Kuwait Marathon Returns Despite Pressure

 Photo of a Marathon event held in Kuwait City. (KUNA)
Photo of a Marathon event held in Kuwait City. (KUNA)

Kuwait Marathon Returns Despite Pressure

 Photo of a Marathon event held in Kuwait City. (KUNA)
Photo of a Marathon event held in Kuwait City. (KUNA)

Kuwaiti MP Alia Al-Khaled announced on Wednesday that the Marathon organized by the National Bank of Kuwait would be launched on Saturday, Dec. 10 in Gulf Street.

The announcement came in the wake of a wave of anger on social media, following a former decision to cancel the event that brings together men and women from all over the country.

Khaled thanked the Minister of Interior and the Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic, for their quick response to resolve the issue and their coordination with the concerned authorities.

The marathon organizers had informed the media in Kuwait that a directive had been issued banning the musical bands accompanying the marathon event, before news circulated of a decision to cancel the marathon due to the joint participation of men and women.

A recently establishment parliamentary committee, called the “Negative Phenomena Committee” and concerned with “monitoring public behavior” and preserving what it considers the values of society, had issued an implicit warning through a parliamentary question submitted by one of its members.

Salafist MP Hamad Al-Obeid addressed the Minister of Interior, asking: “Are marathons being held in Kuwait with the approval of the relevant government agencies?”

He also questioned the “the extent of commitment to the Sharia controls for mixing.”

In response, Kuwaiti activists launched a campaign on social media against the committee, accusing it of imposing “moral guardianship on society, practicing restrictions on freedoms in Kuwait, and violating the constitution.”

Al-Khaled urged the Ministry of Interior not to succumb to extremist currents.

“Sports events and gatherings have health and societal goals and aim to consolidate relations between members of society, in addition to their recreational goals that reduce the psychological pressures experienced by citizens and residents,” she said in earlier remarks.

The deputy added: “The Ministry of the Interior must implement the law and not exercise authoritarianism for fear of questioning or threat. If we want reform and development, then this approach does not serve the hoped-for vision announced by the Emir and the Crown Prince in their speech.”

Saudi Arabia Calls for ‘Reliable’ Path to the Establishment of Independent Palestinian State

Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah addresses the second meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers in New York. SPA
Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah addresses the second meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers in New York. SPA

Saudi Arabia Calls for ‘Reliable’ Path to the Establishment of Independent Palestinian State

Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah addresses the second meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers in New York. SPA
Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah addresses the second meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers in New York. SPA

Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah participated on Wednesday in the second meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers, chaired by Brazil, urging them to enable the achievement of a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the adoption of a “reliable” path to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

The meeting was held on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

"The fact that our meeting is being held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly is an indication of the importance of the G20 and its leadership in ensuring the health of the global economy, enhancing multilateral cooperation, and finding innovative solutions to common challenges,” the Foreign Minister said in his speech.

He underscored the urgent need to adhere to successful models of collective action and the importance of seeking to develop and reform international institutions.

"The repercussions of wars and political conflicts undermine efforts to establish international peace and security and cast their shadows on all aspects of multilateral action, and when these institutions fail to carry out their fundamental duties towards these crises, this creates a gap in international action and a crisis of confidence that undermines their legitimacy. This is what we are witnessing today in the way some international institutions deal with the humanitarian catastrophe in Palestine."

The Minister stressed that prolonging the war and expanding its scope deepens the suffering of the Palestinian people, threatens international peace and security, and undermines the chances of achieving comprehensive peace in the region.

"The G20 countries must intensify their joint efforts to overcome the international failure to confront Israel's serious violations of international laws and norms and enable the achievement of a ceasefire and the adoption of a reliable and irreversible path to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” he added.

Regarding reforming the United Nations system, especially the Security Council, he stressed that there is an urgent need for radical reform to compensate for the defects in addressing crises, responding to the needs of people, and keeping pace with international transformations and development requirements.

"The Kingdom affirms that the goal of reforming the Security Council is to enhance its credibility and effective response, believing in the importance of this in confronting contemporary crises and challenges, thus contributing to creating a more just, secure and stable world."