Houthis Launch Drone, Rocket Attack on Military Camp in Yemen’s Saada

Commander of the Alab axis Yasser Majali is seen at the military parade in Saada. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Commander of the Alab axis Yasser Majali is seen at the military parade in Saada. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Houthis Launch Drone, Rocket Attack on Military Camp in Yemen’s Saada

Commander of the Alab axis Yasser Majali is seen at the military parade in Saada. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Commander of the Alab axis Yasser Majali is seen at the military parade in Saada. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The Iran-backed Houthi militias launched on Saturday an attack against a military camp in Yemen’s northern Saada province, killing one and injuring a number of people.

The attack in the Alab-Baqem area took place days after the Houthis attacked Bahraini troops in the Arab Coalitions to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen deployed on Saudi Arabia’s southern border, killing four servicemen.

Saturday’s attack, using drones and katyusha rockets, targeted a military parade commemorating the September 26 revolution in Yemen.

Member of the Presidential Leadership Council Abdulrahman al-Mahrami condemned the attack, saying it reflects the Houthis’ despair as they are constantly being confronted by the heroics of the military.

The command at the camp said the Houthis are defying regional and international efforts to establish peace in Yemen.

The militias carried out an assault along the Alab-Baqem axis, as well as the camp, it explained.

The military repelled the attack, downing several drones, it added, while stressing its right to respond to such violations in line with performing its national duties.

Spokesman for the military Abdo Majali warned that the repeated Houthi attacks on the legitimate forces or Arab Coalition will impact peace efforts.

In remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat, he accused the Houthis of rejecting all regional and international peace efforts, as demonstrated by the latest attacks.

He noted that the military has become better trained and equipped in repelling attacks, but it is also keen on ensuring the success of peace efforts and lifting the morale of the people.

Director of Yeyha al-Houthi's Office Arrested for Allegedly Spying for US

The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)
The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)

Director of Yeyha al-Houthi's Office Arrested for Allegedly Spying for US

The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)
The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)

The Iran-backed Houthi militias continued their wave of arrests, reaching the highest ranks of the Houthi command.

Under the supervision of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) experts, they arrested Ali Abbas, the director of the office of Yehya al-Houthi – the militias’ leader – on alleged charges of spying for the United States.

Political sources in Sanaa told Asharq Al-Awsat that Houthi intelligence, which operates under the IRGC, arrested Abbas and deputy at the Ministry of Education Ahmed al-Nunu on spying charges.

The sources said the arrests were based on investigations the Houthis have carried out with dozens of detainees who used to work for United Nations offices and other international organizations, as well as former staff at the US embassy in Yemen and the Netherlands.

The legitimate Yemeni government condemned the Houthis for kidnapping Nunu.

Information Minister Moammar al-Eryani said the arrest sheds light on the ongoing oppression the Houthis practice in regions under their control.

“No one is safe from their violent practices, not even people who have worked for them since their coup,” he added.

The Houthis had kidnapped other senior Education Ministry officials, professor Mohammed al-Mekhlafi and expert Mujib al-Mekhlafi, nine months ago.

Eryani said the Houthis also executed educational expert Sabri al-Hakimi while in detention because he refused to join their effort to change curricula that would promote the militias’ goals.

He called on the international community, UN and rights organizations to speak out against these “heinous crimes.”

He also called for the designation of the Houthis as a terrorist organization and for the international community to offer real and effective support to the government so that the state can impose its control throughout the country and end the violations against the Yemeni people.