Israel Discusses Qatari Proposal to End Gaza War

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Israeli counterpart Yoav Galant in Tel Aviv on Tuesday (Reuters)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Israeli counterpart Yoav Galant in Tel Aviv on Tuesday (Reuters)

Israel Discusses Qatari Proposal to End Gaza War

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Israeli counterpart Yoav Galant in Tel Aviv on Tuesday (Reuters)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Israeli counterpart Yoav Galant in Tel Aviv on Tuesday (Reuters)

Israel is considering a new Qatari proposal aimed at ending the war and withdrawing the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip in exchange for releasing all Israeli detainees and exiling Hamas leaders from the enclave.

Hamas did not immediately comment, but informed sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that the movement would reject the proposal if it were true.

Israeli Channel 13 said on Wednesday that Qatar had presented a new proposal, according to which Hamas leaders would be exiled, all hostages would be gradually released, and the Israeli army would entirely withdraw from the Strip.

According to the channel, the Israeli war cabinet, which met late on Wednesday, discussed the proposal, which was revealed hours after White House Coordinator for MENA Brett McGurk met in Doha on Tuesday with Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani.

They discussed regional tensions and efforts to secure the release of detainees in Gaza, according to a US source and other informed sources.

Axios website noted that "Qatar is a key US ally in the region and is assisting the Biden administration with efforts to free the hostages held by Hamas."

According to the sources, Qatar, together with Egypt, is trying to mediate between Israel and Hamas on a new hostage deal, but away from the media.

The White House and the Qatari government kept the trip very low profile.

They didn't announce McGurk's visit or issue a readout of his meeting with the Qatari Prime Minister.

The White House didn't immediately respond to a request for comment, and the Qatari Embassy in Washington declined to comment.

Pushing efforts to release detainees came after previous failed attempts.

Negotiations resumed earlier this week after they were suspended over Israel's assassination of senior Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut.

McGurk's trip followed a regional tour by Secretary of State Antony Blinken to discuss the war in Gaza and escalating tensions across the Middle East.

On Tuesday, Blinken met in Tel Aviv with the families of US detainees. He stressed in the meeting that returning all hostages to their families is a top priority for the administration, according to the families' statement.

"We're intensely focused on bringing the remaining hostages home," Blinken told reporters Tuesday.

He also discussed the hostage issue with the heads of the Mossad and Shin Bet spy agencies in Israel.

Following reports of the deal, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum demanded that the Israeli cabinet approve any deal that would lead to the release of their children alive.

The Forum stated that the reports about a new deal that will be presented to the cabinet offer a little hope to the families who are anxious about the fate of their loved ones.

The detainees "have been suffering in the Hamas tunnels for almost 100 days and nights without food, water, and life-saving medical treatment," the Forum said in a statement Wednesday.

"We demand that the war cabinet must not concern itself with anything other than the return of the hostages; we demand that they approve any deal that will lead to their immediate release alive!"

In a briefing Wednesday, war cabinet minister Benny Gantz stressed that the ongoing campaign's priority was the hostages' return.

"The most important thing is returning the hostages; it is prioritized over all fighting elements," he said.

"To the hostages, if you can hear me, I want you to know that we're doing everything we can to bring you back to your loved ones."

Hamas did not immediately comment on the reports, but a source close to the movement told Asharq Al-Awsat the alleged proposal would be rejected.

The source asserted that Hamas leaders would rather die than leave Gaza.

Arab Efforts to Freeze Israel’s Participation in UN General Assembly Meetings

Arab League meeting (File/Asharq Al-Awsat)
Arab League meeting (File/Asharq Al-Awsat)

Arab Efforts to Freeze Israel’s Participation in UN General Assembly Meetings

Arab League meeting (File/Asharq Al-Awsat)
Arab League meeting (File/Asharq Al-Awsat)

The Arab League Council at the level of permanent delegates called Thursday on the international community and the Security Council to intervene to immediately stop the mass genocide in the Gaza Strip, and to also prosecute Israel for its crimes.

The call was made at the extraordinary session of the league's council, chaired by Yemen (temporary presidency of the ministerial council) at the behest of Palestine.

The Council commissioned the Arab group in New York to begin with studying steps to freeze the participation of Israel in the UN General Assembly because it does not abide by principles of the UN Charter and poses threats to international security and peace.

Participants reiterated support of all measures and policies taken by Egypt to confront the consequences of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, prevent liquidation of the Palestinian cause and defend its national security which is part and parcel of Arab national security.

Egypt, along with Qatar and the US, play a role in mediating a truce agreement in Gaza. Cairo has repeatedly rejected the displacement of Palestinians to Sinai and promised to “settle the Palestinian issue.”

The Arab League Council also warned against Israel's ongoing use of excessive force in its occupation, describing it as a genocide against the Palestinian people.

It criticized Israel's refusal to abide by relevant UN Security Council resolutions calling for ceasefire and the International Court of Justice's binding orders to stop killing civilians and harming them physically and mentally.

The AL Council also expressed regret over the Security Council's failure to assume its responsibilities in implementing the immediate and effective ceasefire as stipulated in Resolution 2735, dated 6/10/2024, in a way that would facilitate the entry of relief and humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

It called on the international community to exert pressure and implement punitive measures to compel Israel to halt its illegal annexation and settlement practices, which undermine the prospects for peace and a two-state solution.

The Council condemned the undermining of civil and economic powers of the Palestinian government in about 80 percent of the occupied West Bank.

Furthermore, it requested the General Secretariat to coordinate with member states to implement the decision of the Arab Summit held in Bahrain on May 16, 2024 to include the list of extremist Israeli organizations and groups that storm Al-Aqsa Mosque and are linked to Israeli colonial settlement, and contained in the report of the Permanent Delegates Committee on the Arab national terrorist lists and announcing the list of shame.

The Council then reaffirmed the categorical rejection of the plans of the Israeli government to expel Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, emphasizing that Gaza is an integral part of the State of Palestine.