Putin Delivers Mixed Tribute to Wagner Boss Yevgeny Prigozhin after Deadly Plane Crash

FILE - Yevgeny Prigozhin, top, serves food to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at Prigozhin's restaurant outside Moscow, Russia, on Nov. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/File)
FILE - Yevgeny Prigozhin, top, serves food to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at Prigozhin's restaurant outside Moscow, Russia, on Nov. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/File)

Putin Delivers Mixed Tribute to Wagner Boss Yevgeny Prigozhin after Deadly Plane Crash

FILE - Yevgeny Prigozhin, top, serves food to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at Prigozhin's restaurant outside Moscow, Russia, on Nov. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/File)
FILE - Yevgeny Prigozhin, top, serves food to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at Prigozhin's restaurant outside Moscow, Russia, on Nov. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/File)

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his condolences to the family of Yevgeny Prigozhin on Thursday, breaking his silence after the mercenary leader's plane crashed with no survivors two months after he led a mutiny against army chiefs.
Putin's comments, which suggested he harbored decidedly mixed feelings about Wagner's mercenary boss, were the most definitive yet on Prigozhin's fate. Before he spoke, the only official statement had come from the aviation authority which said Prigozhin had been on board the downed plane.
Russian investigators have opened a probe into what happened, but have not yet said what they suspect caused the plane to suddenly fall from the sky northwest of Moscow on Wednesday evening.
Nor have they officially confirmed the identities of the 10 bodies recovered from the wreckage.
US officials told Reuters that Washington is looking at a number of theories over what brought down the plane, including a surface-to-air missile.
The US Department of Defense on Thursday said there was currently no information to suggest that a surface-to-air missile took down the plane.
The presumed death of Prigozhin leaves Russian President Vladimir Putin stronger in the short term, removing a powerful figure who launched a June 23-24 mutiny against the army's leadership and threatened to make him look weak.
But it would also deprive Putin of a forceful and astute player who had proved his utility to the Kremlin by sending his fighters into some of the bloodiest battles of the Ukraine war and by advancing Russian interests across Africa which are now likely to be re-organised.
It remains to be seen too how Wagner fighters, some of whom have already spoken of betrayal and foul play, react.
Pledging a thorough investigation which he said would take time, Putin said that "preliminary data" indicated that Prigozhin and other Wagner employees had been on the downed plane. The passenger list suggests that Wagner's core leadership team were flying with him too and had also perished.
Putin paid generous tribute to the renegade mercenary calling him a talented businessman who knew how to look after his own interests and who could, when asked, do his bit for the common cause.
But he also described Prigozhin as a flawed character who had made some bad mistakes.
"I want to express my most sincere condolences to the families of all the victims. It's always a tragedy," Putin said in televised remarks made during a meeting in the Kremlin with the Moscow-installed chief of Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine.
"I had known Prigozhin for a very long time, since the start of the 90s. He was a man with a difficult fate, and he made serious mistakes in life."
Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, one of Putin's most loyal allies, said that Prigozhin was his friend and he had asked the mercenary chief "to set aside his personal ambitions".
"But lately he either did not see or did not want to see a full picture of what was going on in the country," Kadyrov said.
The Embraer Legacy 600 executive jet, which had been flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg, crashed near the village of Kuzhenkino in the Tver region north of Moscow.
A Reuters reporter at the crash site on Thursday morning saw men carrying away black body bags on stretchers. Part of the plane's tail and other fragments lay on the ground near a wooded area where forensic investigators had erected a tent.
The Baza news outlet, which has good sources among law enforcement agencies, reported that investigators were focusing on a theory that one or two bombs may have been planted on board.
Residents of Kuzhenkino, the village near the crash site, said they had heard a bang and then saw the jet plummet to the ground. The plane showed no sign of a problem until a precipitous drop in its final 30 seconds, according to flight-tracking data.
One villager, who gave his name as Anatoly, said: "It wasn't thunder, it was a metallic bang - let's put it that way."
Mourners left flowers and lit candles near Wagner's offices in St. Petersburg and at other locations across Russia.
A Telegram channel linked to Wagner, Grey Zone, pronounced Prigozhin dead on Wednesday evening, hailing him as a hero and a patriot who had died at the hands of "traitors to Russia".
Russian militants who fight on Ukraine's side and have carried out several attacks on Russian border regions urged the Wagner Group to avenge Prigozhin's death and join their ranks. It was not immediately clear how members of the Wagner Group reacted to their call.
Amid the absence of verified facts, some of his supporters have pointed the finger of blame at the state, others at Ukraine, which marked its Independence Day on Thursday
Putin said in June that Prigozhin’s mutiny against the army, which saw Wagner fighters shoot down Russian military helicopters, could have tipped Russia into civil war.
The mercenary leader had also spent months criticizing the conduct of Russia's war in Ukraine - which Moscow calls a "special military operation" - and had tried to topple Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov, chief of the General Staff.
The mutiny was ended by an apparent Kremlin deal which saw Prigozhin agree to relocate to neighboring Belarus. But he had appeared to move freely inside Russia.
Many Russians had wondered how he was able to get away with such brazen criticism without consequence.
Prigozhin posted a video address on Monday which he suggested was made in Africa. He turned up at a Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg in July.

Biden, Trump Prep for Presidential Debate that Will Highlight Mental Fitness

FILE PHOTO: Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden answers a question as President Donald Trump listens during the second and final presidential debate at the Curb Event Center at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, US, October 22, 2020. Morry Gash/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo
FILE PHOTO: Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden answers a question as President Donald Trump listens during the second and final presidential debate at the Curb Event Center at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, US, October 22, 2020. Morry Gash/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo

Biden, Trump Prep for Presidential Debate that Will Highlight Mental Fitness

FILE PHOTO: Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden answers a question as President Donald Trump listens during the second and final presidential debate at the Curb Event Center at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, US, October 22, 2020. Morry Gash/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo
FILE PHOTO: Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden answers a question as President Donald Trump listens during the second and final presidential debate at the Curb Event Center at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, US, October 22, 2020. Morry Gash/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo

President Joe Biden is hunkered down with aides at Camp David for several days to get ready to debate rival Donald Trump, who is eschewing traditional preparation and instead holding informal policy discussions between campaign stops.
The face-off in Atlanta, at 9 p.m. ET on Thursday (0100 GMT on Friday), will be the earliest presidential debate in modern US history and a critical event for both candidates, Reuters said.
Biden, 81, and former president Trump, 78, are neck-and-neck in national opinion polls, with a considerable slice of the electorate still undecided five months before the Nov. 5 vote.
The debate will provide the starkest contrast yet of the two men, the oldest candidates ever to seek the US presidency, as voters question their age and mental sharpness.
"It's an incredible test of their cognitive competence," said Patrick Stewart, a political science professor at the University of Arkansas who has written a book on presidential debates. "This is our chance to see how much they've declined or if they've declined."
With strict speaking limitations, a ban on notes and no audience to cheer them on during the 90-minute CNN debate, they will need to prepare for tough questions and a format that takes them out of their comfort zones, Stewart said.
Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. didn't make the cut, so Biden, a Democrat, and Trump, a Republican, won’t have to worry about him.
Ron Klain, Biden's former chief of staff and a veteran of debate preparation, is leading Biden's sessions at Camp David, the mountain retreat in western Maryland where the president prepped for his fiery State of the Union speech in March.
A campaign spokesperson declined to comment on whether former White House counsel Bob Bauer would reprise the role of Trump he played during debate prep in 2020.
Biden's team will focus on refining the argument that Trump pursues extremist policies on abortion and other issues, is a danger to democracy, and is beholden to the rich donors writing him checks, a campaign official told Reuters.
While Biden will not shy away from attacking Trump for past actions, including his role in the US Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, the president wants to project himself as a wise and steady leader in contrast to Trump's division and chaos, the official said.
"What he wants to do is have that split screen, show that contrast and have President Trump be forced to account for his more extreme views," said another strategist advising the campaign, who requested anonymity to speak candidly.
The Trump camp, meanwhile, wants to make Biden defend his administration's record on immigration and inflation, as well as how he is dealing with "a world on fire," senior campaign adviser Brian Hughes said in reference to the conflict between Israel and Hamas and Russia's assault on Ukraine.
Trump has held a series of meetings in recent weeks with US senators and advisers at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and elsewhere to review the kind of substantive policy points he would like to make on the debate stage.
Among those involved in the discussions with Trump are US senators J.D. Vance and Marco Rubio - both leading contenders to be Trump's running mate - and Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to Trump during his presidency known for his hardline stance on immigration.
Trump's aides say he is taking a more informal approach to readying for the debate than in the past, when former ally Chris Christie assumed the roles of rivals Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020.
Trump, the aides say, has been honing his argument to voters during more than a year of rallies and media interviews. He is not expected to participate in a mock debate.
"The idea that he has to be in a room and mock out - first this guy does that, then you do this - it's just not his style," Hughes said.
"If we're doing anything at all," Hughes added, "it's simply reviewing with him policies and accomplishments and looking ahead with him at what he'll do in the four years ahead."
Alan Schroeder, professor emeritus of journalism at Northeastern University, sees some risk in the less formal approach for Trump, who like Biden has not debated in four years after eschewing face-offs with his Republican primary challengers.
One of the rules that could prove challenging for Trump: Microphones will be muted except when it is each candidate's turn to speak.
"He's done so many TV events of different types that he sort of thinks he can wing it," said Schroeder, an expert on presidential debates. "But debating is a very specific thing. It doesn't really pay to just show up."