Michael Strain

Michael Strain

How Stimulus Could Backfire Against Low-Wage Workers

President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic relief plan is on the verge of becoming law. With so much uncertainty about the likely course of output, employment and prices, its effect on the economy is unusually hard to predict. But it’s a fact that Congress is providing much more stimulus than any…

The Welfare Debate the US Should Be Having

When Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez first rolled out her Green New Deal, she called on the government to provide economic security to those “unwilling to work.” 1 Conservatives correctly seized on this to argue that the Democratic Party seemed to be moving quite a bit further to the left…

Why Is US Economic Growth Under Attack?

Economic growth is under attack. Or, more specifically, the idea that public policy should place a large amount of emphasis on the economy’s rate of growth is under assault by the political right as well as the left. Traditionally, conservatives have placed a premium on growth as the best way to…

Don’t Blame Business for Slow Wage Growth

Are wages determined by market forces, or do businesses get to decide what pay they offer to workers? This question gets at the heart of a lot of the debate about the economy. Why has wage growth been so sluggish for so many years? If you’re on the market-forces side of the wage question, you…

Private Sector, Not Government, is Key to Job Creation

Senator Bernie Sanders wants the federal government to provide a $15-per-hour job to every American who wants one. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker — both likely 2020 Democratic presidential aspirants — have expressed support for the idea as well. It’s hard to overstate the silliness…

Facebook Fixes Won't Be Easy

Many agree that Facebook needs to make some changes. But those changes are a lot more complicated than the public conversation suggests. Let’s discuss three of what would seem to be the simplest moves Facebook could make: tighter standards for political speech, user verification, and allowing…

Big Tech May Be Monopolistic, But It's Good for Consumers

“Big tech” is under increasing scrutiny. Tech giants like Amazon, Google, Apple and Facebook are being accused of a wide variety of sins: promulgating fake news, stifling innovative competitors, and crushing mom-and-pop shops, to name a few. Some critics have gone so far as to call for these…

Let's Think About a US Parliament

During the last US government shutdown, in 2013, the columnist Max Fisher directed my attention to Australia. In 1975, the legislature there couldn’t get its act together to fund the government, which shut down. Queen Elizabeth’s official representative in Australia — remember, she is also Queen of…