Lisbon Plaques Remember Portugal’s ‘Silenced’ Role in Slavery 

Lisbon mayor, Carlos Moedas attends the unveiling of a statue of Paulino Jose da Conceicao, to celebrate Portugal's African history and the contribution of African descent in Portuguese society in Lisbon, Portugal, January 13, 2024. (Reuters)
Lisbon mayor, Carlos Moedas attends the unveiling of a statue of Paulino Jose da Conceicao, to celebrate Portugal's African history and the contribution of African descent in Portuguese society in Lisbon, Portugal, January 13, 2024. (Reuters)

Lisbon Plaques Remember Portugal’s ‘Silenced’ Role in Slavery 

Lisbon mayor, Carlos Moedas attends the unveiling of a statue of Paulino Jose da Conceicao, to celebrate Portugal's African history and the contribution of African descent in Portuguese society in Lisbon, Portugal, January 13, 2024. (Reuters)
Lisbon mayor, Carlos Moedas attends the unveiling of a statue of Paulino Jose da Conceicao, to celebrate Portugal's African history and the contribution of African descent in Portuguese society in Lisbon, Portugal, January 13, 2024. (Reuters)

Plaques turning the spotlight on Lisbon's role in slavery and "silenced" African history have been installed in different locations across the city, a long-awaited moment for many given the country's lack of acknowledgement of its colonial past.

From the 15th to the 19th century, more than six million Africans were kidnapped and forcibly transported by Portuguese ships and sold into slavery, primarily to Brazil, but little is taught in schools about it and Portugal's colonial past is often seen as a source of pride.

Twenty plaques were installed at sites of historical significance, including at one of the capital's main squares, Terreiro do Paco, on the riverside where many enslaved Africans disembarked.

"More than erased, history was silenced," Jose Lino Neves, from Batoto Yetu, the association behind the project, said at the initiative's launch event on Saturday.

He argued it was important to recognize the city's links to slavery and how Africans and people of African descent, from doctors to journalists, have contributed to Portuguese society.

Another plaque has also been installed at the Rossio square, where for centuries the Black community gathered for festivities, fairs and performances.

The association has also installed a bust of Pai Paulino, a well-known defender of the rights of Black people.

"African history is much bigger than this negative and sad episode (of slavery)," Neves said, describing the transatlantic slave trade as a "break in Africa's development".

The plaques have been ready since 2020 but the project, backed by the city hall, has been repeatedly delayed for various reasons, from financial constraints to mayoral leadership changes.

Portugal's first memorial to victims of slavery, which will also be funded by the city hall, was approved as part of Lisbon's 2017-2018 budget but construction has been delayed since then.

Neves said it would be important for Portugal to have a museum of African history.

Europe's top human rights group previously said Portugal had to do more to confront its colonial past and role in slavery to help fight racism and discrimination today. Activists have argued that reparations and public policies to fight inequalities caused by Portugal's past were essential.

Literature Commission Highlights Saudi Arabia’s Role in Teaching Arabic in South Korea

The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024. (SPA)
The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024. (SPA)

Literature Commission Highlights Saudi Arabia’s Role in Teaching Arabic in South Korea

The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024. (SPA)
The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024. (SPA)

The Saudi Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission organized a seminar titled "The Role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Teaching Arabic in Korea" at the Seoul International Book Fair 2024, where the Kingdom was the guest of honor.

Cultural attaché at the Saudi embassy, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al-Dayel attended the event.

Al-Dayel highlighted the history of the Arabic language and the great attention the Kingdom pays to serving this language.

He noted that Arabic is one of the Semitic languages and was divided into several languages until the Holy Quran was revealed in classical Arabic. This language was spoken by the tribes of Quraysh, Tamim, Hawazin, and Azd, thus ending linguistic differences in the Arabian Peninsula.

Saudi Arabia has shown immense interest in the Arabic language, as evidenced by Article 1 of the Basic Law of Governance, which identifies the Kingdom as an Arab Islamic state, he continued.

He stressed that the Kingdom had played a prominent and significant role in recognizing Arabic as a global language at the UN, making it one of the six official languages globally. This led to celebrating the UN Arabic Language Day, held annually on December 18.