Jebril Elabidi

Iran Between War and Accumulating Crises

Iran finds itself between the anvil of war and the hammer of its accumulating crises. The nation's internal challenges are mounting, and if Iranian politicians fail to wake from their negligent slumber, the consequences will be catastrophic—not only for the regime but for the entire region. The…

Who Will Write the Ending of the War in Gaza?

Generals and conquerors have long recognized Gaza's strategic significance. Napoleon once said that "Gaza is the outpost of Africa and the gate to Asia." However, the path to Gaza was never paved with roses. Courageous resistance and the plague crushed Napoleon's army in the Levant. Despite…

The Solution in Libya is to Evacuate it from Militias

If we are to lead Libya towards security and political stability, and allow for an electoral process, we must rid the country of mercenaries and militias. Otherwise, peace and stability will continue to be threatened by a variety of militias of divergent affiliations and loyalties, as well as their…

Wagner and the Mutiny of the President’s Chef

He who cooks poison tastes it... This is exactly what happened when the leader of “Wagner” declared a rebellion against the authorities in Moscow. His ally Putin called it a stab in the back, while Western media outlets rushed their reporting and let their imaginations run wild. Indeed, they went…

The Concept of Nationhood and Looting in Libya

Libya has been devastated by chaos and looting. Communities are clashing over control of the country. Islamist factions derive their strength from foreign fighters who do not recognize the concept of nationhood (a geographically defined space that was home to ancestors) but the words of their…

Jeddah and Reviving the Arab League

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia played a leading role at the Arab League Summit in Jeddah as part of its efforts to enhance intra-Arab cooperation and safeguard the Arab world’s shared destiny in a rapidly changing region and world. Crises and conflicts are shaping the political climate in the world…

Libya and the Blue Gold Reservoir

Talk of water scarcity in Libya is nothing more than a series of mere lies and unfounded statements. According to the report issued by the Man-Made River Project Authority, massive quantities of water are found in the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the Kufra and Sarir Basins. While it shares this…

Iran: ‘Al-Qaeda’s New Home Base’

With the revelations that the “new” leader of Al-Qaeda has taken refuge in Iran, it became clear that harboring terrorists is part of the Iranian regime’s modus operandi. Despite their doctrinal differences, the Iranian regime has always allied itself with Al-Qaeda, and there is an abundance of…

Tunisia’s Stability is Libya’s Stability

The interconnectedness of Libya and Tunisia did not emerge recently. Their link is historical, and Libya’s instability is thus impacted by the economic - and even the political - conditions of Tunisia. They share a 460 km-long border, which is significant for mobility and economic exchange between…