John Authers

John Authers

Irrational Equanimity Has Taken Over the Markets

Let us take a sentimental journey through the Bloomberg terminal. Many of us have spent much time analyzing what steps the US and Chinese governments might take next in their trade spat. It’s all speculation, as we do not know how it will end. But it is possible to analyze how markets have reacted…

Proxy Wars and the Struggle for the Soul of Capitalism

Proxy Wars Concentration in the investment industry has created many accidental powers. The financial crisis told us all about the power of the monoline credit insurers and the rating agencies. There are also the big three indexing groups (MSCI, S&P Global and the London Stock Exchange’s FTSE…

Trump-Xi Give Markets the Most They Could Have Expected

Trade truce. Oh, what a circus. Oh, what a show. Buenos Aires is accustomed to staging political drama. This weekend it provided a stage for China and the US to call timeout on their escalating trade confrontation. Both needed a break, and both needed to show they’d won something, so some kind of…

The EU’s Games of Chicken Are Coming Home to Roost

The classic movie “Rebel Without A Cause” starring James Dean provided a great model for negotiations. In one memorable scene, Dean’s character and a rival raced their car toward a cliff in a sort of competition to see who was braver. The winner was the last to swerve; the loser swerved first, and…