Saudi Arabia is using ECMO Technology to Treat COVID-19 Patients

Alternative picture of EMCO caption: EMCO machine (Getty Images)
Alternative picture of EMCO caption: EMCO machine (Getty Images)

Saudi Arabia is using ECMO Technology to Treat COVID-19 Patients

Alternative picture of EMCO caption: EMCO machine (Getty Images)
Alternative picture of EMCO caption: EMCO machine (Getty Images)

The Saudi Ministry of Health’s utilization of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (EMCO) has been successful. The machine has allowed for an increase in the recovery rate of patients suffering from acute respiratory failure caused by the new coronavirus.

It performs the role of the heart and lungs, supporting other organs until they recover and regain their functions. The treatment has been successful in treating nearly 32 patients so far. The machine was used to help patients awaiting open-heart surgery or a lung transplant and has only recently started to be used to treat patients suffering from acute cases of the COVID-19.

It is not a long term treatment; rather, it can only replace the lungs and heart temporarily, while its utilization for long periods leads to an array of complications. It works by tubing blood from the central veins, either in the neck or thigh vessels. It then transfers the blood outside of the body to an artificial lung that warms blood so that it is the same temperature as the blood in the body. It supplies the blood with oxygen while removing carbon dioxide before it pumps it back into it to the body.

The specialized medical team uses EMCO to treat cases of advanced respiratory failure and acute cardiac respiratory failure, as it gives the heart and lungs a chance to recover.

Recent studies have highlighted technology’s increasingly prominent role in treating patients with severe pneumonia caused by both infectious or non-infectious diseases.

Concerning the virus’ spread in the kingdom, the Saudi Ministry of Health announced that the number of recoveries has reached 264,487 after 1528 new recoveries were registered on Saturday. Also, 1,413 were recorded in the last twenty-four hours.

Saudi Arabia’s stc Group Boosts Network Capacity in Madinah to Serve Pilgrims

stc significantly expanded its data network capacity in Madinah, exceeding last year's capacity by over 35%. (SPA)
stc significantly expanded its data network capacity in Madinah, exceeding last year's capacity by over 35%. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia’s stc Group Boosts Network Capacity in Madinah to Serve Pilgrims

stc significantly expanded its data network capacity in Madinah, exceeding last year's capacity by over 35%. (SPA)
stc significantly expanded its data network capacity in Madinah, exceeding last year's capacity by over 35%. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia’s stc Group has deployed its technical expertise and digital services to support the thousands of pilgrims visiting Madinah following the Hajj, reported the Saudi Press Agency on Saturday

stc significantly expanded its data network capacity in Madinah, exceeding last year's capacity by over 35%.

This enhancement ensured smooth operation of 5G services, keeping pace with the surging demand for high-speed data. As a result, data traffic volume surged by more than 60% compared to the previous year, building upon the success achieved in Makkah city and the holy sites.

Committed to serving pilgrims, stc played a vital role in facilitating their digital experience. The group meticulously planned for the Hajj season by studying call and data usage patterns in Madinah. It analyzed performance indicators to proactively activate and optimize phone and data services before and during the season.

The comprehensive plan encompassed a thorough inspection of network elements, preventive maintenance, and performance testing to verify network stability. stc analyzed call traffic and data flow patterns to develop contingency plans and ensure network resilience.

stc further expanded its service offerings to enrich the spiritual experience of visitors in Madinah. The group strategically enhanced Wi-Fi access points and implemented internal solutions, aiming to facilitate communication between pilgrims and their families.

This commitment aligns with the Pilgrim Experience Program, a key initiative within Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, ensuring the highest service quality for all pilgrims.