Scientists Devise New Method for Recovering DNA from Pharaonic Mummies

A picture taken on May 13, 2017, shows mummies lying in catacombs following their discovery in the Touna el-Gabal district of the Minya province, in central Egypt. AFP
A picture taken on May 13, 2017, shows mummies lying in catacombs following their discovery in the Touna el-Gabal district of the Minya province, in central Egypt. AFP

Scientists Devise New Method for Recovering DNA from Pharaonic Mummies

A picture taken on May 13, 2017, shows mummies lying in catacombs following their discovery in the Touna el-Gabal district of the Minya province, in central Egypt. AFP
A picture taken on May 13, 2017, shows mummies lying in catacombs following their discovery in the Touna el-Gabal district of the Minya province, in central Egypt. AFP

Archeologists have many objections when it comes to the examination of Pharaonic mummies, and the most common one is that certain types of studies could damage the mummies. Today, a joint Italian-German study has addressed this problem. The findings will be published in the upcoming issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science in June.

According to the study's abstract published on the journal's website, researchers from the Institute for Mummy Studies at Eurac Research in Bolzano, Italy, and the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, announced a novel method that enables archeologists to recover DNA from mummies wrapped in linen with minimal invasion, by using CT scans and endoscopic biopsy.

The bone marrow is one of the main DNA resources in ancient mummies. But the traditional DNA recovery procedures may cause some damages, like when archeologists need to lift the linen covers. However, with CT scans, the researchers managed to determine the location of bones, and then, they conducted an endoscopic biopsy to extract a small sample of the targeted tissue.

Unlike the regular scans which require dense muscles and tissues that cannot be found in mummies, the CT scan allows archeologists to capture 3D high resolution images of the mummy. The new method uses the so-called small optical fiberscope, a thin tube equipped with a tiny camera on one end, and the eye of the fiberscope on the other end, which allows examining the structural composition inside the mummy. During the procedure, special tools are passed through the tube to extract a tiny sample of the targeted tissue.

The research team used the new method to examine a group of mummies in the Museum of Cairo, and the Egyptian Museum of Berlin.

Dr. Ayman Taher, professor of Egyptology at the Mansoura University praised the new technique that combines CT scans and small optical fiberscopes. Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Taher suggested the new technique would be really useful for the examination of mummies with bad embalmment, and hoped it would help reveal more information about ancient Pharaonic diseases.

"We need to compare the characteristics of ancient diseases mentioned in the Pharaonic papyruses with the characteristics of modern diseases in order to determine their history. For instance, the worm disease was called "A'A'" in Ancient Egypt, but we don't know whether the name also refers to Bilharzia," he explained.

Stem Cell Treatment Helped Improve Spinal Cord Injuries, Say Japan Scientists

A scientific researcher extracts the RNA from embryonic stem cells in a laboratory. (AFP/Getty Images)
A scientific researcher extracts the RNA from embryonic stem cells in a laboratory. (AFP/Getty Images)

Stem Cell Treatment Helped Improve Spinal Cord Injuries, Say Japan Scientists

A scientific researcher extracts the RNA from embryonic stem cells in a laboratory. (AFP/Getty Images)
A scientific researcher extracts the RNA from embryonic stem cells in a laboratory. (AFP/Getty Images)

A stem cell treatment helped improve the motor function of two out of four patients with a spinal cord injury in the first clinical study of its kind, Japanese scientists said.

There is currently no effective treatment for paralysis caused by serious spinal cord injuries, which affect more than 150,000 patients in Japan alone, with 5,000 new cases each year.

Researchers at Tokyo's Keio University are conducting their study using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) -- created by stimulating mature, already specialized, cells back into a juvenile state.

They can then be prompted to mature into different kinds of cells, with the Keio researchers using iPS-derived cells of the neural stem.

The university said on Friday that the motor function score for two patients improved after an operation to implant more than two million iPS-derived cells into a spinal cord.

No serious adverse event was observed for all four cases after a year of monitoring, the university said.

The research's main goal was to study the safety of injecting the cells.

Public broadcaster NHK reported that one of the two was an elderly man who suffered the injury in an accident.

He is now able to stand without support and has started practicing walking, NHK said.

"We were able to achieve results in the world's first spinal cord treatment with iPS," Hideyuki Okano, a Keio professor who heads the research, said, according to NHK.

Okano said the team hoped to move to a clinical trial that would be a step towards bringing the treatment to patients.

The university received government approval for their initial study in 2019 and they carried out the first operation in 2022.

Details of the patients remain confidential, but the team is focusing on people who were injured 14-28 days before the operation.

The number of cells implanted was determined after safety experiments in animals.