G20 News

Business Saudi G20 Presidency, BIS Invite Innovators to Find Solutions to Financial Challenges

Saudi G20 Presidency, BIS Invite Innovators to Find Solutions to Financial Challenges

The Saudi G20 Presidency and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub have launched the G20 TechSprint Initiative to highlight the potential…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business G20 Tourism Ministers to Explore Opportunities to Boost Industry

G20 Tourism Ministers to Explore Opportunities to Boost Industry

Tourism ministers of the Group of 20 major economies agreed on Friday to explore capacity programs in the tourism industry to help the global economy recover…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business G20 Pledges to Prop Up Labor Market, Bolster Social Protection

G20 Pledges to Prop Up Labor Market, Bolster Social Protection

G20 labor and employment ministers have pledged to prop up the labor market as the COVID-19 pandemic hits jobs and output across the globe. "We cannot allow…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business Saudi G20 Presidency Urges More Donations in Pandemic Response

Saudi G20 Presidency Urges More Donations in Pandemic Response

The Saudi presidency of the Group of 20 major economies on Thursday called for further immediate donations to fund the emergency response to the coronavirus…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business G20 Agriculture Ministers: Coronavirus Measures Should Not Disrupt Food Supply

G20 Agriculture Ministers: Coronavirus Measures Should Not Disrupt Food Supply

Agriculture and food ministers from the Group of 20 countries agreed at a virtual meeting on Tuesday that emergency measures to stop the spread of the new…

Asharq Al Awsat
Gulf G20 Health Ministers Share Experiences to Contain Pandemic

G20 Health Ministers Share Experiences to Contain Pandemic

The G20 Health Ministers held a virtual meeting on Sunday to further coordinate efforts in combatting the coronavirus pandemic. The ministers “emphasized…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business G20 Agriculture Ministers to Discuss World Food Security amid Virus Crisis

G20 Agriculture Ministers to Discuss World Food Security amid Virus Crisis

The agriculture ministers of the Group of 20 major economies, chaired by Saudi Arabia, will hold an extraordinary virtual meeting on Tuesday to act upon the…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business Saudi Finance Minister: G20 Will Spare No Effort to Overcome Pandemic

Saudi Finance Minister: G20 Will Spare No Effort to Overcome Pandemic

Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan stated on Wednesday that the coronavirus pandemic has taken a "great toll" and “extraordinary uncertainty” still…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business G20 Finance Ministers Agree to Suspend Debt of Poorest Countries

G20 Finance Ministers Agree to Suspend Debt of Poorest Countries

Finance officials from the Group of 20 major economies agreed on Wednesday to suspend debt service payments for the world's poorest countries from May 1 until…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business B20 Makes Recommendations to G20 Finance Ministers

B20 Makes Recommendations to G20 Finance Ministers

The B20, which is the private sector's voice of the G20 community, has proposed a set of recommendations to the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business G20 Watchdog Says Investment Fund Vulnerable Amidst Pandemic

G20 Watchdog Says Investment Fund Vulnerable Amidst Pandemic

Non-bank financial firms such as investment funds have exhibited vulnerabilities during the coronavirus crisis that may need fixing to help economies recover,…

Asharq Al Awsat
World G20 Health Ministers to Meet Sunday over COVID-19

G20 Health Ministers to Meet Sunday over COVID-19

Health ministers from the Group of 20 major economies will speak by video conference on April 19 to address the impact of the new coronavirus on the global…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business G20 Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors to Meet Wednesday

G20 Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors to Meet Wednesday

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will meet under the Saudi G20 Presidency on Wednesday to continue to discuss and take urgent actions to…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business G20 Says Energy Sector to Contribute Effectively in Overcoming COVID-19

G20 Says Energy Sector to Contribute Effectively in Overcoming COVID-19

G-20 energy ministers vowed commitment to ensure that the energy sector continues to make a full and effective contribution to overcoming COVID-19 and powering…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business G20 Urges Commitment to Stabilize Oil Prices to Boost Global Economy

G20 Urges Commitment to Stabilize Oil Prices to Boost Global Economy

G20 energy ministers met at a virtual summit, hosted by Saudi Arabia, pledging to work together to ensure oil "market stability”. OPEC led by Saudi Arabia…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business Saudi Energy Minister Calls for Affordable Energy Supply at G20 Meeting

Saudi Energy Minister Calls for Affordable Energy Supply at G20 Meeting

Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdel Abdulaziz bin Salman told a conference of the G20 group of the world’s largest economies on Friday that ensuring affordable…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business Saudi Arabia to Host Special Meeting for G20 Energy Ministers Friday

Saudi Arabia to Host Special Meeting for G20 Energy Ministers Friday

Saudi Arabia will host a virtual special meeting Friday of energy ministers from the Group of 20 major economies in a bid to ensure "market stability" amid a…

Asharq Al Awsat
World G20 Trade Ministers Pledge Focus on Free, Fair Trade in Virus Response

G20 Trade Ministers Pledge Focus on Free, Fair Trade in Virus Response

Trade ministers from the Group of 20 major economies agreed on Monday to keep their markets open and ensure the continued flow of vital medical supplies,…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business UN Chief Urges G20 to Adopt ‘War-Time’ Plan with Trillions

UN Chief Urges G20 to Adopt ‘War-Time’ Plan with Trillions

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged leaders of the world’s 20 major industrialized nations on Tuesday to adopt a “wartime” plan including a stimulus…

Asharq Al Awsat
Business G20 to Agree on Additional Measures to Support Global Economy

G20 to Agree on Additional Measures to Support Global Economy

G20 ministers of Finance and central banks governors have revealed an agreement to adopt three tracks to reduce the repercussions of the coronavirus on global…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business Saudi Arabia Calls for G20 Summit to Combat Coronavirus

Saudi Arabia Calls for G20 Summit to Combat Coronavirus

Saudi Arabia called on Tuesday for holding an extraordinary virtual meeting for the leaders of the G20 to combat the new coronavirus pandemic. Saudi Arabia,…

Asharq Al Awsat
Gulf G20 to Launch Riyadh Initiative for Future of World Trade

G20 to Launch Riyadh Initiative for Future of World Trade

The Working Group on Trade and Investment disclosed an initiative for the future of the World Trade Organization, affirming the determination to set common…

Asharq Al Awsat (Riyadh)
Business Calls for G20 Leaders Meeting amid Global Markets Panic Triggered by Virus

Calls for G20 Leaders Meeting amid Global Markets Panic Triggered by Virus

Australia and South Korea on Sunday called for meetings of leaders and finance chiefs from the world’s top industrial and emerging nations as the coronavirus…

Asharq Al Awsat (London)
Gulf Saudi Arabia, Other GCC States Restrict Movement over Coronavirus

Saudi Arabia, Other GCC States Restrict Movement over Coronavirus

Saudi Arabia closed malls, restaurants, cafes and public parks on Sunday and other Gulf states expanded measures to contain the coronavirus. In Saudi Arabia…

Asharq Al Awsat