45 Casualties in Bombing of Syrian Army’s 4th Division in Damascus Countryside

Russian and Syrian soldiers and officers in joint drills in Tartous, Syria.  (AFP/SANA)
Russian and Syrian soldiers and officers in joint drills in Tartous, Syria. (AFP/SANA)

45 Casualties in Bombing of Syrian Army’s 4th Division in Damascus Countryside

Russian and Syrian soldiers and officers in joint drills in Tartous, Syria.  (AFP/SANA)
Russian and Syrian soldiers and officers in joint drills in Tartous, Syria. (AFP/SANA)

At least 18 Syrian soldiers were killed and at least 27 wounded on Thursday when an explosive device detonated on a military bus belonging to the Syrian army’s Fourth Division in the Damascus countryside.

It represents one of the deadliest attacks in months against Syrian government troops not on an active front line. Bus attacks in particular have been on the rise, including in the Damascus countryside.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack and no comment from Syrian authorities.

However, sources loyal to the regime in Damascus told Asharq Al-Awsat that some accuse Iran of being behind the attack.

They argue that it came in response to the meeting of the Commander of the division Major General Maher al-Assad earlier this month with Russian military leaders, as well as his division’s participation in joint military drills that took place east of Damascus.

During the drills, Maher appeared for the first time since the war erupted in Syria beside the commander of Russia's forces in Syria Colonel General Aleksandr Chaiko.

Syrian army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Abdul Karim Mahmoud Ibrahim also attended the drills, along with other regime military officers.

The Defense Ministry’s statement didn’t mention the presence of Maher al-Assad, but he appeared in side clips in the video recording published on the Ministry’s official website.

He is accused of committing massacres in Syria and is considered a partner of the Lebanese “Hezbollah” and the militias affiliated with Iran in controlling the main border crossings, commercial transport traffic, smuggling deals and drug trafficking.

Independent media sources in Damascus said Maher’s presence in the military exercises indicates upcoming changes imposed by the development of the Russian war in Ukraine, the intensified competition between Moscow and Tehran, and Türkiye’s position in Syria and the Middle East region.

Sources familiar with the developments in Syria said another group of people loyal to the regime consider the attack an “outcome of internal disputes between the regime's military and security services, and a rise in the level of hostility to the Fourth Division, which persists in its transgressions and imposing royalties.”

Egypt Appeals to UNSC: Ethiopia’s Actions Threaten Regional Stability

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) (X)
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) (X)

Egypt Appeals to UNSC: Ethiopia’s Actions Threaten Regional Stability

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) (X)
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) (X)

Egypt has heightened its conflict with Ethiopia regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), asking the UN Security Council to address what it calls Addis Ababa’s “unilateral actions” that it believes endanger regional stability.
The two countries have been at odds for years over the dam, which Ethiopia has been building since 2011 on the Blue Nile River, near the Sudanese border. Egypt argues the project affects its water supply.
On Sunday, Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty sent a letter to the UN Security Council President, criticizing Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s recent comments about the dam’s fifth filling phase, which started in July.
Egypt’s letter rejected Ethiopia’s actions as violations of international law and a breach of a 2015 agreement between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia, as well as a 2021 Security Council statement.
The letter condemned Abiy Ahmed’s remarks about storing more Blue Nile water this year and finishing the dam’s construction, calling them unacceptable and disruptive to regional stability. Egypt is concerned that Ethiopia’s approach undermines efforts to promote cooperation in the region.
Last Monday, Abiy Ahmed announced that the dam’s construction would be finished by December. He stated that the dam’s reservoir currently holds “62.5 billion cubic meters” of water, expecting this to increase to between 70 and 71 billion cubic meters by December, out of a total capacity of 74 billion cubic meters.
Egypt and Sudan are seeking a legally binding agreement to manage the dam’s filling and operation without harming their water shares.
This is not Egypt's first appeal to the Security Council over the dam. The country previously raised concerns in October after Ethiopia completed the fourth filling of the dam, and the Security Council had called for renewed negotiations under the African Union’s guidance in September 2021.