Philip A. Salem, M.D.

Philip A. Salem, M.D.
Philip A. Salem is a cancer physician and researcher in Houston. He has served on a healthcare ad hoc advisory committee that reported to President George H. W. Bush.

On World Cancer Day

Every year, people around the world stand before the "emperor of maladies" in fear and reverence and ask: How far have we come in the fight to eradicate this disease? How much longer will it continue to take our lives and instill fear in our hearts? What progress has science made in recent years? …

Cancer and COVID-19... Science’s Victory and Politics’ Failure

Two years ago, on days like today, we would stand before the throne of cancer, the emperor of all diseases, with fear and awe. That was the case for many years. Today, a new visitor has come to Earth and is fighting for cancer's throne. It is COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The…

COVID-19 and the UN Declaration of Human Rights

Dec 10, 2020 — This day commemorates the day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Although not a binding document, this trailblazing Declaration established an international standard of human rights and committed the UN to defending the…