Egypt’s Grand Mufti Warns Regress in Fiqh Is a Sign of Extremism

Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawki Allam (Egypt’s Dar Al Ifta)
Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawki Allam (Egypt’s Dar Al Ifta)

Egypt’s Grand Mufti Warns Regress in Fiqh Is a Sign of Extremism

Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawki Allam (Egypt’s Dar Al Ifta)
Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawki Allam (Egypt’s Dar Al Ifta)

Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawki Allam stressed the need to adapt traditional texts in Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) to context and changes over time. He considered solely abiding by their literal interpretations a deviation from the right track.

“Using stagnation when interpreting traditional jurisprudential texts and commitment to them literally without taking into account changes in reality and norms is a manifestation of extremism and a departure from the purposes of the honorable Sharia,” said Allam on Wednesday, blaming terrorist groups for the practice.

“Jurisprudential conditioning is a process intended to attach the emerging reality - after good conception and realization of its dimensions - with a jurisprudential origin that has its descriptions and rulings,” explained the Grand Mufti.

In a step taken to better train Imams in Egypt, the Awqaf Ministry launched its first-ever program of the kind, entitled “Thinking Imam,” to prepare and instruct modern-day Imams.

According to the ministry, the program aims “to form a new generation of imams, distinguished scholars, and thinkers, not only in religious sciences but in all modern sciences.”

Interviews and tests will be held for program candidates, revealed the ministry. The vetting process will help select those best qualified to carry the banner of wisdom and good preaching.

Between 50-100 imams will be selected for the program, which will train its enlisters in various fields, including political sciences.

The program aims to promote a correct understanding of religion.

In early 2019, the ministry launched an academy to train and qualify imams and prepare trainers inside and outside Egypt.

For the ministry's part, imams should be familiar with modern technologies to benefit from them and adequately warn against their dangers.

For his part, Awqaf Minister Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa underlined that the ministry has focused on renewing religious discourse and spreading moderate thought.

He added that the ministry is also applying for several high-level training programs under national partnerships, intending to have a generation of imams who can explain the upright teachings of Islam.

Yemeni Army Warns of Houthi Attempts to Reignite War

Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)
Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)

Yemeni Army Warns of Houthi Attempts to Reignite War

Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)
Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)

The Yemeni army has warned of the Iran-backed Houthi militias’ constant mobilization and readiness to reignite the war.

Yemen Armed Forces Spokesman Brig. Gen. Abdo Majali told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Houthis have been firing artillery and drones at residential areas and military positions at various battlefronts.

He interpreted the actions as part of the militias’ preparations to return to war, accusing them of aborting “all regional and international efforts to end the conflict in Yemen and achieve peace.”

Defense Minister Mohsen Al-Daeri had told Asharq Al-Awsat previously that the war could erupt at any moment, stressing that the armed forces “were ready for all options.”

Observers interpreted the Houthi preparations and statements by its senior leaders as a reflection of their concern over the legitimate Yemeni army launching a military campaign - with international backing - to liberate Hodeidah and its ports.

The theory is backed by the Houthis’ mobilization of reinforcements to areas under their control in Hodeidah.

Majali stressed that the armed forces are at the “highest level of combat readiness and their morale is high.”

“Comprehensive strategies are in place to liberate the nation from the terrorist Houthi crimes and violations against our Yemeni people,” he declared.

The legitimate Yemeni government has for months since the Houthis started targeted international shipping in the Red Sear been calling on the international community to support its armed forces.

The end of the Houthi attacks on international shipping lies in backing the government, not western strikes against the militias, it has reiterated on numerous occasions.

Majali said the Houthis are continuing their violations against the people in various regions, notably in Taiz, Dhale and Marib.

The main goal for the armed forces is the liberation of the nation, starting with Sanaa, Hodeidah and Hajjah, he added, saying the Houthi “demise is near.”