Israeli Generals Accuse Army of Corruption

Israeli forces gather near Hizma checkpoint in the West Bank (File photo: Reuters)
Israeli forces gather near Hizma checkpoint in the West Bank (File photo: Reuters)

Israeli Generals Accuse Army of Corruption

Israeli forces gather near Hizma checkpoint in the West Bank (File photo: Reuters)
Israeli forces gather near Hizma checkpoint in the West Bank (File photo: Reuters)

Israeli army committed serious violations and corruption estimated at billions of dollars, claimed a Hebrew economic newspaper and two former Israeli generals.

The Marker reported that General Yaakov Orr and General Yitzhak Barik also accused the State Comptroller, Matanyahu Englman, a close associate of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, of corruption.

Englman refused to receive the generals to review the documents backing their accusations.

Orr was the former director of the security department in the State Comptroller's Office, and Barik served as director of soldiers' complaints in the army.

They said they had documents proving the corruption and misuse of army funds.

During an interview with Radio 103FM in Tel Aviv, the two indicated that they informed Englman of their findings, and the latter set a date for their meeting, which he later canceled. They decided to go public with their information after Englman asked them to send a written report about the issue, saying he was trying to evade the case.

The Israeli army gradually became a tool in the hands of different groups working to achieve their goals, according to Barik, adding that a large number of senior army officers who, after being discharged, are employed by lobby groups.

The groups are employed by private companies that sell equipment to the army.

The editor-in-chief, Guy Rolnik, accused the high command of the Israeli army and its lobby of working in laundering tens of billions of shekels the army stole from the state treasury.

Rolnik noted that Security Minister Benny Gantz, former army chief of staff, has clear advantages despite the increases in the security budget.

He accused Gantz of granting taxpayers' money to retired army officials, residents of Hakirya, the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense and Defense in Tel Aviv, and all the wealthy people residing in Kaplan Street.

Rolnik indicated that the increase in the allocations for retirees was done discretely and illegally, without a special budget.

He estimated total stolen money at more than one billion shekels annually, pointing out that, on average, a military retiree receives a severance package of 8 million shekels, five times that of civilians.

UN Adopts Resolution on Closing Gap in Access to Artificial Intelligence

FILE -Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations addresses members of the UN Security Council during a meeting on Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, April 24, 2024 at United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, File)
FILE -Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations addresses members of the UN Security Council during a meeting on Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, April 24, 2024 at United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, File)

UN Adopts Resolution on Closing Gap in Access to Artificial Intelligence

FILE -Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations addresses members of the UN Security Council during a meeting on Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, April 24, 2024 at United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, File)
FILE -Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations addresses members of the UN Security Council during a meeting on Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, April 24, 2024 at United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, File)

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a Chinese-sponsored resolution with US support urging wealthy developed nations to close the widening gap with poorer developing countries and ensure that they have equal opportunities to use and benefit from artificial intelligence.
The resolution approved Monday follows the March 21 adoption of the first UN resolution on artificial intelligence spearheaded by the United States and co-sponsored by 123 countries including China. It gave global support to the international effort to ensure that AI is “safe, secure and trustworthy” and that all nations can take advantage of it.
Adoption of the two non-binding resolutions shows that the United States and China, rivals in many areas, are both determined to be key players in shaping the future of this powerful new technology — and have been cooperating on these first important international steps, The Associated Press reported.
The adoption of both resolutions by consensus by the 193-member General Assembly shows widespread global support for their leadership on the issue.
China’s UN Ambassador Fu Cong told reporters Monday that the two resolutions are complementary, with the US measure being “more general” and the just-adopted one focusing on “capacity building.”
He called the Chinese resolution, which had over 140 sponsors, “great and far-reaching,” and said, “We’re very appreciative of the positive role that the US has played in this whole process.”
Fu said AI technology is advancing extremely fast and the issue has been discussed at very senior levels, including by the US and Chinese leaders.
“We do look forward to intensifying our cooperation with the United States and for that matter with all countries in the world on this issue, which ... will have far-reaching implications in all dimensions,” he said.
The Chinese ambassador, however, strongly criticized the US Treasury Department’s proposed rule, announced on June 21, that would restrict and monitor US investments in China for artificial intelligence, computer chips and quantum computing.
“We are firmly opposed to these sanctions,” Fu said. China doesn’t believe the rule will be “helpful to the healthy development of the AI technology per se, and will, by extension, divide the world in terms of the standards, and in terms of the rules governing AI.” He called on the US to lift the sanctions.
The Chinese resolution calls on the international community “to provide and promote a fair, open, inclusive and non-discriminatory business environment,” from AI’s design and development to its use. Fu said China doesn’t think the US actions foster an inclusive business environment.
Both the US and Chinese resolutions focus on the civilian applications of AI, but Fu told reporters the military dimension of artificial intelligence is also very important.
“We do believe that it is necessary for the international community to take measures to reduce the dangers and the risks posed by the development of AI,” he said.
China is actively participating in negotiations in Geneva on controlling lethal autonomous weapons, Fu said, adding that some countries are considering proposing a General Assembly resolution this year on the military dimension of AI — “and we are in broad support of that initiative.”
Both the US and Chinese resolutions warned of the dangers of AI while also touting its potential benefits in promoting economic development and the lives of people everywhere.
The US resolution recognizes that “the governance of artificial intelligence systems is an evolving area” that needs further discussions on possible governance approaches. It calls on countries to ensure that personal data is protected, human rights are safeguarded, and AI is monitored for potential risks.