Australian Researchers Turn Morning Coffee Waste into Greener Concrete

Coffee beans are seen as they are being packed for export in Medan, Indonesia's North Sumatra province April 25, 2013. (Reuters)
Coffee beans are seen as they are being packed for export in Medan, Indonesia's North Sumatra province April 25, 2013. (Reuters)

Australian Researchers Turn Morning Coffee Waste into Greener Concrete

Coffee beans are seen as they are being packed for export in Medan, Indonesia's North Sumatra province April 25, 2013. (Reuters)
Coffee beans are seen as they are being packed for export in Medan, Indonesia's North Sumatra province April 25, 2013. (Reuters)

Your morning coffee could help the planet.

That's the promise of an Australian university turning used coffee grounds into a material that can be added to concrete to make it stronger and more sustainable, potentially lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Concrete production, which involves mixing sand and gravel with cement and water, is a major producer of greenhouse gases, responsible for around 7% of the world's emissions, according to the United Nations.

Researchers at Melbourne's RMIT University heated coffee waste without oxygen, a process known as pyrolysis, to create a substance called biochar that can replace up to 15% of the sand used in concrete.

The inclusion of the biochar makes the concrete 30% stronger and reduces the amount of cement needed by up to 10%, said lead researcher Rajeev Roychand.

"This ticks all the boxes," he said. "You preserve carbon and you are getting significantly higher strength."

Roughly 50 billion metric tons of sand is dug up each year, mostly for use in concrete, a 2022 UN report said. Its extraction is often environmentally destructive and it is in increasingly short supply, the report said.

Cement production, which involves heating a mixture of limestone and clay to around 1,500  degrees Celsius (2,732°F), is responsible for most of concrete's emissions.


The Macedon Ranges Shire Council near Melbourne used the coffee concrete earlier this month to construct a footpath.

RMIT is talking with several construction firms and concrete makers and with Starbucks to take its waste coffee grounds, and could form a company to make biochar, Roychand said. Starbucks did not respond to a request for comment.

Australian infrastructure company Bild Group said it planned to trial the concrete and hoped to use it on major road projects. Construction giant Arup supported the research.

Millions of tons of used coffee grounds are produced globally and most are sent to landfills where they emit methane as they break down.

Australia generates around 75,000 tons of waste coffee grounds a year and biochar made from this could replace up to 655,000 tons of sand in concrete because it is a denser material, Roychand said. Globally, coffee-waste biochar could replace up to 90 million tons of sand in concrete, he said.

Food waste accounts for around 3% of Australia's emissions, according to the government, and most could eventually be made into biochar, Roychand said.

"We anticipate that about 60-70% (of organic waste) we can divert from landfill into concrete applications," he said.

Other international universities are also researching the potential of biochar and other bio-engineering in concrete. RMIT was the first to use waste coffee grounds in this way, Roychand said.

NASA Delays Return of Boeing Starliner for More Technical Checks

The massive Vehicle Assembly Building where NASA’s powerful new 322-foot-tall moon rocket has been assembled for the unpiloted Artemis 1 mission, is reflected after a hard rain at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, US October 28, 2021. REUTERS/Thom Baur/Files
The massive Vehicle Assembly Building where NASA’s powerful new 322-foot-tall moon rocket has been assembled for the unpiloted Artemis 1 mission, is reflected after a hard rain at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, US October 28, 2021. REUTERS/Thom Baur/Files

NASA Delays Return of Boeing Starliner for More Technical Checks

The massive Vehicle Assembly Building where NASA’s powerful new 322-foot-tall moon rocket has been assembled for the unpiloted Artemis 1 mission, is reflected after a hard rain at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, US October 28, 2021. REUTERS/Thom Baur/Files
The massive Vehicle Assembly Building where NASA’s powerful new 322-foot-tall moon rocket has been assembled for the unpiloted Artemis 1 mission, is reflected after a hard rain at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, US October 28, 2021. REUTERS/Thom Baur/Files

NASA has further postponed the Boeing Starliner's return to Earth from the International Space Station with its first crew of astronauts, to allow more time for review of technical issues encountered, the agency said on Friday.

According to Reuters, it did not set a new date, raising questions about the timing of the return of the two astronauts on Boeing's first crewed mission, which had initially been set for June 26, itself a pushback from the first potential date of June 14.

"Mission managers are evaluating future return opportunities following the station’s two planned spacewalks on June 24 and July 2," NASA said in a statement.

The US astronauts, Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, lifted off on June 5 as a final demonstration to obtain routine flight certification from NASA.

"We are taking our time and following our standard mission management team process," said Steve Stich, NASA's commercial crew program manager.

"Starliner is performing well in orbit while docked to the space station," Stich said, adding that the additional time would yield "valuable insight" into system upgrades for future missions.

The crewed test of the spacecraft, test-flown to space two times since 2019 without humans on board, has encountered five failures of its 28 maneuvering thrusters, five leaks of helium gas meant to pressurize those thrusters, and a slow-moving propellant valve that signalled unfixed past issues.

The issues and the additional tests run by NASA and Boeing call into question when exactly Starliner's crew will be able to make the roughly six-hour return journey home, and add to the program's broader problems.

Boeing has spent $1.5 billion in cost overruns beyond its $4.5-billion NASA development contract.

NASA wants Starliner to become a second US spacecraft capable of ferrying astronauts with the ISS, alongside SpaceX's Crew Dragon, its primary ride since 2020.

But Boeing's Starliner program has battled software glitches, design problems and subcontractor disputes for years.

When Starliner arrived in the space station's vicinity to dock on June 6, the five thruster failures prevented a close approach by the spacecraft until Boeing made a fix.

It rewrote software and tweaked some procedures to revive four of them and proceed with a docking.

Starliner's undocking and return to Earth represent the spacecraft's most complicated phases of its test mission.

NASA officials have said they want to better understand the cause of the thruster failures, valve issue and helium leaks before Starliner begins its return.

While just one thruster remains dead in Starliner's current flight, Boeing encountered four thruster problems during the capsule's uncrewed return from space in 2022.

Flight rules set by Boeing and NASA require Starliner's maneuvering thrusters to allow for "six degrees of freedom of control," at a minimum, and each have one backup thruster, a NASA spokesperson told Reuters.

That could mean at least 12 of the 28 thrusters, most of them backups, are required for a safe flight.