Eruption of Volcano Sends Ash Columns Above Russian Peninsula

The Klyuchevskoy volcano, one of the highest active volcanoes in the world, erupts in Russia's northern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Far Eat, on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Yuri Demyanchuk)
The Klyuchevskoy volcano, one of the highest active volcanoes in the world, erupts in Russia's northern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Far Eat, on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Yuri Demyanchuk)

Eruption of Volcano Sends Ash Columns Above Russian Peninsula

The Klyuchevskoy volcano, one of the highest active volcanoes in the world, erupts in Russia's northern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Far Eat, on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Yuri Demyanchuk)
The Klyuchevskoy volcano, one of the highest active volcanoes in the world, erupts in Russia's northern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Far Eat, on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Yuri Demyanchuk)

Huge ash columns erupted from Eurasia's tallest active volcano Wednesday, forcing authorities to close schools in two towns on Russia's sparsely populated Kamchatka Peninsula.
The eruptions from the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano sent ash as high as 13 kilometers (8 miles) above sea level, The Associated Press quoted officials as saying.
There were no reports of injuries, but officials ordered schools in Ust-Kamchatsk and Klyuchy closed as a precaution. Each town has a population of about 5,000. Klyuchy is located about 30 kilometers (20 miles) from the volcano and Ust-Kamchatsk 50 kilometers (30 miles) away.
The 4,650-meter (15,255-foot) stratovolcano has been active in recent years and released lava in June.
The Kamchatka Peninsula, which extends into the Pacific Ocean about 6,700 kilometers (4,100 miles) east of Moscow, is noted for its array of active and dormant volcanoes, geysers and geothermal springs.

Flooding Hits China’s South, Temperatures Sizzle Elsewhere

 Visitors to a mall cool off near a mist machine during the summer heat in Beijing, Saturday, June 15, 2024. (AP)
Visitors to a mall cool off near a mist machine during the summer heat in Beijing, Saturday, June 15, 2024. (AP)

Flooding Hits China’s South, Temperatures Sizzle Elsewhere

 Visitors to a mall cool off near a mist machine during the summer heat in Beijing, Saturday, June 15, 2024. (AP)
Visitors to a mall cool off near a mist machine during the summer heat in Beijing, Saturday, June 15, 2024. (AP)

China's National Meteorological Center on Sunday issued an alert for high temperatures as multiple regions across the country experience sweltering heat, while many southern provinces issued severe flood warnings due to heavy rains.

The intensity of high temperatures is expected to decrease in north China and regions between the Yellow River and the Huaihe River, the center said.

The center forecast maximum temperatures of 37-39 degrees Celsius (99-102 degrees Fahrenheit) in parts of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Henan on Sunday.

Heavy rains have lashed southeastern Fujian province for seven days and are expected to continue, with water levels in some rivers exceeding warning levels.

Authorities have released water from several reservoirs, China's state television CCTV reported.

Authorities in Guangxi region said water levels of some local rivers had "skyrocketed" and that a student was killed in the floods in the southern city of Guilin, CCTV reported.