WFP Cuts Food Rations in Yemen

Eight vessels carrying wheat for WFP had arrived in Yemen from Ukraine since the initiative started in July 2022 (WFP)
Eight vessels carrying wheat for WFP had arrived in Yemen from Ukraine since the initiative started in July 2022 (WFP)

WFP Cuts Food Rations in Yemen

Eight vessels carrying wheat for WFP had arrived in Yemen from Ukraine since the initiative started in July 2022 (WFP)
Eight vessels carrying wheat for WFP had arrived in Yemen from Ukraine since the initiative started in July 2022 (WFP)

The World Food Program announced it had to cut the food rations of more than 10 million Yemenis by 35 percent due to a lack of funding, and warned that it might have to take additional steps in the absence of direct grants.

In its Yemen Food Security Update released early this week, the Program said that during January-May 2023, the overall food imports saw a decrease by 28 percent through Red Sea ports and by 11 percent via the southern ports of Aden and Mukalla compared to same period in 2022.

By May 31, eight vessels carrying wheat for WFP had arrived in Yemen from Ukraine since the initiative started in July 2022, the Program noted.

It said essential food items were reportedly available across the Yemeni markets, however close monitoring is necessary for the upcoming months in light of the low levels of food imports.

Currently, WFP is targeting 13 million people each distribution cycle with reduced rations equivalent to 65 percent of the standard food basket.

Due to the ongoing critical shortages in funding, WFP was compelled to shift more than 900,000 beneficiaries from cash-based to in-kind food assistance starting the fourth distribution cycle.

According to the WFP update, the prevalence of inadequate food consumption bounced back to pre-Ramadan levels, increasing from 36 percent in April to 45 percent in May.

Northern and southern areas remained at worrying levels of food insecurity during May, yet households in the south were slightly worse off.

Around 48 percent of the surveyed households in government-controlled areas could not meet their minimum food needs compared to 44 percent in areas under Houthi authorities.

Meanwhile, it said the cost of the minimum food basket (MFB) remained almost unchanged in Yemen compared to the previous month. Year-on-year, the cost of MFB slightly increased by two percent in government-controlled areas while it significantly decreased in areas under the militia authorities (by 18 percent).

At the energy level, the update said the steady flow of fuel into Yemen has been maintained since the activation of the truce in April 2022.

“During January-May 2023, the total volume of imported fuel through Red Sea ports was nearly double the level of imports during the same period last year,” it said.

Also, there are 10.4 million people assisted by WFP in Yemen in May, 17 million people food insecure, 6.1 million people in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) and 3.5 million people acutely malnourished.

The fifth Yemen Situation Report for this year showed a partial IPC food security analysis covering 118 districts (of the 333 districts total) controlled by the internationally recognized government of Yemen.

“For the January-May 2023 period, the analysis shows a slight improvement in the food security situation in IRGcontrolled areas as compared to 2022, with 3.5 million people in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above,” it said.

However, the analysis projects a deterioration for the June-December 2023 period, with the number of people in IPC Phase 3+ increasing by 20 percent, to 3.9 million.

RSF Attack a City under Military Control in Central Sudan, Opening a New Front

Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit, led by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the deputy head of the military council, secure the area where Dagalo attends a military-backed tribe's rally, in the East Nile province, Sudan, on June 22, 2019. (AP)
Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit, led by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the deputy head of the military council, secure the area where Dagalo attends a military-backed tribe's rally, in the East Nile province, Sudan, on June 22, 2019. (AP)

RSF Attack a City under Military Control in Central Sudan, Opening a New Front

Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit, led by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the deputy head of the military council, secure the area where Dagalo attends a military-backed tribe's rally, in the East Nile province, Sudan, on June 22, 2019. (AP)
Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit, led by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the deputy head of the military council, secure the area where Dagalo attends a military-backed tribe's rally, in the East Nile province, Sudan, on June 22, 2019. (AP)

Fighting continued to rage between Sudan’s military and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in a city in a central province, officials said Sunday, opening yet another front in a fourteen-month war that has pushed the African country to the brink of famine.

The RSF began its offensive on the Sennar province earlier this week, attacking the village of Jebal Moya before moving to the city of Singa, the provincial capital, authorities said, where fresh battles have erupted.

On Saturday, the group claimed in a statement it had seized the military’s main facility, the 17th Infantry Division Headquarters in Singa. Local media also reported the RSF managed to breach the military’s defense.

However, Brig. Nabil Abdalla, a spokesperson for the Sudanese armed forces, said the military regained control of the facility, and that fighting was still underway Sunday morning.

Neither claim could be independently verified.

According to the UN’s International Organization for Migration, at least 327 households had to flee from Jebal Moya and Singa to safer areas.

“The situation remains tense and unpredictable,” it said in a statement.

The latest fighting in Sennar comes while almost all eyes are on al-Fasher, a major city in the sprawling region of Darfur that the RSF has besieged for months in an attempt to seize it from the military. Al-Fasher is the military's last stronghold in Darfur.

Sudan’s war began in April last year when simmering tensions between the military and the RSF exploded into open fighting in the capital, Khartoum and elsewhere in the country.

The devastating conflict has killed more than 14,000 people and wounded 33,000 others, according to the United Nations, but rights activists say the toll could be much higher.

It created the world’s largest displacement crisis with over 11 million people forced to flee their homes. International experts warned Thursday that that 755,000 people are facing famine in the coming months, and that 8.5 million people are facing extreme food shortages.

The conflict has been marked by widespread reports of rampant sexual violence and other atrocities — especially in Darfur, the site of a genocide in the early 2000s. Rights groups say the atrocities amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.