World Bank: Yemen’s GDP Per Capita Declined by 54%

Houthi attacks have halted oil exports, further straining Yemen’s economy
Houthi attacks have halted oil exports, further straining Yemen’s economy

World Bank: Yemen’s GDP Per Capita Declined by 54%

Houthi attacks have halted oil exports, further straining Yemen’s economy
Houthi attacks have halted oil exports, further straining Yemen’s economy

Yemen’s economy continues to face significant hurdles as ongoing conflict and regional tensions exacerbate the nation's economic and humanitarian crises, according to the latest World Bank Yemen Economic Monitor.

Yemen's GDP is projected to contract by 1.0% in 2024, following a 2.0% contraction in 2023 and a modest growth of 1.5% in 2022, the report said.

Between 2015 and 2023, Yemen experienced a 54% decline in real GDP per capita, leaving the majority of Yemenis in poverty.

It also showed that food insecurity affects half the population, and youth mortality rates have surged.

The fiscal situation of the Internationally Recognized Government (IRG) deteriorated significantly in 2023.

Fiscal revenues declined by over 30%, driven by a substantial drop in oil revenues and diminished customs revenues due to the redirection of imports from Aden to Houthi-controlled ports.

In response, the IRG implemented severe expenditure cuts, impacting essential public services and long-term economic growth.

The current account deficit widened to 19.3% of GDP in 2023, up from 17.8% in 2022, the report said.

The blockade on oil exports significantly impacted the trade deficit, while foreign reserves remained relatively stable due to financial support from partners, including the conversion of IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).

Meanwhile, the resumption of monetary financing by the IRG heightened inflationary pressures.

However, inflation rates varied across regions, with Sanaa experiencing deflation at 11.8% and Aden facing elevated inflation at 7.0% due to currency depreciation.

Additionally, the cost of essential goods has surged in Aden, with many families now spending over 60% of their income on food alone.

“Yemen's economic and humanitarian challenges are intensifying, yet the potential for recovery remains with the right support and strategies,” said Dina Abu-Ghaida, World Bank Country Manager for Yemen.

“The report underscores critical areas for action, including tackling fiscal pressures, alleviating trade disruptions, and stabilizing the currency. The World Bank is steadfast in its commitment to supporting Yemenis through these crises, delivering immediate assistance, and paving the way for a sustainable and resilient future,” she said.

Additionally, the report notes that continued fiscal pressures and economic fragmentation between northern and southern areas threaten to deepen the divide and further complicate recovery efforts.

For example, the redirection of imports has led to a substantial decrease in customs revenues for Aden, further straining the economic conditions in the south compared to the north.

The potential for increased aid and investment hinges on achieving a lasting truce and commitment to reconstruction from all parties involved.

The report also highlights the severe impact of escalating regional tensions, particularly Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, which have disrupted international shipping and trade.

This has led to increased shipping costs and insurance premiums, further straining Yemen's economy.

The economic outlook for Yemen remains highly uncertain.

The report said the resumption of oil exports and broader economic recovery appear remote without a lasting peace agreement.

Also, ongoing regional conflicts, currency depreciation, and fiscal pressures pose significant risks.

However, the report points out that a sustainable peace agreement could rapidly improve Yemen’s economic prospects, supported by external financial assistance and reconstruction efforts.

Estimates of Hunger, Disease Claiming 990 Lives in Sudan’s Darfur

Sudanese displaced arrive in El Gedaref city in the east on Sunday, fleeing from Sennar state to the south (AFP)
Sudanese displaced arrive in El Gedaref city in the east on Sunday, fleeing from Sennar state to the south (AFP)

Estimates of Hunger, Disease Claiming 990 Lives in Sudan’s Darfur

Sudanese displaced arrive in El Gedaref city in the east on Sunday, fleeing from Sennar state to the south (AFP)
Sudanese displaced arrive in El Gedaref city in the east on Sunday, fleeing from Sennar state to the south (AFP)

Over 50,000 people fled by foot from intense fighting between the army and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the Sudanese city of El Fashir, North Darfur. They walked more than 60 kilometers to Tawila town in scorching temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. Some died from hunger and thirst, as reported by local media.

Displaced individuals in Tawila and other Darfur towns endure dire conditions, with 991 deaths recorded between April 15 and May 15 due to famine and disease outbreaks, according to Adam Rijal, spokesperson for Darfur’s Coordination of Displaced Persons and Refugees.

“The displaced in Tawila are starving, with children crying from hunger,” Rijal told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“The little milk they receive isn’t enough for their small stomachs,” he added, underscoring Tawila’s critical lack of basic essentials.

Eyewitnesses described dire conditions faced by refugees fleeing war on their long journey to Tawila, where scorching temperatures worsened their plight.

Asylum seekers in Tawila affirm that the displacement journeys are unsafe, with vulnerable refugees at risk of being robbed by armed gangs. Those reaching Tawila considered themselves lucky to have avoided such attacks.

Sudanese human rights activist Adam Idris told Asharq Al-Awsat that indiscriminate shelling in El Fashir claimed hundreds of lives, forcing many to flee to Tawila and areas controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement.

Idris noted that some displaced persons died en route due to hunger and thirst, urging humanitarian organizations to swiftly provide aid in the town.

In a related development, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported on Tuesday that over 402,000 Sudanese refugees are now registered in Egypt, with more expected in the coming months.

In a statement, UNHCR noted that over 38,000 Sudanese refugees arrived in Egypt in May alone. Libya and Uganda have recently joined the Regional Refugee Response Plan, along with the Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, and South Sudan.

UNHCR emphasized that only 19% of the needed funds for refugee assistance have been received so far, insufficient to meet the urgent needs of displaced people.

In Libya, more than 20,000 Sudanese refugees have arrived since April, with many settling in the eastern regions.

Uganda, hosting the largest number of refugees in Africa, has received over 39,000 Sudanese refugees since the conflict began, including 27,000 this year. This number is nearly three times higher than anticipated.

After 14 months of conflict, thousands continue to flee Sudan due to violence, violations, death, disrupted services, and limited humanitarian aid access, with the threat of famine looming.