Amid Syria’s Rubble: War Eases and People Still Bleed from Open Wounds

Syrian protesters, wearing the colors of opposition, attend an anti-government demonstration in the opposition-held northern Syrian city of Idlib. (AFP)
Syrian protesters, wearing the colors of opposition, attend an anti-government demonstration in the opposition-held northern Syrian city of Idlib. (AFP)

Amid Syria’s Rubble: War Eases and People Still Bleed from Open Wounds

Syrian protesters, wearing the colors of opposition, attend an anti-government demonstration in the opposition-held northern Syrian city of Idlib. (AFP)
Syrian protesters, wearing the colors of opposition, attend an anti-government demonstration in the opposition-held northern Syrian city of Idlib. (AFP)

A decade has passed since the eruption of peaceful protests in Syria as part of the so-called Arab Spring wave that swept through the region. Syrians dispute when the actual protests broke out as they do over several other issues.

Over the past ten years, the country has witnessed several geographic, military, social and military changes. Perhaps the only thing that hasn’t changed is the suffering.

The Syrians are divided by many issues, but they feel that they are in crisis inside the country and beyond it, but the one thing that brings them together is suffering. It is difficult to find someone who has not been affected directly by what has taken place in the past ten years. Only a very small segment of society has benefited from the conflict, but it has also incurred losses in other places. It may have won on the ground, but it has lost history and the future.

On the tenth anniversary of the conflict, Asharq Al-Awsat will as of Monday publish a series of reports that underscore the extent of the humanitarian suffering inside Syria and beyond and that shed light on the role played by various major foreign actors in shaping the country.

The Arab Spring spark was lit in Tunisia and northern Africa in late 2010. It took time for the wave of protests to take hold in Syria, where demonstrations had been banned for half a century and the government seemed more entrenched than anywhere else in the region.

The uprising began with vigils in front of the Libyan embassy in Damascus to show support to other revolts and in “careful defiance” of the ruling regime. The chants were addressed to Tunis, Tripoli and Cairo, but they were “speaking with” Damascus.

“We would call for freedom and democracy in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, but we were actually chanting for Syria,” prominent Syrian activist Mazen Darwish recalled.

“We became obsessed with finding the spark that would put us next in line,” he says, retracing the beginnings of Syria's revolt in a phone interview with AFP. “Who was going to be Syria's Bouazizi?”

The closest equivalent to Mohamed Bouazizi, the young street vendor whose self-immolation was the trigger for Tunisia's December 2010 revolt, turned out to be youngsters who spray-painted the words “Your turn, doctor” on a wall in the southern town of Daraa.

The slogan was a clear reference to Assad, wishing the London-trained ophthalmologist the same fate as Tunisia's Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. The graffiti led to arrests and torture, which in turn caused an uproar that rallied a critical number of Syrians behind the protests.

March 15, the date which AFP and many others use for the start of the Syrian uprising, was not the first day of protests but the day that demonstrations happened nationwide and simultaneously. Protests had already erupted in Daraa and central Damascus on February 17.

Journalist and author Rania Abouzeid describes the moment that gives its title to her book on the Syrian war: “No Turning Back”.

“The great wall of fear had cracked, the silence was shattered. The confrontation was existential -- for all sides -- from its inception,” she wrote.

The protests would then expand, with people first demanding improved services to then calling for the ouster of the regime. The demonstrations reached their peak with a massive march in Hama in July 2011. Foreign ambassadors, including then US envoy to Syria Robert Ford, were seen at rallies. The impression at the time was that the allies of the protesters supported their demand for the ouster of the regime. Then US President Barack Obama’s statement in August 2011 demanding that Assad step down only fueled this wrong impression.

Military shift
A number of factors led to a shift to a military confrontation. At first, regime forces and security agencies cracked down violently on the protesters. They resorted to barrel bombs, shelling and sieges, and accusations of an existence of a fifth column among the protesters.

Reports said thousands of extremists were released from regime jails. Many had fought the Americans in Iraq in the post-2003 invasion period, giving way to the emergence of ISIS. They used their organizational and fighting experience to make territorial gains, placing the West before two choices: The regime or ISIS.

In the meantime, the “Friends of Syria” group, which supported the opposition, was formed. It included army defectors, who would form the Free Syrian Army. Significantly, countries were divided in supporting the opposition given its lack of organization. The CIA at one point in 2012 backed a secret program for the opposition that was based in Jordan and Turkey.

The protest camp's voice was gradually drowned out and outside support only ever came for the conflict's many other players.

In 2012, US president Barack Obama described Assad's use of chemical weapons as a red line. But when it was crossed a year later, he stopped short of deciding on the military intervention many had hoped for, in what remains a defining moment of his administration.

For many, this was a changing point in the conflict.

At that point, opposition factions had dealt major blows to the army, which was further weakened by defections.

The tide began to turn when Russia and the US reached an agreement in September 2013 to remove the regime’s chemical weapons, dashing the hopes of the opposition and their allies that Washington would strike Damascus. This would soon be followed with the emergence of ISIS and other extremist groups in the country.

But the intervention of Iran and its proxies -- first among them the Lebanese Hezbollah -- and the massive Russian expeditionary operation of 2015 stopped the rot. At one point, the government had lost control over almost 80 percent of the national territory, including most of its oil resources, and the opposition was on Damascus' doorstep.

American and Russian intervention
Confronted with ISIS’ advance in Syria and Iraq in 2014, the US formed an international coalition to combat the group. The US would then reduce its support to the opposition that was fighting the government forces.

In early 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin intervened in Ukraine. This too was a turning point as he began to link the crisis there to the conflict in Syria. By spring 2015, the government only controlled 15 percent of Syrian territories. Putin saw it as an opportunity to pounce in Syria through direct military intervention.

The intervention took place after slain Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani had scrambled to travel to Moscow over the summer to plead with it to “save the Syrian ally.” A deal was then struck: Russia would control Syria’s skies, while Iran would control the ground. The purpose was saving the regime without Russia having to become embroiled in the Syrian “swamp”, avoiding the trap the Soviet Union was caught in when it intervened in Afghanistan.

With the support of Russia's air force, equipment and advisers, and with the added manpower of militia groups deployed by Tehran, Assad embarked on a vengeful scorched earth campaign to reconquer the country.

Turkish intervention
In an interview with AFP in February 2016, Assad made it clear there would be little room for negotiation and that his goal was nothing short of a full reconquest.

“Regardless of whether we can do that or not, this is a goal we are seeking to achieve without any hesitation,” he said.

By late 2016, the tide was firmly in the regime’s favor after bloody sieges of Aleppo and eastern Ghouta, an opposition enclave near Damascus, ended with surrender deals that were replicated across the country. Extremists and opposition fighters were forced into the northwestern province of Idlib, an enclave where around three million people now live in abominable conditions under the rule of the radical group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

This new process of recapturing territories led the country towards a new phase where “zones of influence” were introduced. In May 2017, Russia, along with Turkey and Iran, forged a new path in Syria by launching the Astana process. It was aimed at reaching “de-escalation” agreements in Daraa, Ghouta, Damascus, Homs and Idlib.

This approach led to exchange agreements in various regions: In return for recapturing eastern Aleppo, pro-Turkish factions were allowed to enter northern Aleppo. In exchange for Ghouta and Homs, pro-Turkish factions entered the Afrin region in northern Aleppo in 2018. These deals with Turkey were aimed at preventing the Kurds from establishing their own state on its southern borders.

Elsewhere, Iran was entrenching itself in Syria, forcing Israel to launch strikes against its positions. In mid-2018, the US, Russia and Jordan reached an agreement to expel Iran and its militias from the areas neighboring Jordan and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Government forces were allowed to return to these regions.

Zones of influence
Turkey has an estimated 15,000 troops deployed inside Syria and now wields significant influence in the north.

A ceasefire deal reached a year ago by Moscow and Ankara, now the two main brokers in the conflict, has held despite sporadic fighting. The offensive Assad long threatened on Idlib looks increasingly unlikely in that it would send the two foreign powers on a direct collision course.

The Damascus government controls less than two thirds of the national territory, and geographer Fabrice Balanche argues that a look at the country's borders paints an even less flattering picture.

“Borders are the sovereignty symbol par excellence, and the regime's scorecard remains nearly blank on that front,” he argued in a recent study showing that government forces controlled only 15 percent of Syria's borders.

The rest is de facto controlled by Turkish, US, Kurdish and Iranian-backed forces.

External powers are “informally dividing the country into multiple zones of influence and unilaterally controlling most of its borders,” Balanche wrote.

Last year saw the lowest number of casualties by far since the start of the war, with military operations having significantly wound down.

But while it may look to the outside world like the conflict has essentially ended, the lives of many Syrians have paradoxically never been worse.

“The war is over in the sense that the fighting and the battles are over,” said Hossam, a 39-year-old translator living in Damascus.

“But our wounds are still fresh... and now the economy is the crisis everyone is experiencing, so in fact the war may be over but the suffering is not,” he told AFP in a phone interview.

Gaza War Resonates But Has Global Diplomacy Shifted One Year On?

Internally displaced Palestinians walk in a street in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip, 25 September 2024. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
Internally displaced Palestinians walk in a street in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip, 25 September 2024. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER

Gaza War Resonates But Has Global Diplomacy Shifted One Year On?

Internally displaced Palestinians walk in a street in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip, 25 September 2024. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
Internally displaced Palestinians walk in a street in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip, 25 September 2024. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER

A year after the October 7 attack that sparked war in Gaza, diplomacy has failed to produce a ceasefire and the world watches on as the death toll mounts.
Fears of war engulfing the wider region have soared as exchanges of fire have escalated between Israel and Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.
Over the past year, South Africa has taken Israel to court and some European governments have drawn Israeli anger by recognizing the State of Palestine, but analysts say only a radical change in US policy can stop the conflict, AFP said.
Here is a breakdown:
How has the war resonated?
Palestinian militant group Hamas carried out an unprecedented attack against Israel on October 7, resulting in the deaths of 1,205 people on the Israeli side, most of them civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures, which includes hostages killed in captivity.
Out of 251 people taken hostage that day, 97 are still being held inside Gaza, including 33 the Israeli military says are dead.
Israel's retaliatory military campaign in Gaza has killed more than 41,000 Palestinians, a majority of them civilians, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-run territory.
To the north, Israeli air strikes killed at least 558 people in Lebanon on Monday in the country's deadliest day of violence since the 1975-1990 civil war, the health ministry said.
Around the world, the conflict has had a polarizing effect, generating passionate support for both sides.
"This war has considerably deepened fracture lines," said analyst Karim Bitar.
"What is happening today in Lebanon only compounds this."
For many people, especially in countries which experienced colonial rule, the West's perceived failure to defend the human rights of Palestinians had exposed its "hypocrisy", he said.
In the Arab world, "there is this idea that all great principles fly out the window when it comes to Israel and that the West remains consumed by guilt" from World War II and the Holocaust.
Palestinian historian and diplomat Elias Sanbar said that the West had given the Israelis a "carte-blanche of impunity" for decades, ever since the creation of Israel in 1948.
But today "it will be much harder to show unconditional support to Israel", he said.
Has international law prevailed?
South Africa in December brought a case before the International Court of Justice, arguing the war in Gaza breached the 1948 UN Genocide Convention, an accusation Israel has strongly denied.
Colombia, Libya, Spain, Mexico, Türkiye and Chile have since joined the case.
Analyst Rym Momtaz said the ICJ proceedings against Israel were "unprecedented".
"International law is taking over the issue," she said.
In May, the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court sought arrest warrants against top Hamas leaders -- but also Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister -- on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Since October 7, violence against Palestinians has also flared in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, where far-right parties in the governing coalition have championed a quickening expansion of Israeli settlements, regarded as illegal under international law.
At least 680 Palestinians have been killed in the territory by Israeli troops or settlers, according to the Palestinian health ministry.
UN member states have adopted a non-binding resolution to formally demand an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories within 12 months.
But Israeli historian and diplomat Elie Barnavi said his country "doesn't care" about what the so-called global South thinks.
Is European support for Israel waning?
Some European governments have taken a stance.
Slovenia, Spain, Ireland and Norway have recognized the State of Palestine, drawing retaliatory moves from Israel.
The European Union has implemented sanctions against "extremist" settlers, and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has called for more against some far-right members of the Israeli government.
The United Kingdom has suspended 30 of 350 arms exports licenses for Israel.
Barnavi noted a "real shift in the attitude of Europeans towards Israel", but said it was "insufficient".
Zeenat Adam, of the Afro-Middle East Centre in South Africa, said the UK arms exports suspension was "minuscule".
"The recent 'recognition' by European states of Palestine is mere lip-service," she added.
In the end, said Sanbar, countries in Europe largely still supported Israel, even if "a sort of embarrassment" at times triggered statements of concern.
"It's simply not enough," he said.
What of the United States?
All eyes are instead on Israel's main ally the United States, which has pushed for a ceasefire but kept up its military aid to Israel.
"If the United States does not change their stance, there will be no change," said Momtaz.
"There has been no real fraying of US military support to Israel. Yet it's that support that is crucial and makes all the difference," she said.
The Israeli defense ministry said on Thursday it had secured a new $8.7 billion US aid package to support the country's ongoing military efforts, including upgrading air defense systems.
Momtaz said it was not clear that the US presidential election in November would change anything, regardless of whether the winner was Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.
"There has been no sign that a Trump or Harris administration would be ready to use US leverage, the only efficient means to help both parties stop this war," she said.
Bitar said that among US voters, the Jewish community and young progressive Democrats were more openly distancing themselves from Israel, but that might only have a political impact in 10 to 15 years' time.
No end in sight?
The Gaza war has revived talk of a so-called "two-state solution" of Israeli and Palestinian states living in peace side by side, but that goal seems today more unattainable than ever.
For too many years, the international community "promised a two-state solution without doing anything to end the occupation, to end settlements to make a Palestinian state viable," Bitar said.
"Many believe the train has left the station, that it's perhaps already too late," Bitar said.
Barnavi said there was "no other solution", though it would involve dismantling most settlements in the West Bank.
"It would imply a lot of violence, including a period of civil war in Israel," he said.
Sanbar said: "Never have the two sides been so distanced from each other. I don't know what could bring them closer."