizations to protect civilians, he said, which could explain the continuing presence of US forces around the area of the oil fields.

Yemeni Army Warns of Houthi Attempts to Reignite War

Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)
Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)

Yemeni Army Warns of Houthi Attempts to Reignite War

Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)
Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)

The Yemeni army has warned of the Iran-backed Houthi militias’ constant mobilization and readiness to reignite the war.

Yemen Armed Forces Spokesman Brig. Gen. Abdo Majali told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Houthis have been firing artillery and drones at residential areas and military positions at various battlefronts.

He interpreted the actions as part of the militias’ preparations to return to war, accusing them of aborting “all regional and international efforts to end the conflict in Yemen and achieve peace.”

Defense Minister Mohsen Al-Daeri had told Asharq Al-Awsat previously that the war could erupt at any moment, stressing that the armed forces “were ready for all options.”

Observers interpreted the Houthi preparations and statements by its senior leaders as a reflection of their concern over the legitimate Yemeni army launching a military campaign - with international backing - to liberate Hodeidah and its ports.

The theory is backed by the Houthis’ mobilization of reinforcements to areas under their control in Hodeidah.

Majali stressed that the armed forces are at the “highest level of combat readiness and their morale is high.”

“Comprehensive strategies are in place to liberate the nation from the terrorist Houthi crimes and violations against our Yemeni people,” he declared.

The legitimate Yemeni government has for months since the Houthis started targeted international shipping in the Red Sear been calling on the international community to support its armed forces.

The end of the Houthi attacks on international shipping lies in backing the government, not western strikes against the militias, it has reiterated on numerous occasions.

Majali said the Houthis are continuing their violations against the people in various regions, notably in Taiz, Dhale and Marib.

The main goal for the armed forces is the liberation of the nation, starting with Sanaa, Hodeidah and Hajjah, he added, saying the Houthi “demise is near.”