Egypt, Azerbaijan Call to Eliminate Financing Terrorist Organizations

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev (Egyptian Presidency)
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev (Egyptian Presidency)

Egypt, Azerbaijan Call to Eliminate Financing Terrorist Organizations

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev (Egyptian Presidency)
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev (Egyptian Presidency)

Egypt and Azerbaijan asserted the need for concerted efforts of the international community to combat terrorism and extremism at all levels, particularly financing terrorist groups and providing them with weapons and terrorist elements.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi arrived in Baku, Azerbaijan, and held talks with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, at the presidential palace.

Following their meeting, the two leaders held a joint press conference announcing their support for the political settlement in Syria, rebuilding the country, eliminating terrorism, and supporting state institutions.

Presidential spokesman Bassam Rady said the meeting discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations at various levels.

The two sides stressed the importance of building on the profound, friendly, and historical relations between Egypt and Azerbaijan, at both the official and popular levels, to enhance cooperation in areas of common interest.

The two leaders stressed the importance of promoting trade and strengthening the economic partnerships between the two countries private sectors by forming a joint business council.

They also discussed boosting cooperation between the two sides in several sectors, given the two countries' enormous potential and opportunities open for cooperation, particularly in new and renewable energy and natural gas.

They also agreed on the need to boost cooperation in other areas such as construction, infrastructure, transport, pharmaceutical industries, tourism, and culture.

The talks touched on regional and international developments.

Aliyev lauded the path of economic reforms in Egypt, which was conducive to the remarkable and continuous improvement in the indicators of the Egyptian economy.

He lauded Egypt's positive role in reaching political settlements to all crises in its regional environment.

stressing "his country's keenness to continue improving relations with Egypt, especially in light of Egypt's pivotal role as a pillar of stability, security, and peace in the East." Middle and Africa ».

According to the Egyptian Presidency, the two countries agreed on the importance of supporting efforts to reach a political settlement in Syria, rebuild the country, eliminate terrorist groups, and support its state institutions.

They noted that it would help preserve Syria's territorial integrity, fulfill its people's legitimate aspirations, and end their suffering.

The leaders also addressed the recent Libyan developments.

Sisi outlined Egypt's vision for a settlement in Libya and its efforts to support the political, constitutional, and economic tracks.

The meeting discussed the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis at the international level, and the two Presidents also exchanged views on developments in the Palestinian cause.

During the press conference, Sisi said the talks addressed the need to reinvigorate trade between the two countries and promote mutual political relations.

He indicated that the two countries shall thoroughly explore the issue during the 6th Egyptian-Azerbaijani Joint Committee, which is scheduled to convene in Cairo in 2024.

Talks also touched on efforts made by Egypt to overcome the obstacles that foreign investors face and on the major national projects being implemented to advance the national economy.

They discussed the Suez Canal Economic Zone and the advantages it offers foreign investors, notably access for their products to many neighboring Arab and African markets, by taking advantage of the free and preferential trade agreements Egypt shares with these countries.

Sisi welcomed the resumption of flights between Baku and Sharm El-Sheikh, with the possibility of considering launching direct flights between Cairo and Baku.

The Egyptian president noted that the world had just started recovering from the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and its subsequent economic repercussions cast a shadow over various vital sectors in the world.

Israel Expands Drone Use in Southern Lebanon to Intercept Civilians

An armed Israeli drone flies over villages in southern Lebanon in July (Hezbollah Media)
An armed Israeli drone flies over villages in southern Lebanon in July (Hezbollah Media)

Israel Expands Drone Use in Southern Lebanon to Intercept Civilians

An armed Israeli drone flies over villages in southern Lebanon in July (Hezbollah Media)
An armed Israeli drone flies over villages in southern Lebanon in July (Hezbollah Media)

Israeli drones are now being used for more than just tracking and targeting fighters in southern Lebanon. They’re also setting fires to forests, intimidating residents, and stopping cars at night to broadcast messages through loudspeakers.

Recent reports and social media videos show these new uses. In one troubling incident, an Israeli drone blocked a civilian in his car in the border town of Khallwat in the Hasbaya district, holding him for several minutes.

Local TV channel Al-Jadeed reported that an Israeli drone briefly held a civilian in his car and shone bright lights on him. The man was able to leave safely.

Other reports say the drone stopped the man early in the morning on his way home, using strong green lights that caused him pain.

The type of light used by the Israeli drone is not clear, but experts believe it’s not a laser.

Instead, it was likely a spotlight used to help the drone’s camera scan the driver’s face and collect information. This process involves a camera that captures the image and sends it to a computer where AI can identify the person quickly.

Experts tell Asharq Al-Awsat that Israel’s advanced technology means the bright light could be used for intimidation, to confirm the person’s identity, or to analyze body shape data.

They agree that the situation is concerning.

In another incident, a new video showed an Israeli drone dropping burning materials on forests near borders in Lebanon’s town of Adaisseh. The footage shows the drone releasing the substance, which started a fire.

Israeli drones with loudspeakers have been also flying over border villages, warning residents and broadcasting messages. Locals say the drones not only relay army statements but also insult Hezbollah and incite against the group.

This has been happening in multiple villages over the past month.

Moreover, Israeli warplanes have been striking the outskirts of Zibkin, Naqoura, and Wadi Hamoul, causing severe damage to property, crops, and forests.

The Israeli military also shelled the outskirts of Aita al-Shaab and hit areas around Naqoura and Alma al-Shaab with artillery fire.