Yemeni Oil Minister to Asharq Al-Awsat: We Plan to Establish Refineries in Shabwa, Hadramout

Yemen Oil Minister Dr. Saeed Al-Shammasi (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Yemen Oil Minister Dr. Saeed Al-Shammasi (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Yemeni Oil Minister to Asharq Al-Awsat: We Plan to Establish Refineries in Shabwa, Hadramout

Yemen Oil Minister Dr. Saeed Al-Shammasi (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Yemen Oil Minister Dr. Saeed Al-Shammasi (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Yemeni Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, Dr. Saeed Al-Shammasi, expressed the government’s full readiness to resume the export of crude oil and liquefied gas, immediately after the announcement of the expected peace agreement under the auspices of the United Nations, in a way that enhances and supports the state’s general budget.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Shammasi pointed to discussions with Saudi Arabia to help restart the Aden refineries, stressing that the Kingdom’s support during the last period has greatly reduced the burden on the state’s general budget and the import bill.

Al-Shammasi participated in the Future Minerals Forum, which was hosted in Riyadh on Jan. 10-11. He said that Yemen was rich in many minerals that are used in the solar energy and alternative energy industries, such as lithium and silicon.

The minister highlighted the final discussions to establish an oil refinery and an integrated industrial zone in the Al-Dhaba region in Hadramout Governorate, in addition to a domestic gas project in the Masila sector, and studies to establish an oil refinery in Shabwa.

Al-Shammasi refuted news about the withdrawal of OMV from Yemen, indicating that the company has a global trend to shift from exploration and production to specializing in the production of alternative energy and marketing of crude oil

The Yemeni Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources also spoke about many important files, including production capabilities and expected investments.

-Participation in the Future Minerals Forum

Yemen’s participation in the Future Minerals Forum was aimed at presenting the country’s rare and very large mineral resources, Al-Shammasi said, adding: “This year, after a period of about 10 years, during which Yemen did not participate in any exhibitions on a large scale and provide samples of its great mineral resources..., we focused in the conference on some of the minerals that the world needs, especially those used in solar energy and alternative energy industries.”

He continued: “We focused on switching from fossil fuels to alternative energy in order to preserve the environment and humans. This trend is important, especially in light of the discoveries of some materials that are used in these industries, such as lithium.”

-Mineral wealth in Yemen

The Yemeni Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources indicated that his ministry has conducted several preliminary studies of the minerals that are available in most of the liberated areas. He revealed that during the forum, companies applied to establish a cement factory with an investment of $200 million in one of the southern governorates (Abyan, Shabwa, or Hadhramaut).

-Saudi support to restart Aden refineries

Al-Shammasi emphasized that the oil sector was one of the main pillars of the economy and contributed more than 70 percent of the state budget, but has been greatly affected by the war since March 2015.

He revealed advanced discussions with Saudi Arabia to restart Aden’s refineries, which he said constitutes a major priority for the ministry in 2024.

The minister continued: “In 2021, the Kingdom provided about $450 million to support oil derivatives. All of this undoubtedly reduced the burden very significantly on the state’s general budget and the import bill.”

-Foreign oil companies

Al-Shammasi admitted that foreign companies quickly react to any security developments that occur and declare force majeure, but at the same time, he explained that the situation has changed since the liberation of areas in the south, and parts of Marib, Taiz, and Hodeidah.

He underlined that “Yemen still requires the creation of a safe investment environment for these investments, stressing that investors were discouraged to come to a country that does not enjoy security, safety, and political and security stability.

The Yemeni Oil Minister reiterated that the Austrian company OMV has not withdrawn from Yemen, pointing out that it was following a global trend to shift from exploration and production to producing alternative energy and marketing crude oil.

-Readiness to export oil and liquefied gas

Al-Shammasi confirmed that the ministry is ready to export crude oil and gas immediately after announcing any peace agreement in the country, noting that Yemen’s leadership announced that in the first phase of peace, the export of crude oil and gas will be allowed in the first week of the agreement.

“We are ready at any moment for the peace process to begin and for us to be allowed to export crude oil. With regard to gas, we have recently launched a re-maintenance phase and have completed about 80 percent of the repairs of the Balhaf port,” he stated.

Commenting on the recent events that took place in the Marib oil governorate after raising the prices of oil derivatives, the Yemeni minister pointed to the government’s plan to unify the prices of oil derivatives throughout the country.

Al-Shammasi noted that Yemen welcomes all national and foreign investments in the field of oil, gas and precious metals, noting that the ministry was working to promote investment opportunities in all regional and international forums.

He said that final agreements were underway for two major projects in 2024. The first is the establishment of a refinery with an industrial zone in the Al-Dhabah region in Hadramout, with a production capacity of about 25,000 barrels in its first phase, and the second is the establishment of a domestic gas project in the Masila sector.

Fakhri Karim: My Complaint to Sistani on Corruption Spurred Suggestion of Saddam-Era Minister

Fakhri Karim, senior adviser to late Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, speaks to Asharq Al-Awsat. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Fakhri Karim, senior adviser to late Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, speaks to Asharq Al-Awsat. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Fakhri Karim: My Complaint to Sistani on Corruption Spurred Suggestion of Saddam-Era Minister

Fakhri Karim, senior adviser to late Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, speaks to Asharq Al-Awsat. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Fakhri Karim, senior adviser to late Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, speaks to Asharq Al-Awsat. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

In post-Saddam Hussein Iraq, the prime minister's office gained significant power. It became customary for the prime minister to be Shiite, the president Kurdish, and the speaker of Parliament Sunni.

This power-sharing arrangement, focusing on sectarian representation over institutional structure, has remained strong.

Attempts to break this norm have failed, including when former US President Barack Obama and his Vice President Joe Biden tried to support Ayad Allawi, a Shiite politician, for the presidency. The aim was to keep Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in power with support from both Washington and Tehran.

Despite Allawi’s parliamentary majority win, he didn’t become president.

Arab states were slow to react to changes in Iraq, allowing Iran to step in. Iran supported the US-created Iraqi Governing Council and sought to bring together Shiite factions to join the political process.

Its influence grew due to its backing of groups that opposed Saddam Hussein. Iran gained a key role in Iraq, effectively having veto power over decisions and a say in forming governments, while also expecting an eventual US military withdrawal.

Fakhri Karim, senior adviser to late Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, said Iran stepped in to fill a vacuum in Iraq, solidifying its role and protecting its interests.

This made Iran’s Quds Force commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani a key figure in Iraq, shaping everything from the reduction of US military presence to the formation of governments.

A foreign power’s influence in a neighboring country grows only if locals accept its role.

Soleimani and deputy leader of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were killed in a US strike near Baghdad airport in January 2020.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Karim noted that Soleimani “was dedicated to serving his country’s interests, and the other side should have defended its own role and interests.”

He recalled Soleimani as being “skilled, effective, and able to earn trust, shifting from flexibility to rigidity when needed.”

This was clear in a letter Soleimani sent to Talabani when he considered supporting a no-confidence motion against Maliki’s government.

Karim also mentioned that al-Muhandis was deeply trusted by the Iranian general.

Talabani assigned his senior adviser various missions in Iran, focusing on forming Iraqi governments and relations with Kurdistan.

During a visit to Tehran, Adil Abdul Mahdi, who would later become prime minister, informed Talabani and Karim that “Soleimani’s claim that Iran supports Nouri al-Maliki for prime minister is false.”

“I was told that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei supports me,” argued Abdul Mahdi at the time.

Talabani felt awkward despite being close to Abdul Mahdi. He asked Karim to visit Tehran, where he met Soleimani and al-Muhandis. Soleimani denied Abdul Mahdi’s claims, saying he could take Karim to the Supreme Leader to hear the truth.

For his part, Karim said the Supreme Council didn’t support al-Maliki and that influential cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s stance was hardening. Soleimani assured that the Iranians were in contact with al-Sadr and would handle the issue of the Supreme Council.

When Karim returned, he informed Talabani and Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani that the Badr Organization, led by Hadi al-Amiri, had left the Supreme Council to join Maliki, shifting the balance and allowing the formation of a government without the Council’s interference.

Karim remembered that Iran initially supported Ibrahim al-Jaafari for prime minister (2005-2006). However, Jaafari quickly became a burden on the political process and Shiite leaders then signaled the need for change.

The US Ambassador advised Jaafari to resign, threatening him if he didn't comply.

Maliki’s name wasn’t initially considered; Ali al-Adib from the “Dawa” party, of which Maliki was a member, was the favored choice. But Maliki didn’t support Adib, so after deliberations, the party settled on Maliki instead.

Breakfast with Soleimani

Karim remembers a breakfast meeting with Soleimani and al-Muhandis. He brought up Maliki’s performance during his second term and the widespread corruption in Iraq.

Soleimani suggested discussing it further, but Karim insisted the issue was urgent.

He questioned why, if all major Shiite forces agreed, change couldn’t happen. Soleimani indicated that decisions within the Shiite alliance were made by those who remained in it, prompting Karim to ask if Soleimani was implying it was him. Soleimani then replied : “Think what you wish.”

Sadr’s misstep

In the post-Saddam Hussein era, Sadr emerged as a major political force in Iraq. He led a large popular and armed movement.

Dealing with Sadr was challenging for political factions, especially among Shiites. Some disputes even culminated in armed conflicts. Managing Sadr’s influence was difficult both internally and for external interests, especially given his unpredictability.

When asked about Sadr’s decision to quit politics in 2022, Karim called it a major mistake.

He believed Iraq suffered greatly from this move, as it left parliament without any influential Shiite force capable of standing up against decisions not aligned with common goals.

Karim highlighted that filling seats with losing candidates seemed odd and turned the minority into the majority, undermining the constitutional process. He also noted the Shiite community’s fragmentation, with many Shiites not participating in recent elections due to their disenchantment with the political parties.

Karim warned against underestimating the potential for renewed protests and uprisings among the marginalized against the government and ruling powers.

Sistani’s unexpected proposal

When discussing top Shiite Religious Authority in Iraq, Ali al-Sistani, Karim highlighted his political astuteness, surpassing the majority of other Shiite leaders. Sistani’s Friday sermons, delivered by his representatives, reflect this forward-thinking approach.

Karim noted a key observation about Sistani’s mindset. Despite corruption concerns, Sistani surprised Karim by suggesting bringing back the former Minister of Trade for his effectiveness in managing the ration card distribution.

He even proposed considering a Christian minister if they were honest and prioritized the people’s interests.

Furthermore, Sistani emphasized the importance of inclusivity in the new Iraq, advocating for the rights of Sunni and Kurdish components. He rejected marginalization and insisted on their participation and rights.

Sistani’s fatwa and the PMF

Karim believes that Sistani issued a fatwa on “jihad” to rally people against the significant threat posed by ISIS in 2014. He didn’t specifically mention the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) or any other organization but referred to volunteers.

“Many responded to Sistani’s call and made significant sacrifices alongside the armed forces and Peshmerga. Volunteers participated in liberating areas once occupied by the terror group,” said Karim.

Karim further noted that there was a belief that those who made sacrifices had the right to be part of the armed forces and receive state support.

“The idea of integrating militias or military entities into the armed forces is not new,” explained Karim.

“US diplomat Paul Bremer [the first post-invasion governor of Iraq] proposed something similar to factions and organizations under the banner of integration into the army, and steps were taken in this direction,” he added.

“The goal was to eliminate the threat of ISIS, not to create a parallel army or establish another institution.”