Najib Saab
Secretary-General of the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED) and editor-in-chief of Environment and Development magazine

Investing in the Poor

The $20 billion provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency this month to support the transition to sustainable energy in local communities represents a milestone. Until now, the benefits of environment and climate subsidies around the world have been almost limited to the wealthy, who are…

Defying Nature Can Buy Time, But Does Not Save the Environment

Can technology alone stop the collapse of natural systems, without addressing the root of the problem and changing production and consumption patterns? This question surfaces whenever scientists announce a breakthrough such as developing genetically modified plants and animals to withstand climate…

Energy Transition: Fixing Plan A Should Precede Shifting to Plan B

Achieving the goal of tripling the production capacity of renewable energy by 2030 will not be possible if the world continues on the current path. But the objective is technically viable and economically feasible, provided that countries adopt supportive policies and provide large-scale…

Water Label Besides Energy Label

When shopping for any electrical device, we find a label specifying energy efficiency, usually from best to worse, in classes from A to G. Most countries also classify cars and vehicles into categories, according to fuel efficiency and carbon emissions. Likewise, products we buy from the…

Europe Succumbs to the Farmers’ Revolution

Finally, Europe has succumbed to the farmers’ revolution, with the European Parliament elections around the corner. The main motivation for this turnaround by the European Commission was not to put an end to the throwing of cow dung and burning fodder at the doors of the European Commission’s…

Artificial Intelligence: For Sustainability or Destruction?

Governments, businesses, industries and financial institutions, as well as universities and research centers that do not keep pace with developments in artificial intelligence (AI) put themselves out of the competition. This has become an established fact, as demonstrated by the discussions at the…

Environmental Education for a Sustainable Future

The perception of the environment has expanded in recent decades from fighting pollution to the management of natural resources. The increase in the world’s population from 1.5 billion at the beginning of the twentieth century to over eight billion today, together with a major shift in production…

Misleading Green Labels: From Food and Fashion to Cars

The phrase “Made from recycled materials” was what first caught my eye, printed on a label attached to a sweater. Upon closer examination, I found that the word recycled referred to the small label itself, and not the sweater, which was not made from used or recyclable materials. This is an extreme…

COP23 Protects Marine Life … Who Protects Human Life?

There is no typo in the title, as the subject of the article is indeed COP23 and not COP28. Despite the urgency of the challenges posed by climate change, the world faces other environmental problems that are no less important and cannot be ignored. The twenty-eighth Conference of the Parties to…

Greenwashing, from Facemasks to Hangers

The resounding downfall of the Dutch businessman, who claimed to be able to clean oceans from plastic, brought back to the forefront the need to verify projects that embellish upon the slogans of “circular economy” and “environmental protection”, to ensure that they adhere to the promises,…