Sawsan Abu Hussein
Arab World Egypt Supports a Political Solution that Preserves Syria’s Unity

Egypt Supports a Political Solution that Preserves Syria’s Unity

Cairo is moving forward with its diplomatic efforts to boost the political process in Damascus through its membership in the "Small Group" on Syria that…

Sawsan Abu Hussein (Cairo)
Arab World Egypt Calls on UN to Ease African Countries’ Debt Burden

Egypt Calls on UN to Ease African Countries’ Debt Burden

Egypt’s mission to the United Nations has organized a high-level meeting to maintain food security in Africa in light of the new coronavirus outbreak, the…

Sawsan Abu Hussein (Cairo)
Arab World ESCWA: 74 Million in Arab Region at Risk of Contracting COVID-19

ESCWA: 74 Million in Arab Region at Risk of Contracting COVID-19

The UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) reported in a recent study that what has been agreed worldwide regarding handwashing with soap…

Sawsan Abu Hussein (Cairo)
Gulf Egyptian, Kuwaiti Efforts to Contain 'Unofficial Feuds'

Egyptian, Kuwaiti Efforts to Contain 'Unofficial Feuds'

Egypt and Kuwait have sought to contain "unofficial" disputes among a number of their citizens, which included an incitement campaign against Egyptian expats…

Sawsan Abu Hussein (Cairo)
Arab World Arab League Chief Urges Seizing Yemen Ceasefire to Achieve Peace

Arab League Chief Urges Seizing Yemen Ceasefire to Achieve Peace

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit called for seizing the opportunity presented by the ceasefire, declared by the Saudi-led Arab coalition, to…

Sawsan Abu Hussein (Cairo)
Arab World Arab league Chief Voices Concern over Palestinian Prisoners amid Coronavirus

Arab league Chief Voices Concern over Palestinian Prisoners amid Coronavirus

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit sent a letter to Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross Robert Mardini about the…

Sawsan Abu Hussein (Cairo)
Arab World Arab League Chief Urges End to Military Operations in Tripoli

Arab League Chief Urges End to Military Operations in Tripoli

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit renewed on Saturday his call for an end to fighting in Libya and other Arab conflict zones so that national…

Sawsan Abu Hussein (Cairo)
Arab World Aboul Gheit Affirms AL’s Commitment to Sudan’s Stability

Aboul Gheit Affirms AL’s Commitment to Sudan’s Stability

The Arab League Secretary-General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, affirmed the Arab League's commitment to supporting Sudan in this critical stage to overcome challenges…

Sawsan Abu Hussein (Cairo)