G20 Initiatives

Business Saudi Presidency of G20 Gives Rise to Global Initiatives

Saudi Presidency of G20 Gives Rise to Global Initiatives

The 2020 G20 Riyadh summit, held under the Saudi Presidency of the G20, has produced initiatives and created international pathways that contribute to…

Mohammed Al-Ayed (Riyadh)
Features G20 Countries Address Water Security from a Sustainability Perspective

G20 Countries Address Water Security from a Sustainability Perspective

G20 countries, led by Saudi Arabia, have strived to enhance the sustainability and durability of global water systems in light of the many warnings and worst…

Fatehelrahman Yousif (Riyadh)
Varieties G20 Riyadh Summit Leads Efforts to Fight Climate Change

G20 Riyadh Summit Leads Efforts to Fight Climate Change

Climate change is an existential issue for some countries and of no value to others. G20 countries, however, under the presidency of Saudi Arabia, joined…

Eman Al-Khattaf (Al-Dammam)
Business Saudi G20 Presidency Draws up Map for Recovery of Global Tourism

Saudi G20 Presidency Draws up Map for Recovery of Global Tourism

Saudi Arabia hosted last week the G20 Leaders Summit as tourism throughout the world is enduring its worst ever crisis due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. …

Saleh al-Zaid (Riyadh)
Business G20 Two Summits Proposal Will Contribute to Solving Problems, Addressing Urgent Files

G20 Two Summits Proposal Will Contribute to Solving Problems, Addressing Urgent Files

Political and economic experts have unanimously agreed on the importance of the proposal put forward by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during his…

Saeed al-Abyad (Jeddah)
Varieties G20 Sets Plan to Save Education From Pandemic Repercussions

G20 Sets Plan to Save Education From Pandemic Repercussions

Saudi Education Minister Dr. Hamad Bin Mohammed Al-Sheikh confirmed that the Kingdom had placed two education-related priorities on its presidency agenda for…

Iman Al Khataf (Dammam)
Gulf G20 Interfaith Forum Stresses Cooperation, Rejects Marginalization of Minorities

G20 Interfaith Forum Stresses Cooperation, Rejects Marginalization of Minorities

The G20 Interfaith Forum on Religious Values, hosted by Saudi Arabia, convened virtually for the second day, with the participation of 500 international…

Saleh al-Zaid (Riyadh)
Business G20 Suspends Poor Nations' Debt Payments for 6 More Months

G20 Suspends Poor Nations' Debt Payments for 6 More Months

The Group of 20 nations said Wednesday it has agreed to extend the suspension of debt payments by an additional six months to support the most vulnerable…

Asharq Al Awsat
Gulf Riyadh G20 Interfaith Forum to Tackle Youth, Women, Climate and Coronavirus

Riyadh G20 Interfaith Forum to Tackle Youth, Women, Climate and Coronavirus

The G20 Interfaith Forum will convene in Riyadh on Tuesday to address crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, disaster risk reduction, hate…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business G20 Tourism Ministers Support Initiatives that Develop Startups

G20 Tourism Ministers Support Initiatives that Develop Startups

Tourism Ministers from the Group of 20 countries, who met under Saudi Arabia’s G20 Presidency, agreed on Wednesday to foster tourism innovation and support…

Aisha Jaafari (Jeddah)
Business G20's DSSI Supports Arab Countries With Up to $500M

G20's DSSI Supports Arab Countries With Up to $500M

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Finance Mohammed al-Jadaan said at a virtual IMF and G20 high-level forum held Wednesday that the economic fallout caused by COVID…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business G20: Equal Access to Vaccines is Key to Overcoming Pandemic

G20: Equal Access to Vaccines is Key to Overcoming Pandemic

Equitable and affordable access to vaccines for all is key to overcoming the coronavirus pandemic and supporting the global economic recovery, the G20 Finance…

Asharq Al Awsat

Most Viewed


Business G20 Pledges More than $21 Billion in Virus Fight

G20 Pledges More than $21 Billion in Virus Fight

The G20 has pledged more than $21 billion to fight the coronavirus pandemic, the group said early on Saturday. "The G20, with invited countries, has…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business Saudi G20 Presidency Welcomes Initiative for Health Tools to Combat COVID-19

Saudi G20 Presidency Welcomes Initiative for Health Tools to Combat COVID-19

G20 nations on Sunday launched an international initiative to accelerate access to health tools needed to fight the coronavirus pandemic. The finance…

Asharq Al Awsat
Gulf Saudi Arabia Pledges $500 Million to Global Fight Against Coronavirus

Saudi Arabia Pledges $500 Million to Global Fight Against Coronavirus

Saudi Arabia, as the holder of the G20 Presidency, has pledged $500 million to international organizations to support global efforts in combatting the COVID-19…

Asharq Al Awsat
World G20 Leaders: 'We Will Overcome This' Together

G20 Leaders: 'We Will Overcome This' Together

The leaders of the Group of 20 nations expressed on Thursday a strong commitment of unity against the coronavirus outbreak and its repercussions, saying they…

Asharq Al Awsat