Local, Int'l Concerns Mount after Beirut Clashes Amid Calls For Restraint

A Lebanese soldier accompanies civilians fleeing the crossfire in Beirut, Thursday, October 14. MOHAMED AZAKIR / REUTERS
A Lebanese soldier accompanies civilians fleeing the crossfire in Beirut, Thursday, October 14. MOHAMED AZAKIR / REUTERS

Local, Int'l Concerns Mount after Beirut Clashes Amid Calls For Restraint

A Lebanese soldier accompanies civilians fleeing the crossfire in Beirut, Thursday, October 14. MOHAMED AZAKIR / REUTERS
A Lebanese soldier accompanies civilians fleeing the crossfire in Beirut, Thursday, October 14. MOHAMED AZAKIR / REUTERS

The International community expressed concern over Thursday’s security developments in Lebanon, urging all parties to exercise restraint.

The French foreign ministry said it was “deeply concerned” about the unrest in Beirut, calling for immediate “de-escalation”.

The ministry said the Lebanese judiciary must be able to work on their probe into the Beirut port explosion “in an independent and impartial manner”, noting that Lebanese authorities must “fully support” the investigation.

At least six people were killed and several others wounded in armed clashes that broke out in Beirut Thursday during a protest against the lead judge, Tarek Bitar, investigating last year’s massive blast in the city's port.

The protest outside the Justice Palace was called for by the Hezbollah group and its allies from the Amal movement, who are demanding a replacement for Bitar.

Joanna Wronecka, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, expressed her concern about the violence in Beirut in a Twitter post, saying that it was crucial to show restraint and ensure the safety of citizens.

Spokesman for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Ahmed Hafez, stated that Egypt was following with great concern the developments in Lebanon, calling on all Lebanese parties to exercise restraint and to refrain from violence in order “to avoid the evils of sedition and to uphold the supreme national interest of Lebanon and its people.”

He also stressed that the government and state institutions should assume their responsibilities in managing the country, resolving crises and restoring stability.

Iraqi Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr urged the Lebanese sects to exercise restraint and stop internal fighting.

“The brothers in the Amal Movement, Hezbollah and the Lebanese sects should end differences and internal fighting, because this weakens the national rank and strengthens tutelage.”

Local officials and party leaders have also called on the government to put an end to the “dangerous insecurity.”

In a statement, Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdullatif Derian urged the Lebanese army and all security forces to control the situation and stop the clashes.

“The country is going through a dangerous stage that requires a national position uniting all Lebanese without exception, in order to save Lebanon, eliminate strife… and confront imminent dangers,” Derian remarked.

The Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) said that Thursday’s clashes were “unfortunate and very dangerous.”

Emphasizing “the right to peaceful demonstration within the framework of freedom of expression,” the party stressed that armed manifestations and shooting were “totally and completely rejected.”

For his part, Jaafari Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Qabalan blamed Bitar and the US embassy in Beirut for the eruption of clashes.

“Every bloodshed, sedition, threat to civil peace and security chaos that has occurred today on the defenseless protesters, is because of the American embassy and Judge Tarek Bitar, who must be dismissed, arrested and questioned severely…” he stated.

Iraq Frustrated by Iran’s Reluctance to Rein in Militias

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has cautioned leaders of the Coordination Framework about the threats facing Iraq due to the escalating conflict between Israel and Iran (X)
Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has cautioned leaders of the Coordination Framework about the threats facing Iraq due to the escalating conflict between Israel and Iran (X)

Iraq Frustrated by Iran’s Reluctance to Rein in Militias

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has cautioned leaders of the Coordination Framework about the threats facing Iraq due to the escalating conflict between Israel and Iran (X)
Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has cautioned leaders of the Coordination Framework about the threats facing Iraq due to the escalating conflict between Israel and Iran (X)

A senior government official said Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has warned leaders of the Coordination Framework about the “risks to Iraq” from the growing conflict between Israel and Iran.

The official added that Iran is using “deception” when asked to distance its allied militias from the war.

Political and government figures are increasingly worried that Iraq could be hit, after two Israeli soldiers were killed in a drone strike on the Golan Heights early Friday.

Speaking anonymously to Asharq Al-Awsat, the official said al-Sudani is taking steps to keep Iraq out of the conflict.

These efforts include ramping up “political mediation” to persuade militias not to involve Iraq. The prime minister “informed Coordination Framework leaders of the risks” and urged them to “act quickly.”

The official also warned that an attack is still possible, saying intelligence shows the Iraqi militias launched the strike from outside Iraq, using weapons that came from Iraqi territory.

Al-Sudani’s Mediation Efforts

The Iraqi premier has chosen mediators, approved by Iran, to negotiate with militias about the conflict and conditions for de-escalation. These three individuals have previously acted as mediators in past crises.

Last week, Asharq Al-Awsat reported that al-Sudani asked three key Shiite figures to intervene and prevent militias from getting involved in the war between Hezbollah and Israel, after reports surfaced that Israel had identified 35 Iraqi targets.

Sources confirmed that Ammar al-Hakim is among the mediators, along with two other influential Shiite leaders whose names haven’t been disclosed.

However, two Iraqi militias—likely the al-Nujaba Movement led by Akram al-Kaabi and Kataib Hezbollah led by Abu Hussein al-Hamidawi—have refused to cooperate and continue launching rocket attacks on Israel.

The Iraqi official admitted that some militias are “stubborn,” but stressed that al-Sudani knows Iraq is “at the center of the storm.”

He reportedly told leaders of the Coordination Framework, “Iraq cannot avoid a military strike if it happens, so we must stay out of the war to protect the country.”

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, in a Friday sermon, stated that “Iran’s allies in the region won’t back down,” increasing concerns that Iraqi militias tied to Iran will continue attacking Israel.

Iraqi sources also reported that the Coordination Framework has reviewed an “intelligence report” on dozens of Iraqi targets that Israel might strike or assassinate.

Government Efforts to Prevent Escalation

Al-Sudani has blocked the flow of Iraqi funds into conflict zones, unlike previous leaders, according to the official.

He has worked closely with the US and its Treasury Department to strictly monitor financial movements, often insisting that Iran uses official channels to claim its dues from Iraq.

The official also said global auditing firms are now helping Iraq’s central bank oversee financial transactions, shutting down all previous routes for illicit money flows.

Since the Gaza war began on October 7, 2023, the US told Iraq it pressured Israel not to strike Iraq, as long as Iraq stays out of the conflict, the official added.

The US doesn’t oppose Iraq’s stance of condemning Israel, supporting Lebanon and Palestine, and sending aid.

But it “won’t accept any financial or military support to militias.”

Regarding Iran’s role, the official said Tehran claims militias act independently, dodging responsibility for reining them in.