Khalid Al-Bari

From the Sea to the River... Who Reaps the Benefit?

I was recently surprised to watch a video dating back to June 2021 in which Yehya Sinwar calls on all Palestinians for a confrontation with Israel, with the aim to establish a state on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital, and secure the right of return for refugees. The…

Should We Criticize Hamas in the Midst of Crisis?

The crisis in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood is not a simple one. It embodies the problem of ethnic “discrimination” within Israel, which is not one of individual behavior or a political decision. The problem is with the law, the judiciary and the course that the supposed justice has taken…

The Anonymous Criminal in Lebanon

Lebanese intellectuals on the margin pointed at the “elephant in the room” before others. Dr. Waddah Sharara is among the most prominent among them. His groundbreaking book, Hezbollah’s State, sounded the alarm in the nineties, during the golden era of Hezbollah’s propaganda when it was presenting…