Lessening the Blow of Climate-Related Loss and Damage

Growing up on a small rice farm in China in the 1960’s, my family was keenly aware that any single adverse weather event could wipe out a year’s worth of effort. The climate and weather patterns are something a farmer feels in his bones, but changes in these patterns and the extremity of events…

We Must Not Leave Mountains and Mountain People Behind

Mountains are home to a growing number of the hungriest people in the world. A new study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and its partners shows that the number of mountain people vulnerable to food insecurity in developing countries increased from 243 to almost 350…

Hand in Hand Toward a Sustainable Food Future in the NENA Region

Five years ago, world leaders agreed on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals to eradicate persistent global challenges such as hunger and poverty, and also achieve a sustainable future for all. Yet, so far, these goals are far from being reached. In a handful of countries in the…

Don't Let COVID-19 Become Hunger Game

The COVID-19 pandemic is putting enormous strains on the public health systems around the world, and millions of people in the world's most advanced economies are in some form of quarantine. We know the human toll will be high, and that massive efforts to turn the tide carry a heavy economic…

Youth Can Drive Changes Needed for Food Security in Africa

We live in extremely challenging times. After years of decline, hunger is on the rise for the third consecutive year. Despite the progress made in recent decades, one in five Africans still struggles to have enough to eat, and one in 10 people in the world lives in extreme poverty, the majority of…