Islamic Philanthropy Supports Refugees with $27.5Mln

Islamic Philanthropy Supports Refugees with $27.5Mln

Islamic Philanthropy Supports Refugees with $27.5Mln

Islamic Philanthropy Supports Refugees with $27.5Mln

The Refugee Zakat Fund impacted 584,586 beneficiaries in the first six months of 2021, with total contributions of over $27.5 million, 70% of which came from Zakat donations, a UNHCR report has shown.

In partnership with the Muslim World League (MWL), the United Nations Refugee Agency launched on Thursday its mid-year report on Islamic Philanthropy.

The report underlines the impact of Zakat and Sadaqah donations raised on the refugees and forcibly displaced people in 12 countries including Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Mauritania, Nigeria, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Malaysia.

UNHCR’s mid-year Islamic Philanthropy report was released in its new digital and interactive format at a panel discussion organized at the MWL’s at its Expo2020 Dubai pavilion, attended by representatives of humanitarian and international organizations and media.

It emphasized the Islamic philanthropy partnerships as a key enabler of sustainable impact on the lives of vulnerable displaced communities, citing the longstanding collaboration with the MWL.

It pointed to the MWL’s Islamic Fiqh Council’s issuance of a new fatwa that adds to the Refugee Zakat Fund’s record of more than 10 fatwas by credible scholars and institutions.

In addition, MWL has generously contributed to support refugee and internally displaced children in Africa, in particular their recent contribution to support UNHCR’s psychosocial support for the most vulnerable children in North-east Nigeria, which is expected to help 3,699 internally displaced children by the end of 2021, the report stated.

UNHCR’s Representative to the Gulf Cooperation Council states Khaled Khalifa underscored the importance of expanding strategic partnerships with organizations and bodies involved in Islamic Philanthropy to support international humanitarian efforts.

Khalifa, also a senior advisor for Islamic Philanthropy, said Islamic Philanthropy plays a pivotal role in responding to the growing humanitarian needs, through its key tools such as Zakat, Sadaqah and Waqf, to achieve shared humanitarian goals and explore further means to support forcibly displaced people globally.

This comes in light of the uninterrupted increase of forced displacement records in recent years and the protracted crises caused by wars, violence and persecution, he added.

Saudi Arabia Continues to Treat Hajj Pilgrims Suffering from Heat Stress

No diseases or epidemics were reported at this year's Hajj. (SPA)
No diseases or epidemics were reported at this year's Hajj. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Continues to Treat Hajj Pilgrims Suffering from Heat Stress

No diseases or epidemics were reported at this year's Hajj. (SPA)
No diseases or epidemics were reported at this year's Hajj. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia continues to treat both authorized and unauthorized Hajj pilgrims who have suffered from heat stress as a result of the soaring temperatures in the Kingdom.

Minister of Health Fahd Al-Jalajel said Saudi health authorities treated a large number of pilgrims suffering from heat stress and many remain in treatment.

Some 1,301 pilgrims died from heat stress during this year’s Hajj. Eighty-three percent of the deceased were unauthorized pilgrims. They died after walking long distances without shelter or rest under the scorching sun during soaring temperatures.

The majority of the dead were elderly or people who suffered from chronic illnesses.

Al-Jalajel revealed that 141,000 unauthorized pilgrims received free medical treatment during the Hajj.

Saudi Arabia succeeded in organizing the Hajj despite the large number of pilgrims, which topped 1.8 million, and the challenges posed by rising temperatures.

Al-Jalajel said no diseases or epidemics were reported at the Hajj.

Head of the Infectious Diseases Department at the Armed Forces Hospitals Southern Region Ali al-Shehri told Asharq Al-Awsat that it was “very risky” for people to embark on the Hajj pilgrimage without a permit or taking the necessary vaccines.

The person is putting himself and others at risk, he warned.

A study by the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center demonstrated the effectiveness of the preventive measures Saudi Arabia is taking to limit the health impact of rising temperatures on Hajj pilgrims during their holy journey.

It noted that despite an average 0.4 percent rise in temperature in the holy city of Makkah per decade, the number of heat stroke cases dropped by 74.6 percent and fatalities by 47.6 percent. This is credited to the preventive measures in place that have provided a safe health environment to hold the Hajj.

Dr. Mohammed al-Manisi, of the Kasr al-Ainy School of Medicine in Cairo, said the main cause of heat stress is intense exposure to high temperature and poor hydration.

He told Asharq Al-Awsat that humans adapt to the temperatures they live in. For example, people living in hot countries have a higher ability to adapt to high temperatures than people living in cold countries.

The symptoms of heat stress include fainting and fever, and in severe cases, kidney failure, he added.