Houthis Launch Drone, Rocket Attack on Military Camp in Yemen’s Saada

Commander of the Alab axis Yasser Majali is seen at the military parade in Saada. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Commander of the Alab axis Yasser Majali is seen at the military parade in Saada. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Houthis Launch Drone, Rocket Attack on Military Camp in Yemen’s Saada

Commander of the Alab axis Yasser Majali is seen at the military parade in Saada. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Commander of the Alab axis Yasser Majali is seen at the military parade in Saada. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The Iran-backed Houthi militias launched on Saturday an attack against a military camp in Yemen’s northern Saada province, killing one and injuring a number of people.

The attack in the Alab-Baqem area took place days after the Houthis attacked Bahraini troops in the Arab Coalitions to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen deployed on Saudi Arabia’s southern border, killing four servicemen.

Saturday’s attack, using drones and katyusha rockets, targeted a military parade commemorating the September 26 revolution in Yemen.

Member of the Presidential Leadership Council Abdulrahman al-Mahrami condemned the attack, saying it reflects the Houthis’ despair as they are constantly being confronted by the heroics of the military.

The command at the camp said the Houthis are defying regional and international efforts to establish peace in Yemen.

The militias carried out an assault along the Alab-Baqem axis, as well as the camp, it explained.

The military repelled the attack, downing several drones, it added, while stressing its right to respond to such violations in line with performing its national duties.

Spokesman for the military Abdo Majali warned that the repeated Houthi attacks on the legitimate forces or Arab Coalition will impact peace efforts.

In remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat, he accused the Houthis of rejecting all regional and international peace efforts, as demonstrated by the latest attacks.

He noted that the military has become better trained and equipped in repelling attacks, but it is also keen on ensuring the success of peace efforts and lifting the morale of the people.

Israel Media: Nine People Killed as Rocket Hits Football Pitch in Israeli-Occupied Golan

 Israeli security forces and medics transport casualties from a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024. (AFP)
Israeli security forces and medics transport casualties from a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024. (AFP)

Israel Media: Nine People Killed as Rocket Hits Football Pitch in Israeli-Occupied Golan

 Israeli security forces and medics transport casualties from a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024. (AFP)
Israeli security forces and medics transport casualties from a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024. (AFP)

Nine people were killed in a rocket attack on a football ground in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Saturday, Israeli Channel 13 reported, amid an escalation of fire between Israel and armed groups in Lebanon.

The Israeli emergency service said earlier that nine people were critically wounded by a rocket fired from Lebanon that hit a village football pitch in the Druze village of Majdal Shams. A medic described great destruction and fire at the scene.

The attack on the soccer pitch followed an Israeli strike in Lebanon that killed four fighters on Saturday. Two security sources in Lebanon said the four fighters killed in the Israeli strike on Kfar Kila in southern Lebanon were members of different armed groups, with at least one of them belonging to Hezbollah.

The Israeli military said its aircraft had targeted a military structure belonging to Hezbollah, after identifying a militant cell entering the building.

Hezbollah claimed at least four attacks, including with Katyusha rockets, in retaliation for the Kfarkila attacks.

However senior Hezbollah media representative Mohammad Afif denied responsibility for the strike on Majdal Shams.

Iran-backed Hezbollah and Israel have been trading fire since October, after Hamas' attack on southern Israel triggered the Gaza war, in their worst escalation since 2006.