Saudi Education Ministry Establishes Intellectual Awareness Units to Combat Extremism

Saudi Education Minister Hamad Al-Sheikh, Asharq Al-Awsat
Saudi Education Minister Hamad Al-Sheikh, Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Education Ministry Establishes Intellectual Awareness Units to Combat Extremism

Saudi Education Minister Hamad Al-Sheikh, Asharq Al-Awsat
Saudi Education Minister Hamad Al-Sheikh, Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Education has announced the establishment of intellectual awareness units dedicated to reinforcing values of tolerance and moderation in the kingdom and fighting all forms of extremism.

These unites will work on spreading the values of moderation, tolerance, and coexistence, and preventing extremism and addressing its effects, and encouraging scientific and research initiatives in intellectual issues, confirmed Saudi Education Minister Hamad Al-Sheikh.

Al-Sheikh asserted that the ministry recognizes the importance of promoting aware and responsible citizenship at educational institutions.

He voiced the ministry’s keenness to protect the kingdom’s education institutions from any threats that undermine their reputation.

The minister also stressed that the ministry will not allow educational institutions to be used to promote extremist ideology.

Intellectual awareness units will operate according to a specific strategy and disciplined administrative governance, explained Al-Sheikh, adding that this will help the ministry achieve its goals for immunizing and protecting education in the kingdom against extremist ideology.

The units will also implement plans, programs, activities and organize events focused on promoting tolerance and moderation among Saudis.

This initiative will help in achieving the strategic goals of Saudi Arabia’s plan for national transformation, dubbed “Kingdom Vision 2030.”

Over the years, Saudi Arabia has taken several decisions aimed at eliminating the sources of any extremism in the kingdom.

In 2016 it banned about 80 controversial books from libraries and schools.

In 2020, Al-Sheikh authorized directors of his ministry across the kingdom to remove teachers over intellectual differences.

Directors of education departments across the kingdom were given the green light to immediately turn teachers with intellectual differences from schools to administrative work until final decisions are taken against them.

More so, the education ministry is working to draft curricula in critical thinking and philosophy that are centered on developing the values ​​of freedom of thought and tolerance in the kingdom.

EU Gulf Envoy: Saudi Arabia Is a Crucial Global Player

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receiving European Council President Charles Michel on Tuesday (SPA)
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receiving European Council President Charles Michel on Tuesday (SPA)

EU Gulf Envoy: Saudi Arabia Is a Crucial Global Player

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receiving European Council President Charles Michel on Tuesday (SPA)
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receiving European Council President Charles Michel on Tuesday (SPA)

Luigi Di Maio, the EU Special Representative for the Gulf region, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the recent visit by the President of the European Council to Saudi Arabia was to prepare for the upcoming EU-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit in Brussels on October 16.

This will be the first summit between the two regional organizations, with leaders from both sides attending, marking a significant step in their cooperation.

Di Maio stressed the importance of strong ties between leaders, noting that European Council President Charles Michel has been dedicated to strengthening these relations since his first visit to the Gulf two years ago, when he met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah.

He added that since 2022, EU-Gulf relations have improved, with a focus on cooperation in areas like climate change, trade, investment, digitization, and sustainable supply chains.

Di Maio emphasized the need for ongoing dialogue to build mutual understanding and deepen these relations.

He highlighted Saudi Arabia’s key role in global affairs, especially in seeking solutions for the Gaza conflict, reducing tensions in the Middle East, and pursuing a just peace in Ukraine.

He stressed that closer cooperation between the EU and Saudi Arabia is essential in tackling these issues.

Di Maio praised Thursday’s preparatory meeting in Riyadh between GCC Secretary-General Jasem Al-Budaiwi and Michel, calling it “timely and constructive” for the upcoming summit.

He emphasized both sides’ commitment to making the summit a success, noting that it will “send a strong signal about elevating EU-Gulf relations to a strategic level.”

Di Maio outlined the key topics for discussion at the summit in Brussels, including climate action, the green transition, digital advancements, trade, investments, and visa exemptions.

He added that the summit will also address major geopolitical challenges, particularly in the Middle East and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.