Displaced Libyans Await Humanitarian Truce to Return to Destroyed Homes

The inside of a house damaged by shelling in Abu Salim in Tripoli, Libya April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Hani Amara
The inside of a house damaged by shelling in Abu Salim in Tripoli, Libya April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Hani Amara

Displaced Libyans Await Humanitarian Truce to Return to Destroyed Homes

The inside of a house damaged by shelling in Abu Salim in Tripoli, Libya April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Hani Amara
The inside of a house damaged by shelling in Abu Salim in Tripoli, Libya April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Hani Amara

Libyan refugees living on the outskirts of the capital Tripoli received the news of the “humanitarian truce” agreed upon by the warring factions with mixed feelings, expressing hope that it would go into effect as soon as possible so that they could return to their homes, some of which had been destroyed by the war.

According to the estimates of the Ministry for Displaced and Refugee Affairs of the Government of National Accord, over 350,000 citizens have been displaced by the military operation on the capital, most of them are women, children, elderly or have special needs and live in shelters or abandoned buildings.

The indiscriminate shelling of forces loyal to the GNA and the Libyan National Army (LNA) severely damaged the homes that their owners had fled, and some of them were inhabited by fighters and looters.

Despite this, the displaced hope to return home soon, ignoring the dangers that they may face on their way as happened in the past to others who did the same while there had been a truce.

Warith Al-Warfalli, who resides in a none operational factory on the outskirts of the capital, tells Asharq Al-Awsat that returning to his house in the neighborhood of Wadi Al Rabi, 4 km from the capital, is nonetheless better than him and his family continuing to live out in the open.

However, he knows that it is risky, pointing out that “three citizens were killed by snipers when they went to check up on their homes three months ago”.

"We are living in constant misery, whether we live in shelters outside the areas being bombed or even inside our homes. However, over there, we would die in our homes.”

He continued, “We want to spend the rest of Ramadan between their walls. I hope that the war will come to its permanent conclusion, and that bloodshed ends.”

As the living conditions of thousands of people deteriorated, local and Western parties have called for a "humanitarian truce.”

They also stressed the need for safe routes to be guaranteed as quickly as possible so that aid could be distributed to families, especially in Bani Walid and Tarhuna, and Qasr bin Ghashir.

With a sad tone, Amina al-Hassi, the spokeswoman for the Initiative to Save Feminist Libya, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the situation in Tripoli is "miserable, youths are dying during the holy month, and a quick solution must be reached to prevent bloodshed."

Until the anticipated truce is achieved, life will continue to be extremely difficult for the majority of Libyans.

Eyewitnesses tell Asharq Al-Awsat that the past few weeks have been the most violent in months. The indiscriminate shelling has killed more than 600 civilians, including 50 medical personnel, 67 women and 86 children, in addition to wounding approximately 1,500 people.

Shortly before Ramadan began, in a joint statement, Germany, France, Italy and the High Representative of the European Union called for a “humanitarian truce” in Libya to mark the holy month. “We want to unite our voices to those of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his Acting Special Representative for Libya, Stephanie Turco Williams, in their call for a humanitarian truce in Libya,” they said.

Moderate Pezeshkian Makes It to Iran Presidential Run-off

Iranian presidential candidate and reformist Massoud Pezeshkian reacts to the crowd outside a polling station where he cast his vote in the presidential election in Tehran on June 28, 2024. (AFP)
Iranian presidential candidate and reformist Massoud Pezeshkian reacts to the crowd outside a polling station where he cast his vote in the presidential election in Tehran on June 28, 2024. (AFP)

Moderate Pezeshkian Makes It to Iran Presidential Run-off

Iranian presidential candidate and reformist Massoud Pezeshkian reacts to the crowd outside a polling station where he cast his vote in the presidential election in Tehran on June 28, 2024. (AFP)
Iranian presidential candidate and reformist Massoud Pezeshkian reacts to the crowd outside a polling station where he cast his vote in the presidential election in Tehran on June 28, 2024. (AFP)

In an election campaign dominated by hardliners, Iranian presidential hopeful Massoud Pezeshkian stood out as a moderate, backing women's rights, more social freedoms, cautious detente with the West and economic reform.

Pezeshkian narrowly beat hardline Saeed Jalili for first place in Friday's first round vote but the two men will now face a run-off election on July 5, since Pezeshkian did not secure the majority of 50% plus one vote of ballots cast needed to win outright.

Pezeshkian, a 69-year-old cardiac surgeon, lawmaker and former health minister was up against candidates who more closely reflect the fiercely anti-Western stance of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the country's ultimate decision-maker.

And yet the mild-mannered Pezeshkian narrowly won Friday's vote and made it to the run-off in the election to pick a successor to Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash in May.

His chances hinge on attracting votes from supporters of current hardline parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, who finished third in the first round, and encouraging a young disillusioned population hungry for change but disenchanted with the country's political, social and economic crisis to vote for him again in the run-off.

Although he advocates reforms, Pezeshkian is faithful to Iran's theocratic rule with no intention of confronting the powerful security hawks and clerical rulers.

His views offer a contrast to those of Raisi, a Khamenei protege who tightened enforcement of a law curbing women's dress and took a tough stance in now-moribund negotiations with major powers to revive a 2015 nuclear deal.

Pezeshkian's election campaign gained momentum when he was endorsed by reformists, led by former President Mohammad Khatami, and when he appointed former Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, a key figure in crafting the nuclear deal, as his foreign policy adviser.

Implicitly referring to the appointment of Zarif, who hardliners accuse of selling out Iran in order to reach the deal, Khamenei said on Tuesday: "Anyone who is attached to America will not be a good colleague for you".

In 2018, then-US President Donald Trump ditched the pact and reimposed sanctions on Iran, calling it "a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made." His move prompted Tehran to progressively violate the agreement's nuclear limits.

If Pezeshkian does go on to win, this would hinder Iranian hardliners who are opposed to the revival of the pact.

However, under Iran's dual system of clerical and republican rule the power to shape key state policies including foreign and nuclear affairs ultimately rests with Khamenei.

As a result, many voters are skeptical about Pezeshkian's ability to fulfil his campaign promises.

"Pezeshkian's power as the president to fulfil his campaign promises is zero," said Sholeh Mousavi, a 32-year-old teacher in Tehran, before Friday's first round of voting.

"I want reforms but Pezeshkian cannot improve the situation. I will not vote. "

Pezeshkian, the sole moderate among the six candidates who were approved by a hardline watchdog body to stand, has pledged to foster a pragmatic foreign policy and ease nuclear tensions with the West. Two hardline subsequently candidates pulled out.


At the same time, Pezeshkian promised in TV debates and interviews not to contest Khamenei's policies, which analysts said risks further alienating the urban middle class and young voters. These groups no longer seek mere reform and instead now directly challenge the country's regime as a whole.

As a lawmaker since 2008, Pezeshkian, who is an Azeri ethnic minority and supports the rights of ethnic minorities, has criticized the clerical establishment's suppression of political and social dissent.

In 2022, Pezeshkian demanded clarification from authorities about the death of Mahsa Amini, a woman who died in custody after she was arrested for allegedly violating a law restricting women's dress. Her death sparked months of unrest across the country.

But at a Tehran University meeting earlier this month, responding to a question about students imprisoned on charges linked to anti-government protests, Pezeshkian said "political prisoners are not within my scope, and if I want to do something, I have no authority".

During the Iran-Iraq war in 1980s, Pezeshkian, who held roles as both a combatant and a physician, was tasked with the deployment of medical teams to the front lines.

He was health minister from 2001-5 in Khatami's second term.

Pezeshkian lost his wife and one of his children in a car accident in 1994. He raised his surviving two sons and a daughter alone, opting to never remarry.