Libyan Political Dialogue Forum Mulls PM Pick

Part of the activities of the Political Dialogue Forum held in Tunisia’s capital, Tunis (DPA)
Part of the activities of the Political Dialogue Forum held in Tunisia’s capital, Tunis (DPA)

Libyan Political Dialogue Forum Mulls PM Pick

Part of the activities of the Political Dialogue Forum held in Tunisia’s capital, Tunis (DPA)
Part of the activities of the Political Dialogue Forum held in Tunisia’s capital, Tunis (DPA)

The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum talks continued for the second day Tuesday in Tunisia's capital to discuss a draft political roadmap for the preparatory phase in Libya.

The discussions, which kicked off Monday under the UN auspices, are expected to conclude on Saturday during which a press conference will be held to announce key agreements reached between Libyan parties.

Various political figures hope the forum will serve as a reference during the upcoming transitional phase. A Libyan committee will be formed and will include five figures of the 75 officials who participated in the forum.

They will be tasked to monitor the outcomes of the Tunis meeting and the implementation of the agreements, as well as take a final decision in case obstacles occurred.

Remarkably, Libyan sources revealed that several figures have been proposed for the prime minister's post. These are led by Libyan Interior Minister of the Government of National Accord Fathi Bashagha, politician Ahmed Maiteeq and Speaker of the east-based Libyan parliament Aguila Saleh.

The draft being discussed includes seven main political issues that set the principles of the national political program, including holding general elections, restructuring the executive authority in Libya to achieve security, ending armed conflicts, unifying state institutions, improving services and economic performance, as well as developing the work of state institutions and attaining comprehensive political reconciliation.

According to Arab Parliament Speaker Adel Abdulrahman al-Asoumi, the LPDF represents a pivotal stage and a major milestone to end years of conflict and meet the aspirations of the Libyan people of comprehensive peace and lasting stability in their country.

Asoumi urged all Libyan parties to actively engage in the dialogue and prioritize the national interest of Libyans to reach a comprehensive political settlement to the crisis.

He stressed that this settlement will support the sovereignty of the Libyan state over its entire territory, preserve its national unity and end all forms of foreign interventions in Libya’s internal affairs.

Rockets Fired from Gaza into Israel, Tanks Advance in North and South

People walk at the remains of a market after an Israeli strike, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, June 30, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
People walk at the remains of a market after an Israeli strike, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, June 30, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

Rockets Fired from Gaza into Israel, Tanks Advance in North and South

People walk at the remains of a market after an Israeli strike, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, June 30, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
People walk at the remains of a market after an Israeli strike, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, June 30, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad group fired a barrage of rockets into Israel on Monday, in an apparent show of force as Israeli tanks pressed their advance deeper into Gaza amid fierce fighting, residents and officials said.
The armed wing of Islamic Jihad, an Iranian-backed ally of Hamas, said its fighters fired rockets towards several Israeli settlements near the fence with Gaza in response to "the crimes of the Zionist enemy against our Palestinian people".
The volley of around 20 rockets caused no casualties, according to the Israeli military. But it showed militants still possess rocket capabilities almost nine months into Israel's offensive it says is aimed at neutralizing threats against it.
In some parts of Gaza, militants continue to stage attacks on Israeli forces in areas that the army had left months ago.
On Monday, Israeli tanks deepened their incursions into the Shejaia suburb in eastern Gaza City for a fifth day, and tanks advanced further in western and central Rafah, in southern Gaza near the border with Egypt, residents said.
According to Reuters, the Israeli military said it had killed a number of militants in combat in Shejaia on Monday and found large amounts of weapons there.
Hamas said that, in Rafah, its militants lured an Israeli force into a booby-trapped house in the east of the city and then blew it up, causing casualties.
Also in Rafah, the Israeli military said that an airstrike killed a militant who fired an anti-tank missile at its troops.
Israel has signaled that its operation in Rafah, meant to stamp out Hamas, will soon be concluded. After the intense phase of the war is over, its forces will focus on smaller scale operations meant to stop Hamas reassembling, officials say.

More than 37,900 Palestinians have been killed and 87,060 have been injured in Israel's military offensive in Gaza since Oct. 7, the Gaza health ministry said in a statement on Monday.