Western Fears Arise of Iran’s Access to Nigerien Uranium with Russian Support

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi receives the Nigerien Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation in January. (Iranian Presidency)
Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi receives the Nigerien Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation in January. (Iranian Presidency)

Western Fears Arise of Iran’s Access to Nigerien Uranium with Russian Support

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi receives the Nigerien Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation in January. (Iranian Presidency)
Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi receives the Nigerien Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation in January. (Iranian Presidency)

New information circulated about Iran’s endeavor to reach a deal with Niger, under which it would buy at least 300 tons of the so-called “yellowcake uranium” through Russian mediation.
Niger has the biggest uranium reserve in Africa and the third largest in the world. Until 2021, the country was the first source of uranium imports to Europe, but in 2022, it lost this position to Kazakhstan, which has a 26.8 percent share, followed by Niger (25.3 percent), then Canada (22 percent), and finally Russia (16.8 percent).
The exploitation of Nigerien uranium is managed by French company Orano, which is controlled by the French state. Other companies operate in the same sector, such as the Chinese CNNC and the South Korean KEPCO, in addition to the Nigerien National Company.
French newspaper Le Monde quoted Emmanuel Gregoire, from the Institute for Development Research, as saying that the uranium mining sector has not seen profound changes despite the numerous coups d’état that the country has witnessed since its independence.
In news recently published by the Africa Intelligence website, which specializes in African affairs, it was reported that the Nigerien authorities are “secretly negotiating” with Iran to sell it 300 tons of “concentrated” uranium. The news was confirmed by Le Monde in its issue of May 10.
According to the French newspaper, US intelligence revealed, at the beginning of 2024, secret talks for a deal worth $56 million. But on April 16, the Nigerien Military Council denied the US “fake news” that spoke of “signing a secret agreement on a uranium deal with Tehran.”
Senior Nigerien officials visited Moscow and Tehran last year, to enhance bilateral military cooperation. Le Monde quoted official Western sources as saying that Russia has facilitated the “nuclear” rapprochement between Tehran and Niamey, undoubtedly due to agreements concluded between Iran and Russia to support the Russian war in Ukraine.




UK Labour Party Sweeps to Power in Historic Election Win

Keir Starmer, leader of Britain's Labour party, reacts as he speaks at a reception to celebrate his win in the election, at Tate Modern, in London, Britain, July 5, 2024. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett
Keir Starmer, leader of Britain's Labour party, reacts as he speaks at a reception to celebrate his win in the election, at Tate Modern, in London, Britain, July 5, 2024. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett

UK Labour Party Sweeps to Power in Historic Election Win

Keir Starmer, leader of Britain's Labour party, reacts as he speaks at a reception to celebrate his win in the election, at Tate Modern, in London, Britain, July 5, 2024. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett
Keir Starmer, leader of Britain's Labour party, reacts as he speaks at a reception to celebrate his win in the election, at Tate Modern, in London, Britain, July 5, 2024. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett

Britain’s Labour Party swept to power Friday after more than a decade in opposition, as a jaded electorate handed the party a landslide victory — but also a mammoth task of reinvigorating a stagnant economy and dispirited nation.
Labour leader Keir Starmer will officially become prime minister later in the day, leading his party back to government less than five years after it suffered its worst defeat in almost a century. In the merciless choreography of British politics, he will take charge in 10 Downing St. hours after the votes are counted — as Conservative leader Rishi Sunak is hustled out.
“A mandate like this comes with a great responsibility,” Starmer acknowledged in a speech to supporters, saying that the fight to regain people’s trust after years of disillusionment “is the battle that defines our age."
Speaking as drawn broke in London, he said Labour would offer “the sunlight of hope, pale at first but getting stronger through the day.”
Sunak conceded defeat, saying the voters had delivered a “sobering verdict.”
Labour's triumph and challenges For Starmer, it's a massive triumph that will bring huge challenges, as he faces a weary electorate impatient for change against a gloomy backdrop of economic malaise, mounting distrust in institutions and a fraying social fabric, The Associated Press reported.
Britain has experienced a run of turbulent years — some of it of the Conservatives’ own making and some of it not — that has left many voters pessimistic about their country’s future. The UK’s exit from the European Union followed by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine battered the economy, while lockdown-breaching parties held by then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his staff caused widespread anger.
Johnson’s successor, Liz Truss, rocked the economy further with a package of drastic tax cuts and lasted just 49 days in office. Rising poverty, crumbling infrastructure and overstretched National Health Service have led to gripes about “Broken Britain.”