Amr Moussa
Amr Moussa is a former Arab League Secretary General and former Foreign Minister of Egypt

A Message to the Arab Summit: Under What Circumstances Are You Being Held?

The Arab Summit will convene today in Manama, the capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Its annual meeting almost brings back to the Arab mind, and even to the Arab conscience, the cry of Al-Mutanabbi: “O, Bairam days come back again as you desire. No matter you come as usual or wearing new…

The West’s Beguiling Smile Does Not Tempt Anyone Anymore

The international conference called for by Egypt that was held on October 21st did something important. It clarified or confirmed the political and cultural fault lines of what looks like a clash between two blocs with conflicting interests, or rather irreconcilable basic moral assumptions. At…

The New Cold War and its Effects on Our Region

The current developments on the international scene reflect a cold war situation on its way to an escalation. It has long-term strategic dimensions, as well as intense manifestations and direct repercussions represented in the “special military operation” against Ukraine. The operation is based…

The Tumultuous 2021 and the New Year

The year 2021 ended, with all its upheaval, as a new year began with hopes that it would not be like its predecessor, and that it would provide people in all four parts of the world and in its five (or six) continents an opportunity to return to a normal life. The “new normal” is an expression…

Has the Process of Modernizing the Multilateral System Started?

It has recently been reported that the Security Council, the central body concerned with maintaining international peace and security at the United Nations, started discussions on the fair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. The discussions are expected to address several related issues, primarily…

In Corona's Clutches

Last April, as the world was being staggered by and busy dealing with the coronavirus's first waves, I published an article entitled "What Next?". Through it, I tried to shed light on the pandemic’s impact on this part of the world and what is to be done once its dust settles. My assessment was…

Isn’t It The Time for A New 'Non-Alignment'?

The relentless talk about the coronavirus pandemic has evolved to include, in a vital part of it, the birth of the virus and the party behind it. It seems that this topic will be at the forefront of the discussion of the post-coronavirus period, and will open the way for legal, scientific, media…

What Next?

I mean: What happens after the coronavirus storm or, the pandemic, ends? The virus had put the whole world up against an enemy that is attacking everyone without a single consideration for borders or laws and without discriminating between those who are strong in every sense of the word and those…

Engaging with the ‘Deal of the Century’

I read with great interest Samir Atallah’s oped in Asharq Al-Awsat on February 13 in which he referred to my remarks to Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper on January 31 about the so-called “deal of the century” and in which I called for holding immediate negotiations about the future of Palestine according…

A Call to Whom It May Concern…to All Arabs

Last October, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement on the strategic importance of the Syrian Golan Heights to Israeli security and the need to end its legal status as an occupied territory and annex it to Israel. In December 2018, a draft-resolution was submitted to the…