Arab Parliament Speaker to Asharq Al-Awsat: Arab Disputes Create Fertile Environment for Foreign Meddling

Arab Parliament Speaker Adel Al Asoomi, Asharq Al-Awsat
Arab Parliament Speaker Adel Al Asoomi, Asharq Al-Awsat

Arab Parliament Speaker to Asharq Al-Awsat: Arab Disputes Create Fertile Environment for Foreign Meddling

Arab Parliament Speaker Adel Al Asoomi, Asharq Al-Awsat
Arab Parliament Speaker Adel Al Asoomi, Asharq Al-Awsat

Arab Parliament Speaker Adel Al Asoomi revealed that the fourth Arab Parliament conference for council speakers is expected to produce a comprehensive document on how security and stability can be achieved for the Arab world.

“This document will be comprehensive in including all the challenges facing the Arab world in all fields. After its adoption by the conference, it is scheduled to be submitted to the next Arab Summit in Algeria,” Al Asoomi told Asharq Al-Awsat.

The Fourth Conference of the Arab Parliament kicks off on February 19 under the title “the role of parliamentarians in achieving security and stability in the Arab world.”

It will discuss several topics and issues of concern to the Arab world and the role entrusted to parliamentarians in this regard.

Al Asoomi revealed that the Arab Parliament is also organizing a forum to promote economic integration among Arab countries.

The forum will be held in Egypt in partnership with the Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO).

On foreign interference, the speaker said it finds a fertile environment in disputes between Arab countries and that the Arab Parliament is backing efforts to bridge the gap allowing foreign parties to intervene in Arab world affairs.

“The Arab Parliament strongly supports the tireless efforts made by Arab leaders for Arab reunification and the crystallization of a common Arab vision to deal with external challenges, the most prominent of which are regional and international interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries,” said Al Asoomi.

Moreover, Al Asoomi stressed that the Arab Parliament “seeks to have a positive and influential role on the Arab arena, especially since the challenges facing the Arab world are difficult and numerous and require solidarity and integration between official and parliamentary diplomacy.”

“Parliamentary diplomacy in our contemporary world has become a very big and important role, especially since it does not abide by some of the restrictions and balances that govern official diplomacy,” explained the speaker.

“We hope that these efforts will find an echo and achieve positive results in supporting joint Arab action,” said Al Asoomi.

At the same time as it tries to resolve Arab disputes, the Arab Parliament also attaches great importance to economic affairs and supports Arab economic integration.

“This comes within the framework of the Arab Parliament’s determination to activate its role and perform its mission in a way that contributes to the integration of governmental and parliamentary efforts in the service of joint Arab action and strengthening its mechanisms,” clarified Al Asoomi.

When asked about the initiatives adopted by the Arab Parliament to enhance social security, Al Asoomi recalled the launch of the Arab Fund for Crisis and Disaster Response and the Arab Center for Combatting Terrorism and Extremism.

“We also launched the Center for Arab Parliamentary Diplomacy out of our belief in the important role played by parliamentary diplomacy in achieving the interests of the Arab peoples and in promoting joint Arab action in this difficult phase that the Arab nation is going through, which requires strengthening Arab solidarity more than ever,” said Al Asoomi.

Arab economic integration is an urgent priority at a time when economic blocs are the cornerstone of the global economic system, explained the speaker.

“The Arab Parliament supports all initiatives that contribute to providing support for joint Arab action, serving the interests of Arab peoples, defending their issues, and enhancing joint Arab cooperation at all levels,” he affirmed.

Siddiq al-Mahdi: Sudanese Public Unites on Need to End War

Secretary-General of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum), Siddiq al-Mahdi (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Secretary-General of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum), Siddiq al-Mahdi (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Siddiq al-Mahdi: Sudanese Public Unites on Need to End War

Secretary-General of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum), Siddiq al-Mahdi (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Secretary-General of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum), Siddiq al-Mahdi (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Siddiq al-Mahdi, Secretary-General of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum), stressed the urgent need for humanitarian aid to Sudanese citizens suffering from the ongoing conflict.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat in Addis Ababa, al-Mahdi criticized the National Congress Party for manipulating its alliance with the military to advance its political goals.

Al-Mahdi said he would only engage in the political process if the party ends its connection with the military and security forces.

He highlighted a growing recognition of the need to end the war, noting a shift away from military solutions as a positive sign of Sudanese public opinion converging on the need for peace.

The Taqaddum official said this change has reduced support for the war and increased regional and international calls for its end.

Al-Mahdi warned that the war has caused a severe humanitarian crisis and poses threats to the region, neighboring countries, the Horn of Africa, and Red Sea security.

“The need to stop the war is now urgent, and we must act on this,” he said.

He praised international efforts, including the Paris and Cairo conferences and the UN's attempts to bring the warring sides together in Geneva for aid and protection.

Al-Mahdi also revealed that his coalition had proposed a plan to the military and Rapid Support Forces, focusing on humanitarian aid, political arrangements to end the war, and a transition to civilian democracy.

He stressed that the humanitarian situation cannot wait for the war to end.

“Providing aid and protecting citizens are urgent priorities. We need to act now to deliver aid, even before the war ends,” he said.

He noted that the best approach involves coordinating initiatives from various platforms, including Jeddah, IGAD, and its key member states Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda, as well as Bahrain, the UAE, Egypt, the African Union, and the United Nations.

Al-Mahdi emphasized that all these entities are working on humanitarian and peace efforts.

He stated that any alignment among mediators, conflict parties, and civil components is viewed by Taqaddum as a comprehensive process for achieving peace.