Ellen Wald

US Can Build and Fight Climate Change at Same Time

As part of efforts to pay for President Joe Biden’s proposed $3.5 trillion spending plan and ahead of a burst in expected infrastructure outlays, Senate Democrats are proposing the US impose tariffs on carbon-intensive imports. This idea resembles the European Union’s newly unveiled border…

Green Energy Solutions Start at Factory Gates

The effort to reduce harmful global greenhouse-gas emissions involves the tricky challenge of addressing the environmental dangers embedded in the status quo without adding undue costs and burdens that could stifle economic growth. This provides strong incentive for investors and policy makers who…

Trump and the Art of the Iranian Deal

New US sanctions on Iran’s oil industry, set to begin on Monday, were supposed to exert maximum pressure on Iran’s economy. Since the pullout from the Iran nuclear deal was announced in May, the Trump administration has claimed a goal of cutting Iran’s oil exports to zero. Officials have repeatedly…