Arabs, Ethiopians Filed Most Racism Complaints in Israel during 2021

 Israeli Arabs protest against violence, organized crime and recent killings in their communities, in the Arab town of Majd al-Krum in northen Israel on October 3, 2019. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP)
Israeli Arabs protest against violence, organized crime and recent killings in their communities, in the Arab town of Majd al-Krum in northen Israel on October 3, 2019. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP)

Arabs, Ethiopians Filed Most Racism Complaints in Israel during 2021

 Israeli Arabs protest against violence, organized crime and recent killings in their communities, in the Arab town of Majd al-Krum in northen Israel on October 3, 2019. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP)
Israeli Arabs protest against violence, organized crime and recent killings in their communities, in the Arab town of Majd al-Krum in northen Israel on October 3, 2019. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP)

Palestinian Arabs and Ethiopian Jews in Israel filed the most racism and discrimination complaints in 2021, an official report revealed on Monday.

The most common complaint was discrimination in obtaining a service, said the report issued by the Justice Ministry’s Government Unit for Coordinating the Struggle Against Racism.

The report indicated that 24% of the complaints involved racism directed at people of Ethiopian descent, 24% against Arabs, and 10% against Haredim (religious Jews), while 4% Four percent involved incidents directed at Mizrahi Jews – of Middle Eastern origin.

In 2021, 458 cases were opened on complaints of racism and discrimination, compared to 497 cases in 2019 and 506 cases in 2020.

Twenty-three percent of the complaints were for illegal discrimination in providing a service, 11% percent for discrimination in hiring and employment in general, 10% percent for racist expressions made in public and 9% for racist or stereotypical advertising in public, the report showed.

It added that 7% were filed for racist speech in public services, 7% for police treatment of complainants, 4% on educational issues and 3% involving racially motivated crime.

It cited an incident of suspected racially motivated conduct by police officers during a bus inspection.

The complaint asserted that while enforcing COVID-19 restrictions in January 2021, police gave tickets for not wearing seatbelts to all the Arab passengers but none of the Jewish ones.

The tickets were canceled upon review. Steps were ordered to be taken as a lesson from this case of police misconduct.

Congo M23 Rebels Say They Will Withdraw from Seized Town to Support Peace Push

 Abandoned military helmets that belonged to the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) are seen at Goma airport after the town was seized by the M23 rebels, in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, March 19, 2025. (Reuters)
Abandoned military helmets that belonged to the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) are seen at Goma airport after the town was seized by the M23 rebels, in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, March 19, 2025. (Reuters)

Congo M23 Rebels Say They Will Withdraw from Seized Town to Support Peace Push

 Abandoned military helmets that belonged to the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) are seen at Goma airport after the town was seized by the M23 rebels, in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, March 19, 2025. (Reuters)
Abandoned military helmets that belonged to the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) are seen at Goma airport after the town was seized by the M23 rebels, in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, March 19, 2025. (Reuters)

Rwanda-backed M23 rebels staging an offensive in east Congo said on Saturday they would withdraw forces from the seized town of Walikale in support of peace efforts, having previously said they were leaving troops there as they pushed on to the capital.

The government said it hoped the move would be translated into concrete action, after M23 this week pulled out of planned talks with Congolese authorities at the last minute due to EU sanctions on some of its leaders and Rwandan officials.

It would have been their first direct engagement with Congo's government after President Felix Tshisekedi reversed his longstanding refusal to speak to the rebels.

The Congo River Alliance, which includes M23, said in a statement on Saturday that it had "decided to reposition its forces" from Walikale and surrounding areas that M23 took control of this week.

This decision was in line with a ceasefire declared in February and in support of peace initiatives, it said in a statement that was greeted with skepticism by army officers.

A senior member of the alliance who did not wish to be named said repositioning meant withdrawing to "give peace a chance". The source declined to say where M23 rebels would withdraw to.

"We are asking for Walikale and surroundings to remain demilitarized," the source said. "If the FARDC (Congo's army) and their allies come back, this means they want to relaunch hostilities."

Foreign Affairs Minister Therese Kayikwamba Wagner told reporters: "We are going to see whether M23 will withdraw from Walikale and whether M23 will give priority to dialogue and peace ... So we hope that this will be translated into concrete action."


Congo's army did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

An army officer said he was skeptical about the announced withdrawal. Another officer said M23 was advancing towards Mubi, another town in the area, after the army and pro-government militia bombed Walikale's airport and cut off some of M23's road access.

"They now have a provision problem," said the second officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "They will not withdraw. They will move in front of (Walikale) and behind it."

A M23 officer told Walikale residents on Thursday they were leaving a small group of soldiers there to provide security, while other soldiers "continue all the way to Kinshasa".

Walikale is the furthest west the rebels have reached in an unprecedented advance that has already overrun eastern Congo's two largest cities since January.

Its capture put the rebels within 400 km (250 miles) of Kisangani, the country's fourth-biggest city with a bustling port at the Congo River's farthest navigable point upstream of the capital Kinshasa, some 1,500 km (930 miles) away.

There have been several attempts to resolve the spiraling conflict, rooted in the fallout from Rwanda's 1994 genocide and competition for mineral riches, including several ceasefires that were violated and regional summits to open up dialogue.

Congo, the United Nations and Western governments say Rwanda has been providing arms and troops to the ethnic Tutsi-led M23. Rwanda denies this, saying its military has been acting in self-defense against Congo's army and a militia founded by perpetrators of the genocide.

The M23 alliance leader Corneille Naanga on Friday dismissed a joint call for an immediate ceasefire by Congo and Rwanda and reiterated demands for direct talks with Kinshasa, saying it was the only way to resolve the conflict.