Islamic Movements in Kuwait Sign Controversial ‘Document of Principles’ ahead of Polls

A view shows the first parliament session held after elections, in Kuwait City, Kuwait December 15, 2020. (Reuters)
A view shows the first parliament session held after elections, in Kuwait City, Kuwait December 15, 2020. (Reuters)

Islamic Movements in Kuwait Sign Controversial ‘Document of Principles’ ahead of Polls

A view shows the first parliament session held after elections, in Kuwait City, Kuwait December 15, 2020. (Reuters)
A view shows the first parliament session held after elections, in Kuwait City, Kuwait December 15, 2020. (Reuters)

Criticism has mounted in Kuwait of a document signed by a number of parliamentary elections candidates that declares their commitment to implementing Islamic Sharia law in the country.

The “document of principles” was adopted by activists in Islamic movements and has garnered the support of a large number of Islamist MPs, mainly from the fifth district, but as well as the fourth.

The signatories pledged to support Islamic laws that would be submitted by lawmakers.

They also expressed their rejection of the mixing of genders in public, including beaches and gyms at hotels. They supported the implementation of a law that calls for modest dress at universities and halting practices of “idolatry”, body-building and gambling.

They demanded that buildings at universities be segregated according to gender. They expressed their rejection of mixed festivals and urged stricter measures at massage parlors and a halt to all “idolatry” practices.

They demanded an end to “debased moral practices and revealing images of the body on social media”. They called for amending the law on “imitating the opposite sex” and enacting the law that criminalizes tattoos that can be visibly seen in public.

The document was launched by Islamist activist Abdul Rahman al-Nassar and backed by preacher Othman al-Khamis, who called on lawmakers to sign and commit to it.

Former Salafist MP Mohammed Hayef is among the signatories.

The document underlined the deep divide between liberals and conservatives in Kuwait.

Liberals have long called for strengthening the civil state in Kuwait and have been looking forward for the September 29 elections to shift the country towards social and economic reform and resolve political divisions.

The document, however, upended these plans and breathed new life in Islamic movements.

Activists turned to social media to express their criticism.

“This is not a political project, but religious and ethical hegemony on society,” said one activist.

Calls have been made to boycott voting for signatories of the document in the elections.

Kuwaiti intellectual Ahmad al-Sarraf tweeted that the document “basically calls for the formation of a commission for the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice” that has been rejected and dissolved in other Islamic countries.

“What sort of catastrophe are the supporters of this document promoting?” he asked.

Former minister Dr. Saad bin Tafla al-Ajami described the declaration as a “purely ISIS document.”

He called on everyone “who is keen on the state of law, the constitution and public and private freedoms to reject the document without hesitation.”

Albudaiwi Praises International Coalition for a Two-State Solution to Grant Palestinians Their Legitimate Rights

Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi - SPA
Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi - SPA

Albudaiwi Praises International Coalition for a Two-State Solution to Grant Palestinians Their Legitimate Rights

Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi - SPA
Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi - SPA

The Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi, praised the launch of the International Coalition for a Two-State Solution, expressing hope that this coalition will help grant the Palestinian people their legitimate rights to establish their state and live in peace and security.
This statement was made during his speech at the ministerial meeting titled "The Situation in Gaza and Implementing the Two-State Solution as a Path to Just Peace," organized by the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the European Union, and Norway, on Thursday, September 26, 2024, on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA.
Albudaiwi noted that holding this important event comes at an extremely critical time, as the situation in Gaza has reached one of the most severe humanitarian crises of our modern era. He emphasised the GCC's commitment to supporting all efforts aimed at alleviating the immense suffering of the Palestinian people, SPA reported.
He called for decisive action from the international community in light of the ongoing crimes committed by Israeli occupation forces in Gaza, whose victims are the beleaguered Palestinian people, suffering from severe shortages of essential supplies, destruction of infrastructure, and loss of innocent lives, the majority of whom are women and children.
"These actions represent a blatant violation of international humanitarian law, and those responsible for these violations must be held accountable," he stated.
During his speech, the GCC Secretary General also commended the ministerial committee formed by the extraordinary Arab-Islamic summit for its significant diplomatic efforts in garnering international support for a ceasefire, ending the Israeli aggression in Gaza, and enhancing recognition of the Palestinian state while ensuring the flow of humanitarian aid to the neediest populations.
He expressed gratitude to all countries that have recognized the State of Palestine, urging other nations to take this step to affirm their commitment to international justice and support the Palestinian people's right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state. Moreover, he renewed the GCC's call for an international conference that includes all relevant parties to end the occupation and ensure the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. He emphasized that this solution is the only way to achieve peace and stability for both Palestinians and Israelis.
He pointed out that the international community must recognise that the continued expansion of Israeli settlements and repeated violations of Islamic holy sites, particularly Al Aqsa Mosque, exacerbate tensions in the region. "These practices not only threaten the prospects for peace but also constitute violations of international law, complicating the path toward a two-state solution, which remains the only viable option for achieving a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace," Albudaiwi said.
In conclusion, he asserted that the time has come to turn words into actions, and the international community has a moral and legal obligation to take decisive steps, not only to provide immediate relief to Gaza but also to ensure a just and lasting peace. "The GCC stands ready to cooperate with all parties to achieve these goals," he concluded.