Riyadh Tolerance Convention Expresses Reservations about Forced Values

 Part of the activities of the Tolerance Convention hosted by the Saudi capital, Riyadh (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Part of the activities of the Tolerance Convention hosted by the Saudi capital, Riyadh (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Riyadh Tolerance Convention Expresses Reservations about Forced Values

 Part of the activities of the Tolerance Convention hosted by the Saudi capital, Riyadh (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Part of the activities of the Tolerance Convention hosted by the Saudi capital, Riyadh (Asharq Al-Awsat)

On the occasion of International Day for Tolerance, the King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue on Wednesday hosted the Tolerance Convention 2022 in Riyadh.

Participants in the forum expressed their reservations about the policy of imposing values on societies without considering cultural differences and distinct identities among peoples. They also demanded the expansion of the concept of tolerance to accommodate the diversity and richness of the world.

Faisal bin Moammer, the General Supervisor of the Salam Project for Civilizational Communication, said that tolerance does not mean urbanization in a specific way. He also noted that tolerance doesn’t represent the values of a certain society.

Saudi Arabia has announced its rejection on more than one occasion of the policy of coercing societies to abide by certain directions in the name of tolerance, noted Moammer.

“When Saudi Arabia attends international conferences, it always focuses on introducing religious values and keeping reservations about what contradicts them, while accepting and understanding international laws,” he explained.

“Tolerance is one of the foundations on which the state is built,” he asserted.

Moammer called for the need to strike a balance in the world’s approaches to the concepts of tolerance, coexistence, and dialogue, while preserving the dignity of peoples and their specific moral and value obligations.

Abdulaziz al-Sabil, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Dialogue Center, said that tolerance is a religious and human virtue.

Observing events around the world reveals the extent of suffering from intolerance, extremism, violence, wars, and conflicts, al-Sabil noted.

He urged politicians, leaders, organizations, bodies, and peoples alike to take responsibility and join efforts to transform the virtue of tolerance into a reality that societies live and celebrate.

Abdulaziz al-Khayal, Vice President of the Saudi Human Rights Commission, noted that the digital world has become a large space in the life of society.

Thanks to the digital world, societies have become more open to each other, and this has imposed a new pattern of communication between the people of the world, he explained. 

Al-Hujailan: King Khalid Asked Me to Announce King Saud’s Removal

Saudi statesman Sheikh Jamil Al-Hujailan (PHOTO CREDIT : Mohammed Othman)
Saudi statesman Sheikh Jamil Al-Hujailan (PHOTO CREDIT : Mohammed Othman)

Al-Hujailan: King Khalid Asked Me to Announce King Saud’s Removal

Saudi statesman Sheikh Jamil Al-Hujailan (PHOTO CREDIT : Mohammed Othman)
Saudi statesman Sheikh Jamil Al-Hujailan (PHOTO CREDIT : Mohammed Othman)

In the second installment of the memoirs of Saudi statesman Sheikh Jamil Al-Hujailan, Saudi Arabia’s first Minister of Information, he recounts the historic moment he was asked to announce the deposition of King Saud and the pledge of allegiance to Crown Prince Faisal as the new king.

Al-Hujailan was summoned by Prince Khalid, who would later become Crown Prince, along with Prince Fahd, the Interior Minister, and Prince Musaid, the Finance Minister, to deliver the statement.

Years later, Al-Hujailan recalls King Faisal’s reaction to the news of King Saud’s death in Athens in 1969.

Asharq Al-Awsat is exclusively sharing excerpts from Al-Hujailan’s memoirs, titled “Jamil Al-Hujailan: A Journey Through the Era of Seven Kings,” which will be available at the Riyadh International Book Fair.

Saudi Arabia’s First Information Minister

In March 1963, King Faisal called Al-Hujailan from Kuwait to appoint him as Saudi Arabia’s first Minister of Information, marking the start of a new media policy in the Kingdom.

The Yemeni revolution and the Saudi-Egyptian conflict that followed posed a major challenge for Saudi media, leading the government to reassess its press and media strategy.

It soon became clear that the existing media was not up to the task, and there was a need for a stronger, more capable media to meet the demands of the time.

Al-Hujailan became Saudi Arabia’s first Information Minister during a challenging time, both domestically and regionally. He faced numerous crises as he established the new ministry. The Kingdom was dealing with increased internal responsibilities and a major political conflict with Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser over Yemen. It was also in a silent ideological struggle with the Arab left, supported by the Soviet Union, which opposed conservative regimes in the region.

The region was undergoing major changes that disrupted the balance of power and complicated Arab relations. Under King Faisal, Saudi Arabia openly condemned communism, a stance that surprised many observers.

The Soviet Union was frustrated by Saudi Arabia’s refusal to establish diplomatic relations, despite Moscow’s repeated efforts.

This stance also angered Soviet-aligned Arab leftist parties, who joined in a covert campaign against Saudi Arabia, accusing it of being too close to the United States and abandoning Arab nationalist goals. Yet, Saudi Arabia stood firm as a “fortress” against Soviet influence in the region.

The Story Behind the Broadcast Announcing King Saud’s Removal

Al-Hujailan recalls that one of the most difficult moments of his career was when he was asked to announce King Saud’s removal and Crown Prince Faisal’s ascension to the throne.

Ironically, the joint session where this decision was made took place in the same dining hall where Al-Hujailan had translated for King Saud and the Spanish foreign minister 12 years earlier.

Al-Hujailan recalled: “On the morning of November 2, 1964, a joint session of the Council of Ministers and the Shura Council took place at Al-Hamra Palace, better known as the Red Palace, in Riyadh.”

“Chaired by Prince Khalid bin Abdulaziz, the members reviewed a letter from the Al Saud family and a statement from religious scholars supporting the removal of King Saud and the pledge of allegiance to Crown Prince Faisal as the new king. The decision was unanimously approved.”

A statement announcing the removal and pledge was prepared for broadcast.

At the time, the only radio station in the Kingdom was in Jeddah, as Riyadh did not yet have one. Al-Hujailan remembers discussing the matter with Prince Khalid, Prince Fahd, the Interior Minister, and Prince Musaid, the Finance Minister. He was asked to handle the broadcast, to which he responded that he would send it immediately to the Jeddah station for an exceptional airing before the news bulletin.

Prince Khalid interjected, telling Al-Hujailan that he will be announcing the news. He was supported by Prince Fahd and Prince Musaid.

Al-Hujailan expressed his hesitation, noting that it was unusual for a Minister of Information to announce news about Saudi Arabia. However, the three princes insisted that Al-Hujailan take on this responsibility.

Al-Hujailan felt uncomfortable, as the removal of King Saud was a family matter, and he didn’t want his broadcast to imply any personal involvement, especially with King Saud waiting to hear the news. Al-Hujailan worried that King Saud would not forgive him for delivering such a significant announcement.

It was decided that Al-Hujailan would travel immediately to Jeddah with the statement for broadcast.

Around 11 a.m. Riyadh time, Al-Hujailan boarded a Boeing 707, the only modern plane in Saudi Arabian Airlines at the time. On the flight, Al-Hujailan wrestled with his thoughts about what he was about to do.

As Al-Hujailan prepared to read the statement announcing King Saud’s removal, he reflected on his life’s pivotal moments. This was a challenge he had not sought, and he felt a deep sense of embarrassment.

While Al-Hujailan viewed King Saud’s removal as a family issue, he understood the broader implications of announcing it. The world would be taken by surprise, and the announcement could lead to speculation and political misinterpretations. This is why it was vital for the Minister of Information to deliver the statement.

The removal of King Saud was not just another seasonal military coup that often draws skepticism and laughter in the Arab world. It marked a significant political event in a country known for its stability, where the royal family has upheld familial unity since its founding by King Abdulaziz.

The Al Saud family has always recognized the responsibilities of governance, prioritizing national stability and avoiding internal conflict. This was not simply news of a prince’s death or a minister’s dismissal; it was the ousting of a reigning king and the pledge of allegiance to a new monarch. Given its significance, such an announcement needed to be made by the Minister of Information.

On that historic day, Al-Hujailan announced the statement live from the radio studios in Jeddah on November 2, 1964.