Deal to Transport 12,000 Yemeni Pilgrims Via 5 Airports Including Sanaa

A previous flight of Yemenia Airways at Al-Ghaydah International Airport during its reopening by the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A previous flight of Yemenia Airways at Al-Ghaydah International Airport during its reopening by the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Deal to Transport 12,000 Yemeni Pilgrims Via 5 Airports Including Sanaa

A previous flight of Yemenia Airways at Al-Ghaydah International Airport during its reopening by the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A previous flight of Yemenia Airways at Al-Ghaydah International Airport during its reopening by the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Yemen’s Ministry of Endowments and Guidance has teamed up with Yemenia Airways to fly Yemeni pilgrims from five airports, including Sanaa International airport, for this year’s Hajj season.

The agreement comes after coordination with Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Mukhtar Al-Rabash, a deputy from the ministry, highlighted the cooperation between Yemen and Saudi Arabia in facilitating flights from Aden, Seiyun, Al Rayyan, Al Ghaydah, and Sanaa to the holy sites in the Kingdom.

Al-Rabash pointed out that this step will ease the suffering of pilgrims, sparing them the hardship of long travels due to the ongoing closure of routes between provinces by Houthi militias, backed by Iran.

He expressed gratitude for Saudi cooperation in facilitating flights from Yemen’s airports, including Sanaa, to the holy sites, aiming to make the pilgrimage easier for them.

“The ministry will oversee all stages of issuing air tickets for pilgrims through specialized committees at all airports,” added Al-Rabash.

Mohsen Haidarah, Deputy Managing Director for Commercial Affairs at Yemenia Airways, stressed the importance of the cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Endowments to transport around 12,400 pilgrims via Yemenia Airways.

Haidarah emphasized the need for continued coordination to ensure smooth transportation and the best services for pilgrims.

According to the Yemeni Ministry of Endowments, this year’s Yemeni pilgrims number 24,255.

Early preparations were made through coordination with relevant Saudi authorities and the signing of several agreements to serve Yemeni pilgrims in Makkah, Madinah, and the holy sites.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Rabash described Saudi efforts for this year’s Hajj and Umrah season as “blessed and commendable,” operating in an organized and developmental manner, reflecting the insightful vision of the Kingdom’s leadership in serving the pilgrims.

A delegation from the Saudi General Authority of Civil Aviation visited Al-Ghaydah International Airport in Al-Mahra Governorate last week to prepare for international flights, including those for Yemeni pilgrims for this year's Hajj season.

The Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen rehabilitated and equipped the airport, with flights resuming in July 2023, enhancing transportation services in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Peaceful Cooperation to Achieve Global Security

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)
Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)

Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Peaceful Cooperation to Achieve Global Security

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)
Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila speaks during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (Photo: Saudi Mission in Geneva)

Saudi Arabia emphasized peaceful international cooperation as a means to achieve global prosperity, stability and security, stressing the importance of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the necessity of its full implementation.

Ambassador Abdul Mohsen bin Khothaila, the Permanent Saudi Representative to the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva, participated in the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference.

The ambassador called for more effective international efforts to achieve the goals and universality of the NPT, urging non-party states to join the treaty and subject all their nuclear facilities to the comprehensive safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Affirming the right to the peaceful use of nuclear technology under Article 4 of the Treaty, he underlined the importance of adhering to the highest standards of transparency and reliability, calling on all parties to cooperate to promote peaceful use for the benefit of global development and well-being.

He stated that the responsibility for making the Middle East a nuclear-weapon-free zone lies with the international community, especially the sponsors of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East.

Bin Khothaila condemned the recent statements and threats made by a member of the Israeli government regarding the use of nuclear weapons against the Palestinians, describing his words as violations of international law and a threat to global peace and security.

He further called for intensifying cooperation between the parties to the NPT to attain positive results at the next “review conference” in 2026, with the aim of achieving a safe world free of nuclear weapons.