Hunger Crisis in Gaza: What to Know

Ten-year-old Palestinian boy, Yazan al-Kafarneh, displaced from Beit Hanun and suffering from a pre-existing condition, lies on a hospital bed at Al-Awda clinic in Rafah; he died on March 4 severe malnourishment and insufficient healthcare- AFP
Ten-year-old Palestinian boy, Yazan al-Kafarneh, displaced from Beit Hanun and suffering from a pre-existing condition, lies on a hospital bed at Al-Awda clinic in Rafah; he died on March 4 severe malnourishment and insufficient healthcare- AFP

Hunger Crisis in Gaza: What to Know

Ten-year-old Palestinian boy, Yazan al-Kafarneh, displaced from Beit Hanun and suffering from a pre-existing condition, lies on a hospital bed at Al-Awda clinic in Rafah; he died on March 4 severe malnourishment and insufficient healthcare- AFP
Ten-year-old Palestinian boy, Yazan al-Kafarneh, displaced from Beit Hanun and suffering from a pre-existing condition, lies on a hospital bed at Al-Awda clinic in Rafah; he died on March 4 severe malnourishment and insufficient healthcare- AFP

Children have begun starving to death in Gaza, where the United Nations has warned a famine is "almost inevitable."

Here's what to know about the hunger crisis engulfing the war-torn Palestinian territory.

At least 15 children have died from starvation and dehydration in a single hospital, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-run territory.

Media including AFP have captured haunting images of emaciated infants with sunken eyes and gaunt faces.

Over the weekend, World Health Organization workers were able to visit hospitals in northern Gaza for the first time since October, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Monday on X.

He said the workers found "severe levels of malnutrition, children dying of starvation, serious shortages of fuel, food and medical supplies, hospital buildings destroyed."

Across Gaza, 90 percent of children aged 6–23 months and pregnant and breastfeeding women face severe food poverty, according to a report released two weeks ago by the Global Nutrition Cluster, a network of nutrition NGOs led by UNICEF.

At least 90 percent of children under five are affected by one or more infectious diseases, it added.

Aid organizations working on the ground blame Israel, which is waging a war against Hamas in the wake of the October 7 attacks, for preventing enough food trucks from entering Gaza.

"As the occupying power in Gaza, Israel has the responsibility to ensure that the occupied population receives food and medical supplies," the International Rescue Committee told AFP in a statement.

"Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions, is a war crime."

At the start of the conflict, high-ranking Israeli officials such as defense minister Yoav Gallant, openly called for a "complete siege" to deprive Palestinians of food, fuel and water. But officials have since walked back that rhetoric.

"Our war is against Hamas, not against the people of Gaza," military spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said recently, adding Israel was "facilitating aid."

The UN food agency said Tuesday its aid convoy was turned away by Israeli forces at a checkpoint in northern Gaza.

Last week, Israeli forces opened fire on Palestinians scrambling for food aid in a chaotic melee that killed more than 100 people.

US military planes have begun dropping tens of thousands of meals, though aid agencies say this is an inefficient way to curb the crisis.

Dabney Evans, director of the Center for Humanitarian Emergencies at Emory University, told AFP that images from Gaza indicated the most severe forms of malnutrition, including "wasting" which refers to extremely low weight for a person's height, as a result of severe decreases in caloric intake in a short period of time.

"Their bodies are beginning to break down and are in shock," said Evans, explaining that bringing someone back to good health requires careful supervised medical care, not just giving them food, which can be dangerous.

Imad Dardonah, a pediatrician at the Kamal Adwan Hospital, the only pediatrics hospital in northern Gaza, told AFP that staff had supplies to only treat around half of cases adequately.

"We have nothing to give them, the most we can do for them is either give them saline solution or sugar solution."

If malnutrition is prolonged it will lead to long-term consequences such as growth stunting, a reduced ability to learn, and a weakened immune system.

Anu Narayan, an advisor for UNICEF on child nutrition, told AFP there would likely be a "lifelong impact" at least on some individuals.

"We know for a fact that it can impact children's cognitive development and over the long term has an impact on their earnings and ability to function fully."

UC Berkeley researchers recently learned that people born during the Great Chinese Famine more than 60 years ago -- and their offspring -- had far higher rates of tuberculosis, "indicating a previously unrecognized, intergenerational effect of prenatal and early life exposure to famine."

Since 2004, "famine" has had a formal technical definition: it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population face extreme food shortages, acute malnutrition rates exceed 30 percent, and two out of 1,000 people die from starvation on a daily basis.

While the word is highly charged and has the power to spur world action, it has only been officially declared twice in the past decade: in Somalia in 2011, and South Sudan in 2017.

But Narayan told AFP it made little sense to fixate on the fact the Gaza crisis had not yet met the highest possible classification.

"We have seen that all the factors that put people, but particularly young children at such high risk, are there."

Macron Tries to Assuage NATO Fears despite French Political Limbo

 France's President Emmanuel Macron speaks during a press briefing during NATO’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, US, July 11, 2024. (Reuters)
France's President Emmanuel Macron speaks during a press briefing during NATO’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, US, July 11, 2024. (Reuters)

Macron Tries to Assuage NATO Fears despite French Political Limbo

 France's President Emmanuel Macron speaks during a press briefing during NATO’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, US, July 11, 2024. (Reuters)
France's President Emmanuel Macron speaks during a press briefing during NATO’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, US, July 11, 2024. (Reuters)

French President Emmanuel Macron once shook up NATO by declaring it was suffering "brain death". But his days of such boldness on the international stage may be slipping away after his gamble on a snap election produced political paralysis at home.

At NATO's Washington summit, allies have been left wondering how much of a role Paris can play in the transatlantic alliance in the years ahead, adding to uncertainty stemming from US President Joe Biden's faltering reelection bid and a possible return of NATO skeptic Donald Trump to the White House.

"We all know that wherever in the world, foreign policy begins at home and if at home you have troubles, they will of course affect or impact one way or another your foreign policy abroad," said a European Union diplomat on the summit sidelines.

Macron has kept a low media profile at the summit, with plans to hold just one press conference later on Thursday. Behind the scenes, he was keen to tell allies that the result of Sunday's parliamentary election in France was not as bad as had been feared, as either the far-right nor far-left won an overall majority.

Either outcome would have posed the most severe challenges for Macron's foreign policy with both blocs deemed more pro-Russian and less NATO-friendly. But the election has left France in limbo - with three blocs short of a majority and no new government in sight.

Once a government is in place, it is like Macron will have a prime minister more in tune with his thinking internationally even if he will not have a free hand on foreign policy like in the past.

Three European officials said Macron had taken the time in the North Atlantic Council - the main political decision-making body within NATO - to underscore his message and reaffirm France's support for Ukraine.

That was in stark contrast to five years ago in the run-up to NATO's 70th anniversary, when he stole the headlines after calling the alliance "brain dead" and urging it to wake up after becoming too focused on budget issues instead of evolving geopolitics.

Publicly, other NATO leaders played down France's political troubles.

"It is up to the politicians to find solutions and to make something out if it," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told reporters. "I'm quite confident."

Officials said Scholz had joked with Macron about the idiosyncrasies of creating and working within a coalition - a persistent headache for the German leader and something that Macron will need to learn in the coming months.

Keen to show Paris is still active internationally, Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu signed an agreement on the summit sidelines with his German, Italian and Polish counterparts to develop long-range cruise missile capabilities.

"It is an alliance that brings together democracies. So, by definition, in a democracy, faces can change," Lecornu said of NATO when asked whether Macron and France had been weakened.


But the after-effects of Sunday's election were evident at the summit. Macron was the last leader to arrive, missing a NATO 75th anniversary dinner. He had already scaled back his trip to just 36 hours, having dropped plans to add a visit to Canada.

His foreign minister, Stephane Sejourne, did not accompany him, focusing on his role as the head of Macron's political party back in Paris. Sejourne was not obliged to attend the summit but many other foreign ministers were present.

Several French diplomats said they had lacked instructions in the run-up to the NATO summit and were feeling directionless.

Unlike many other leaders at the NATO gathering and in a marked contrast to his appearance at the G7 summit in Bari a few weeks ago, Macron kept his public words to a minimum.

"Allies. United and in solidarity against Russia's brutal war of aggression in Ukraine. A crucial moment for Europe's security and peace," he posted on X.

A Ukrainian diplomat said "a worst-case scenario" for Macron and Kyiv had been avoided in the French election.

"Yes, he will have his wings clipped and he may not be able to govern, but we have our fingers crossed," the diplomat said.

Asked by reporters about the political situation and its impact internationally, the often-loquacious Macron said only: "By definition, I will not comment on national politics here."

Those were his first public remarks in almost two weeks since a summit in Brussels.

But European officials said that he could not be written off yet and would still be in charge of defense and foreign policy.

With neither the far-right nor far-left winning a majority, in the immediate term the existing government remains in place while negotiations to create some form of coalition to govern take place.

The most likely scenario is a prime minister from the center-left or center-right that would not oppose his Ukraine policy or NATO.

That could enable him to move forward on some initiatives such as sending Mirage fighter jets to Ukraine or creating a coalition of countries to send military trainers there. But there is now at least a question mark over those ideas.

Some officials pointed to a turnaround in fortunes between France and Britain, the latter often seen as a hub of chaos in recent years following its exit from the European Union but now under a new Labour government with a large majority.

Macron met new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer as soon as he arrived in Washington and the two discussed their respective elections, two diplomats said.

"He can be the center of attention and give Britain a new lease of life," one French diplomat said of Starmer.

"For us, it's the opposite. We don't know where we are going."