Majid al-Khateeb
Varieties OR

Antibiotics Are a Better Treatment for Appendicitis in Children

German surgeons do not automatically resort to the scalpel to treat appendicitis, and cite studies saying treatments with antibiotics are more efficient. …

Majid al-Khateeb (Cologne)
World Germany: 3 Syrians Sentenced to Prison for Belonging to ISIS

Germany: 3 Syrians Sentenced to Prison for Belonging to ISIS

A German court on Monday sentenced three Syrians to years-long jail terms for belonging to ISIS and forming sleeper cell in Germany to carry out terrorist…

Majid al-Khateeb (Cologne)
World  Sudden Development in Case of 3 Syrians Facing Terrorism Charges in Germany

Sudden Development in Case of 3 Syrians Facing Terrorism Charges in Germany

A sudden development occurred in the trial of three Syrians facing terrorism charges on Friday before the court of Hamburg, Germany. One of the three…

Majid al-Khateeb (Cologne)
World ISIS

Germany Receives First Child of ISIS Militants

German Foreign Ministry efforts have succeeded in allowing a 14-month-old child to return to Germany from Iraq, accompanied by his grandfather. The toddler…

Majid al-Khateeb (Cologne)
World Germany Expands GSG 9 Unit As Dozens Return from Syria, Iraq

Germany Expands GSG 9 Unit As Dozens Return from Syria, Iraq

Germany's Ministry of Interior is expanding its anti-terrorism unit GSG 9 and installing a second base for the special squad in Berlin. Germany's elite…

Majid al-Khateeb (Cologne)
World Germany: Syrian Student Accused of Terrorist Links

Germany: Syrian Student Accused of Terrorist Links

The public prosecution in the German city of Frankfurt accused a Syrian former PhD student of suspected links to terrorism, 11 months after arresting him. …

Majid al-Khateeb (Cologne)
Varieties China

Headband to Help People Fight Insomnia

Almost a third of the population in developed countries suffers from sleep problems, according to UN data, and insomnia has become endemic in Switzerland…

Majid al-Khateeb (Cologne)
World German Intelligence Warns from New Generation of ISIS Recruits

German Intelligence Warns from New Generation of ISIS Recruits

Children returning from war zones controlled by ISIS in Syria and Iraq could grow up to be a new generation of terrorists, the chief of German Intelligence has…

Majid al-Khateeb (Cologne)