Yemeni Army Chief of Staff to Asharq Al-Awsat: We Are Ready to Decide Battles, Achieve Victory

Bin Aziz was army commanders in Marib. (Saba)
Bin Aziz was army commanders in Marib. (Saba)

Yemeni Army Chief of Staff to Asharq Al-Awsat: We Are Ready to Decide Battles, Achieve Victory

Bin Aziz was army commanders in Marib. (Saba)
Bin Aziz was army commanders in Marib. (Saba)

Yemen Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Sagheer bin Aziz confirmed that the forces of the legitimate government are fully prepared to decide the battle and achieve victory.

In remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat, he stressed that the formation of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council presents a practical transformation and an advanced step towards ending the conflict, stopping the war and restoring state institutions.

“I imagine that the Council, led by Chairman Rashad Al-Alimi and his brother members of the Council, possesses many traits that will allow it to achieve many of the aspirations of the Yemeni people,” bin Aziz said.

He stated that the Council includes political figures with great leadership experience who represent all the active political components in Yemen.

Moreover, he warned the Iran-backed Houthi militias that they had a choice to make, either give up arms and engage in political dialogue or lose to the battle with the army.

“The militias must determine their options, either to lay down their arms and join the dialogue as a political component to come up with solutions that guarantee the return of state institutions, or leave the issue to the army to decide the battle,” he said.

Ever since the UN-sponsored truce went into effect in early April, the Houthis have openly exploited the Saudi-led Arab coalition’s halt of aerial operations by doubling their building of fortifications, digging of trenches and opening secondary roads on various fronts, especially in the oil-rich Marib governorate.

“The Houthis are subject to follow-up and monitoring by international institutions and all humanitarian organizations interested in peace in the world, and I believe that they know the true extent of the commitment of the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia to this truce,” bin Aziz remarked.

In April alone, the Houthis committed 2,700 violations against army positions.

The militias also deployed heavy combat units that include tanks and armored vehicles to front lines. They repositioned missile and drone launchers as well.

“Asharq al-Awsat newspaper publishes dozens of news articles daily about the extent of the militias' infiltrations in the Marib, Al-Jawf, Saada, Hajjah, Hodeidah, Taiz and Dhale fronts,” noted bin Aziz.

He blamed the international community, which, according to him, continues to overlook the unprecedented terrorist acts and crimes committed by the militias.

He spoke against the international community’s acceptance of the blatant Iranian interference in Yemen and its attempts to implement an occupational agenda in the war-torn nation.

“The danger lies in the international community condoning the unprecedented terrorist acts and crimes committed by these militias, and what is more dangerous is its acceptance of the blatant Iranian interference in Yemen,” he said.

He warned that the truce from the militias’ perspective is nothing more than an opportunity to reorganize ranks, mobilize all human, material and armament capabilities, and assume offensive positions in preparation for a wide and surprising attack.

He predicted that the Houthis will focus their combat effort on major fronts, especially Marib.

However, bin Aziz underscored the readiness of the Yemeni army, popular resistance forces and tribesmen in repelling any Houthi aggression with the support of the Arab coalition.

“Our national army and with it the heroes in the popular resistance and tribesmen and all who support the legitimate government believe in the justice of defending the dignity and freedom of Yemen and Yemenis,” he asserted.

“Their historically proven courage, and their great combat experience gained in the eight years of battles, make them more able to defeat Houthi militias,” vowed bin Aziz.

MSF Chief: Sudan’s Situation Worst We’ve Ever Seen

International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou
International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou

MSF Chief: Sudan’s Situation Worst We’ve Ever Seen

International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou
International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou

The health situation in Sudan is “the worst ever,” according to Christos Christou, the international president of Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Christou warned that conditions are deteriorating rapidly due to severe challenges in movement, a limited presence of international aid organizations, and inadequate funding from donors.
Christou reported that more than 70% of health facilities have shut down, and malnutrition is on the rise.
He predicted a surge in malaria and cholera cases with the rainy season approaching.
The ongoing conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has caused the world’s fastest-growing displacement crisis, worsening malnutrition among children and pregnant women.
Remaining health facilities are overwhelmed and at risk of collapse due to increasing violence, attacks, and looting.
During his recent visit to Sudan, Christou met with Deputy Chairman of the Sovereignty Council Malik Agar and senior health officials to discuss ways to improve humanitarian aid delivery.
Christou described the patterns of displacement, malnutrition, and other humanitarian needs in Sudan as “deeply troubling.”
He noted that humanitarian aid is not reaching enough people and stressed the urgent need to “scale up the humanitarian response.” This, he added, requires guarantees of protection from all warring parties.
According to Christou, one in three patients treated by the organization suffers from war-related injuries, with most being women and children. He called on all fighting parties to “do everything possible to protect civilians.”
“We have heard many patient testimonies about violence driven by ethnic motives, especially in Darfur,” Christou said.
MSF is in constant contact with all warring parties to ensure healthcare continues.
“We must remind them to follow international humanitarian law, protect civilians and infrastructure, and not use weapons in health facilities,” added the MSF president.
Christou emphasized that MSF provides life-saving healthcare to all in need in Sudan, remaining neutral and impartial.