Israel Launches New Settlement Plans

Israeli soldiers arrest a Palestinian man in Hebron on Friday. (EPA)
Israeli soldiers arrest a Palestinian man in Hebron on Friday. (EPA)

Israel Launches New Settlement Plans

Israeli soldiers arrest a Palestinian man in Hebron on Friday. (EPA)
Israeli soldiers arrest a Palestinian man in Hebron on Friday. (EPA)

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) accused Israel of pushing new settlement plans in Jerusalem at the beginning of the new year, aiming to Judaize the city.

The PLO's National Office for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said the occupied city of Jerusalem is witnessing continuous Judaization schemes.

It indicated that the Israeli government, the municipality and settlement associations are complicit with the Israeli judiciary in the settling plans aiming to limit the Palestinian presence in the city.

The office issued a report noting that the silent ethnic cleansing in and around the city continues for this year, stating that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Mayor Moshe Leon aim to bring about sweeping changes in the demographic balance of Jerusalem.

Since the beginning of the new year, Israeli authorities have approved five new plans to build 3,557 settlement units in the occupied city.

The report said one of the construction plans relates to building new settlement units between Har Homa and Givat HaMatos and another plan in the French Hill.

It warned that these plans are dangerous because they are concentrated in the southern area of ​​Jerusalem and include the establishment of a new settlement neighborhood that provides for 1,465 settlement units near Givat HaMatos and the Har Homa - Jabal Abu Ghneim.

The plans also include establishing 2,092 settlement units in the French Hill area in the center to separate the Jerusalem neighborhoods.

The report also referred to the plans to isolate the north, where there is a general and comprehensive Israeli plan to establish a settlement belt, starting from Qalandia, up to the eastern region (E1), and from Beit Safafa to Sur Baher town.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Ministry of Interior approved a large-scale support plan for the occupied West Bank settlements of 140 million shekels, a 70 percent increase compared to the additional settlements' budget last year.

The National Office reiterated Palestinian officials' accusations of the Israeli government pushing settlements and covering settler terrorism, saying it was the worst government and plots to destroy the two-state solution.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned the escalation in Israeli violations and crimes against Palestinians, their land, properties, homes, and holy sites throughout the West Bank.

The Foreign Ministry said that these violations are accompanied by the continued occupation of Israel and the Judaization of Jerusalem.

It warned that these attempts prove the Israeli government and its army want to end the Palestinian presence in occupied Jerusalem and the areas classified (C).

According to its statement, the Israeli government is in a race against time to implement Israel's colonial interests.

The Ministry said the Israeli government is fully and directly responsible for these violations and escalating crimes, warning of their disastrous consequences and repercussions on the conflict and regional and international efforts to establish confidence between the two sides.

The current Israeli government continues to marginalize the Palestinian cause and divert international attention away from it.

Netanyahu Says Israel Won't Stop Striking Hezbollah

Lebanese army soldiers and residents stand in front of a damaged building in the southern suburb of Beirut following an Israeli raid, in Beirut, Lebanon, 26 September 2024. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
Lebanese army soldiers and residents stand in front of a damaged building in the southern suburb of Beirut following an Israeli raid, in Beirut, Lebanon, 26 September 2024. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

Netanyahu Says Israel Won't Stop Striking Hezbollah

Lebanese army soldiers and residents stand in front of a damaged building in the southern suburb of Beirut following an Israeli raid, in Beirut, Lebanon, 26 September 2024. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
Lebanese army soldiers and residents stand in front of a damaged building in the southern suburb of Beirut following an Israeli raid, in Beirut, Lebanon, 26 September 2024. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that Israel is striking Lebanon’s Hezbollah “with full force” and won’t stop until its goals are achieved.

Netanyahu spoke as he landed in New York to attend the annual UN General Assembly meeting and as US, European and some Arab officials were pressing for a 21-day halt in fighting between Israel and Hezbollah to give time for negotiations.

Netanyahu said Israel’s “policy is clear. We are continuing to strike Hezbollah with full force. And we will not stop until we reach all our goals, chief among them the return of the residents of the north securely to their homes.”

He added that he approved the “targeted killing operation” of the head of Hezbollah’s drone unit in south Beirut Thursday.

Israel has dramatically escalated strikes in Lebanon this week, saying it is targeting Hezbollah. Israeli leaders have said they are determined to stop more than 11 months of cross-border fire by the group into Israel, which has forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of Israelis from communities in the north.